Page 64 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 64
'Page 4. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. AT W1S(:H~SD' i WES'l'J::ll~' rllAUVLA;\'U TEAll I I\X~TAL GUID IJI~~ER HEtD A'I' i -rr [ were prustdcut or this uut- WI~S IlEBA'rt: I t;.\IEnsoX v:rSiLY, ! would How many washtngron College met Western 1'e r rors' xew tonCh. anti t:tidle Tryon (llllgTlllJtled have mut- Maryland College in a debate, re- Attend Banquet, ter..eo thu~ il.l of their hed- solved: "That Hie United states The banquet at the Emerson Hotel HEU"'~"l chnnibera aner n discctu'agfug (lay! Should .loin the League of Nattous." Friday night was the occasion . J[ I wer-e pi-astdent of this uni- The Sharemen upheld the Robert J, GilI's annual dinner to ICE CREAM said Pruteasor Edwuvd Als- I side and the affirmative was argued the girders of Western Mar-yland. ;(~:~::l one ~~ILhl!a::Ul~\e~;~~~l~tW~~eI ~:a~~:~: e;~~:;;os\:~r~~a~~~e~o~~ea~:~~ ~o:~:~:~lt~~sop~~m~.~~l~:~~::ld:et:~~~ V>;lS no, III 1113 lJedloolll laUd all the speakers were heard luilelllPelCd wlth a sense of reeueauou he "as ( tlkiug oul (0) [l1l\)11 the I ell ut t a I 'The ccnsu-ucuve ()f t he nnPOIranee of rfgld tl ctntuu ~:ltl\O~::!t~[:_!n~;e;e a~; e::I{!:n\ ~~l:~;~ ~~~I~c~e~\; ~~~Il:I'~~I:ee( ~1~1::::I~:n; 01k ju-evatted th rougtiout IZite..Neuman CO. j ast about three moutus-e-I would western vtarvtaud was renresentert DICk Harlow who will he head .ettmtnnte the toatcrs if it tool, out on uie rostrum by Paul Lambertson. mentor at Western )'larylalld next '1.500. I would also eliminate the Ballard Ward and Addtson Stewart, season was one principal speaker of the ·!Ji\}·-thls'ktoters' andIWhile waantnrtou opJ){)sed the e"ening. He expressed himself Westminster, Md. the \\'110 think it's smal'! to with ),litchell, Long and Cooper. I as pleased with the prospect of viol:'!te the laws, WIHHlI got through The affirmative opened the debate coaching at Western :l1aryland, COlli- there might not be mOl'e lIHUl a.OG!)with all analysis of the !Jnestion that pl!menting his future charges upon ~~~~en~~lehe\'e, bul we l:~~~ltes~~:~~~I ~~~~:d:'~e~ee;r~~~i~~I:ni~;O t~~~elb~at~~:I~~:~t\~:;~r:~~tn~ll~~:li~:c=::yi~~D~~~= the Sharrer -0- Gorsuch & Starr -0- -0- -0- -0- .;find hard wOl\k the unil'el'sity of W01'(\Sthat fOllowed 'brought Ollt in-goeverything they hal'e all Is said once to had" facts ofsnch a nature that bv lhe I Ume. He saNI he felt confident that' , Pl'ofeSSO}' Ross has known '~:I~'l:l~~rscZ;:I:lt~l:d ac~!I:;~ Goods for young men. -'I\'ere engros~ed with the a)}d Earle ShipleY, of the Westmin, ties. . -0----- -0----- -0- -0- -0- oi examination ,papers. Hunrll'Blls o[ I stel' Bar ,1lHl Prefessol' Flore, Biue .Amon g the onts:ders \\'~1O were When the late (lismiSiti(\ltinllS: 1;'l'O~h-~.Iy. ~1.ll}ll,Who can'l lllHlel'staml whut YOllhal'e the dust. prespil'ation, and Have you trled your St.Ollel', H(l!·lIh~l't. SenlOrS-~lnk- lO relate, germs by hot live steam. Raises favorite sandwich made biue. I'ttman. V. Wheeler. \Vlhose mind wiLh tradition is logy; the nap, brightens the color, _~ --- But tr)" him, YOUqlgfell{}w; just seek and gives new life to the clothes, into a Hot Butter r. w, ".1IH'I'L'I(; !Jim and 8pm The only process that makes '10111'trouble; Ibe Slll'e hn won't the garment clean and sanitai'Y. flout it. We give special prices to Col- KisLwich right before ~'Ol' Dad \\'a~ a hoy ollce. he's bee-n lege Students. your eyes? the ll1('£'lill!!;with lhl' Men's Suits c~e:OO~and pressed BON SAC K ' S el't~l hymlls in l,nisoll. ,\[il'ls So' l:~~~ll~1~~:~. 1;~~:1'f11'ahollL il~ .grin' " l'inlln 5f'II!~Tioll. The GOl'Cl'llOl"SwiseI' to )'OU than Men's Trousers, c 1e H 11e d, you Imow steamed and pressed 50c -0- -0-- --0- -0- -0- Tho le~S{Jn fol' the en;onin~ cent- Don't think YOIl can ~ilSily fool ~I[en's Suits i'teamed and pressed D. S. GEHR e-I'ed aronll!i a ,'er.\' illterestln~ tall, ,him; 3Se all "!i'o]'(;il'ln::," whitll was givell hy lIe's l ave led the rO'lds you al'e like S )Iiss .Solllel·\·i1lI'. An~r gl\'~ng hel' ' ~;, lo go ' • - La~l:~~d~~:~~~;~t~~~ c~~~n~Je- Wholesale and Retail Hardware, owu ldl'as on the suliJ(wt. :lhsS Som- And life has been aiding to school d • ed $195 ..nille l'l'acl I)n~ of Olire SChl'elner'31 him; All ~n'kPl~sd f ....d d Building Materials, Cutlery. '·Dn'am~.'· whit'll Ilia! ,to 101'(' Go (,11k (ohilll, sonnr. lIS llIan 1111(0I WOl jfv;red or an e- Ammunition. Paints, Oils, Is 10 for!!:iyl'. The speech waH mall . Stoves. Hanges, Furnaces, llllilL liP arouud (lIe l,eautiful allegory I 1Ie'lI 'lIn'l'l, to YO'UI' tale !IS you ~lbert "Abe" Tozzi. repre- whi('\l pre-St'nlPII the llell.uty or for- £1)01lt H, senbng Iron and Steel Products. Q;jl'jn~ 1110~('who hal'e \\'l'oll!(ed you Alld help you :IS only another man U. \V. l\lILL~R, (Established 1868) \llss Pkkel ('lo~e(\ the mC(li!n£: can, Hersh A\'e., \Vestminster, 1Id. with a ~llor'I' pl'!lyer. So---go nnd tell fatller a1l0u1 ill Established 1906 Westminster, Md.
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