Page 65 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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THE GO·LD BUG Vol. 3, No. 17 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Mar. 2, '26 INTER·COLLEGIATE ORATOR VARSITY LOSES TO CONFERENCE ON "THE CHRISTIAN WAY OF LIFE" SElECTED WASHINGTON COLLEGE BIG SUCCESS 129 Delegates Exceed All Previous Records. On 'phursda r evening, February 25, Avenging the defeat gtveu theru at tilE p.relirn.inary oratorlca! contest to Chestertown, Washington College ~':;'lect the nret and foremost orator Five won from the Tenor Five ,by Confer-ence opened F'riday Nigb.t, ce thanked a thousand times. ,f Western :\1aryland College took II. score of 22 to 14. The game was with a "Get-Together Supp'er" in the Toasts by Dr. Ward. :\{'I'. WU'Son, crace ill Smith Hall. Ftve excellent the most hotly conte-sted one play- College dining hall. The spirit- of Dr. seerter. aod "Red" Schaal added rel'ations were delivered by five men, ed In the Armory this season. enthusiasm and interest was launch· to the merrtment of the evemns. and 'Overwhelmed with the powers- or Both teams maintained a stout ed at thi~ 'supper that prevailed caused hearty peals of laughter from '::;]leech and Expression, These men, defensive' throughout the first period through tile whole coutet ence. 1'.11",tile essemntv. The Misses Ruth namely Garrett, Stewart, Royer, but the ehoremeu managed to close J. Stitt wllecn gave the first address jones and Ruth Schlincke ga\'e voc!Jl llawkins and t.earbertecu. were all It with the score slighl1r In their of the confe'l"ence dealing w~t.h the \ solos, and. :\li~s ~orothY ~illigan ,tril'ing for the same honor, that or favor. material on through the (hlferent rendered two beautiful eetecucne on representing their Alma Mater oru- In the second half Washington levels to man and the spiritual the violin -torfcaf ly. College hit thetr- usual stride and realm. This closed the first session Fourteen colleges and Universities There was very llttle to choose 1 eeeau pulling away from Western of the conference. of :\'Iaryland, Delaware alld District 't~~lVeen the orators. Each man Maryland. The Shoremen had a BU- On saturttav morning and aner,lof cctumotc were represented. We> !:~e c~~~p:tl~~~a:~~~:e~~ W~thca~i~~~: rl~~~~\'i:g~:e~~::~~1 :~a~v::~' ;;;~~ ~I:~ ~.~0~1.0~',F~.~co~~:;~eY~t~~~l~in~:~d~ ;~e;~:s:~I;~~:~:: tor:N~~ta:We~:;: uetans that go to perfect one's tile best quintet in n ny of the State Mass., spoke to ua. Hi'S l.ectures I University, Illinois were with us: He compared I :;!~,O~IJ1~:n1~nes::a~er,th~i11:;:I:a:; co~~eegij~:'I'u1'.Iaryland was handt- :::~I~~e\::~'~'au!:t~I;::;il~eal~n~~'it:o~I~! I ~~~~~o~:;;ldK:~~~~~,~:I:a:l~n. J. Stitt b_oeeeh for the past two years, was capped Ihy the aoaence of Captain vttat pr(llblemS of life. Never h~ve such glorious good. E~lected for first place. He gave a C. Will,iams from the game. Grant tile mechanism of the \Illmun body tilllll'S >been had in W. :11. C. dining ,'''ry fine oration and delivered it was injured In the Loyola game and with tllat of an Ull·to-date, perfect- hall-to say nothi'ng of the eats aud well. "Pete" Garrett, the ,bat· has been unfll\)!e to play. ly constructed ,\)attle ship and ex· excellent ser,vice. ~==~ar:I~~1 :;~a\e:;i~a~r c:l~~ee:t~~\s::~ ~~:OI~I~. W~~~s;::~;g; ~;:ti;le~n;owco::~I'~:::~:~ o~':re:so:~ I de~n ,~;mday t~le conr~re~~eo met h~ g .aojlldOl;edthe next best. There wa's Young F Carroll F llIllch Illore complex and, more won· 1¥h.7c :i~l: ;:l:g~~:s awen~ ~o af:~: :::~' n~i:l~leastof~~.h:~S~e~i~.~~;e:n!h;~:I ~~a~~~~i~~S G. F~~;:6: :~;;:~~e;~~anttlt::h~~st mllluteir con· I~~~~~~~stwo~;~i~.ata~~e f~,~~~cJ~s:~~-, .lIad to his credl,t. a, much I lI,d1!nenIS nf Ol"atory are c.oncerned, We~gle G, Ca\'anang~1 G. Dr, Seeley discllssed tile human Wilson spoke to tbe assemblage on l'II:' Garn't! Don't fOrget. the game to'lllght, being in tbe nll"lous stages of growth the illumined eXI)edence iu a !broad WIder el[pertellCe and was pICKed by Tenors vs. BI~01l~. at the Armory. and ex!)lai"neu Cullr the ll
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