Page 31 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page 3. ~X~Xt:xcx;XCX[lx;xcxrxcx;xt:xcx;xcxrlxJxcxt:xcx;xt:xcx;XCX[l~;xcxrxcx;xt:xcx;xcx[xxxilt:[iY;xcXrXDX;Xt:XDX~X~'-;P:;;R~OF;-;E;;S;S~~"~o~i-AD-N~-_~U-~-'~;-E:'\-·-S-O-N of On the evening 'Vestminster's Cut Rate Store eember third, Protesscr gave of a talk to the girls 011 the subject His speech gave the World Court. a very clear presentation of just what .59 W. Main St. Klee Apartments the World Court is and how !t rune- ttcns. The Right Store On The Wrong Side Of The St. The Idea of a World Court dales I ~:~~t t~ t:ieff~!:~~les:t:~nj~:dge~t ~~~ I sides at each session, 'out tn" other GET OUR PRICES respects present court. The Idea of it hears resemblance much to the I the United States, to have p.arrnaneut judges 011the 'bench, was net carrjed Face Powders Creams out, as the nations such judges. could not agree on a way to elect Article fourteen Talcum Powder Toilet Articles 'Nations provides tor of the League or the establish- Iment of a World Court, TllIs court Patented Remedies Pills, Tablets is made up of eleven permanent l judges, elected by the aeeennnv and The judges council of the league. thus represent 'hath the gn·at and Sodas Cigars smail powers, for the council rs com- posed or the great nations of Europe and the assem'bly or the slllall 01le9. The Uulted States its Cigarettes 13c pk. or 2 for 2Sc. Iof !Harding. But many persons .inter- cp- showed posltlon to uie league by Its erecuou CALL IN. pret this opposition to the league as to the World Court. atso. opposition bodies: "I'he two are, however separate and memeere of the court cauuot any war be forced into rue league. ill l~~::~~~:::~~~~::~:::~.::~::~::::~::~x~x~x~x~x:x~xx:n:n::~~1 :\'[embel's of the court Itself are nOI of Defore the rest forced to appeal' _____ ----.-----------~-- ------ the court, though the}, may do so if "J0 H N" IN. Y. CITY COLLEGE S1'UUENTS h father of the Campus editor. they so deatre. :~~~1:'~:1a\l\~~~\~~G:'~~: REJECT R. O. T. C. "We Americans," he said, "ar-e There are nertatu reservauoua Ever ready By an overwhelming majority the '~t~gl:~nii~gt~~a:e:u:'h:~u~e~~~\~~::ur~I.~ :;:~;\):;~l!~:'ol:'e Very courteous students of the college of the city of little part in guiding their own educe- United St"· I'll: I'.nee ;l\~'\ the Errorless attention New York voted to petition the faculty uon. World COllrt. 'ruese reaer.nncoe Right style and Board ot Trustees for the re- "Why do official publications tu-. are: That the t'nueu sret-s bave movat train- of compulsory military H air cutting I I Ing, The final vote was 2,0002 III favor tended to he read 'by UB, the pubtte. I 110 legal retar.on to Ih€' tee.aue : th,.t military training. the league be una~Jle to m~lke chan-rca say one thing eoom Also 0f the petition and 3049 against. There while publications Intended for the lin the court without this couuu-y s Razors' honed 1 are 3,'300 students In the college. eyes of the u-atners say a dlffereut 'Consent; that all the expenses -be Tonics I As soon as the referelldum re- and contradictory thing?" Dr. ('0(' 'Paid to the registrar of th~ COllrt: The Only Barber and Bobber at suIts were made PlJ1blio.a storm of Quoted passages from lhe Junior H! and this .c~nnt1·Ytnot h~boJund the Forks intemperate and ill conSidered abu~f' O. T. C. manual and the 1925 (\I' by adVisory OPlll\OIl~to the lc,ugue. I.was turned all the C, C, N. Y. sludent~. fantry Drill Regulations to point out 'f'hel'e is a movement now 10 m'l'bl- -Q- -0----- -0- -0-- -0- 'Captain Ceol'ge T. Darte of the mlll- alleged contradicUons, IIze student opinion on the qu<'stioll F. A. Sharrer & Son ~::~iOC:Il~erde~lro:~~er~v~~:~st~:~~p~,~~~ ~:\'!~~~e:~~I~I~ll;Oq~:'~~tlo~I~'i~e:~~'~=; with this statement: ". * • every SKV.;]\; TERUOUS MAin: Ibefore the Senate; ill the mean \t'ne HOME FURNISHINGS student at city college who voted to '\LL_]IAR\,LA~D 'l'IU)I:o; the colleges are to cast I'ot,e~ on the- a'bolish military-training is a poten- (Continued from page one,) s~m~ q\le~ll""l1 Weft£-!'n 'laryland Westminster, Maryland. tial traitor ••• ha'\"e absor'bed the will be represented as one of the -Q_ -0- -0- -0-- -0- doctrines of the communists ••• could !lot be matched tllls season hy 'Colle!,Y, , ·('1'1 Our line is complete now should be ashamed to look ~ach ollieI' ~:~~rl!=: 1~~:t~a~e~:~indc~~~ail~~H~Vi~;1 Professor Ranck's talk proved vel'~~ for the holidays Water- ~~e:~l~;r:~tl:~~lCa~;I~~ ~~nt:~b~Jte!cet.?1 the w.l~gmen in the state for landing ~st:~lctge r:I:~ 1~~Pf~~ ;l:~de~~:r~~ , Assemblyman LouiS A. Cuv[llier mi- a POSition on the Alllday, speciallzed in mAtilematicq :Ill1 I pacifism or militarism Is unwar- IDeCelll'bcl'third. ProfessQl' Berthol!.) science. After tlll$ Prof. Updlkp I ranted." Prpsldent )1ezes called Felb: of th~ Blolo~y Departllle.~lt. ~fl\'e :1 taught m~tllematlcs aud science fIll' Reduction of ten per cent iC-ohen, editor of The Campus, into very mterestmg talk on Reps And fonr years in the high s-c.hool in will be given to college I ~~~n~~~:t~~:g °1~do::edcol~~~rJl;;~;t~: ~:n~~~l~~ea~~\~~'\\:l~e ~:~~~:~I:\;:::!lve~~: ~17:~:r~mr~~w::ll'~ll;g!::::. ti:l~e n~ll:;:! students and professors. [matter, Conseqnently the following 1'\. sl.ides showing the Interior or Pro- University. of Virginia Where he t~(li;; the J I Sh isslIe of the pap!)r appeared hives and the U!e of the bees. EnglIsh. with . t a COllrse III Eldllcat(on and We t S mmser ewery Op blank column surrounded silent by a def'p fessol' Bertholf also showed the club I'l'he next tWO yell-rs were spent at and in 1925 he the ,hats and olher clotbln1{ protest black 'boTtler byIColumbia as a University \\,I))'l\ against the ruling. the bee-keepers. received his ~1. A. degree_ HOUSE OF QUALITY More to the point were the de- The club has decided not to meet Westl!rn :I1aryland College take. AND SERVICE I ~.n~:: ~~t;r~t~:~~~::~'g:~e~~~~~~::l~h~;s~i~at:~o~;;~y~.hurSday after !;::\op~::s~;:u/t~ ~:~,Ing Prof. U,-
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