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Page z. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland CoUege, Westminster, Md. THE GOLD BUG ROME·COMING DAYl ALUM1U'DAY! "Established 1865" Official newspaper or Western Maryland Coll-ege, pubnsbed on Tuesday These are the magic words which THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ~:!i~:~er~c:~m~ni:;:d b;s ~~:o:~d:::~: :at~'res;~rt~e ~:~~~~:st:;l~~:~ thrill any old student's heart through OF WESTMINSTER Office. :~d t~l~r~~fl~~e~;s i~n~~eo~:~~aih~~ Westminster _ Maryland Subscription price, $2.00 per year. 'belongs exclusively to the Alumni. EDITORIAL STAFF all Home-Coming Day the atudents CAPITAL $125,000 MANAGING EDITOR WiUiam S. Vea~ey :~6:;ct:e~o~~:g:, ~:d\::~C~O~:ni~r gi:~:~ SURPLUS & PROFITS $150,OO() EDITOR-IN-CHIEF . . ; George M. ~,en er " ~ over to the Alumni or "ex-students" . NEWS EDITORS-Geo. S. Baker 27, and Mary Page I'urner 20 as some one lias facetiously called Jacob J. Weaver, Jr., President, Associate Editors them. One sees old gruy-hatred men Lewis K. Woodward, Vice-Pres. Dorothy Robinson '26 Alberh~;~i~el~~~~~ :~~ ~~:lP:~,m:~ly~~e~.~ea~~:~:o~;~~~~l}~~~ George R. Oehr, Cashier. Ruth Jones '26 greeting other gray-haired people -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- '28 ;~l~~~;.s?;;~~m;I~::'ua::~deo~U~~st f~~~ Westminster Hardware Co.. Blanche Ford '27 Reportorial Staff E. M. Hannold Dorothy Gilligan '28 Willard E. Hawkins '26 last year's crass to 'way hack In the Rosalie Smith '27 Ira M. Dinkle '26 '80s and '9%, all are on the campus Gladys Beane '27 Arthur B. Cecil '28 greeting each other affectionately, Jobbers and Retail Dealers- Anna Swann '28 Hubert Johnson '28 and asking and answering thousands Katherine Johnson '28 Paul Lambertson '28 of questions pertaining to the school in General Hardware Margaret Martigoni '29 Wade H. Insley '28 There are many class reunions going Athletic Reporters ~~~~;~~e;:~C\t~~~:g :nd ti~I~:er~:~ Heating & Plumbing Systems James Owens '27; Gaither MeD. Garrett '26; H. Paul Stewart '27 friendships are renewed and ce- Installed. Business Staff mented, new ones formed, and the oW BUSINESS MANAGER .. ' ... ' . Lewis K. Woodward '27 ~oYdal~yvt.~,~he college is strengthened (Estimates Furnished) ASST. BUSINESS MANAGER. ..' '" Carroll Royer '28 II e Ie.. . . CIRCULATION MANAGER , Robert Unger '27 iHo~e-COmlllg Day IS a day of great -0- ---0-- ---0-- -0-- -0- ASST . CIRCULATION MANAGER. . K. E. Brown '28 happineae for everyone. New students 8 b I 2 L' C ~:;~~ ~~r:s~~~ a y on II IPP~ ompan~ joyed by some ot E~TRA~CE D' THE WOULD COUK'.' tuta gradual enlargement of the peace :~::tsz:t~l~:: the most staid A ~ECESSITY group from the family to the com- Alumni in their youthful days. They FLORSHEIM SHOES 'The political disputes over the munity. to the State, to the Nation, wish fervently that they too had World Court and the League of Na- to the World. Only the last step has beeu at college long years ago, that STETSON HATS trcne have so confused the issue by not yet been tully taken and cannot they too might nave joined In those :::~=~I~~a~!n:e~~; ~~:r~:: !~:~~~:;~r:t~~i.l ~en ~~i:e!tepStal~es fU~~~Ol~u~~an~:nes as these, which have International Made-to-Measure join have been too often overloo-ked. taken, when the whole world Is probalbly been enacted on almost Suits That ancient Institution which we organized for peace, when the World every college campus, were enacted call a Court Is really me supr-eme Court Is aa authoritative as Out: Su- last Saturday on our own College Heavy Wool Sweaters and basic invention of all civilization. preme Court, we shall have abolished Hill. Western Maryland's doors were It is the only device wliich hae been war as an Institution wholly and (01'- thrown open wide to greet all Its old -0--- ---0--- --0- ~ -0- found to work to prevent war when ever. Each previous step of enlar-g- students. Western Marvrand was in MITTEN'S BAKERY :~~~tz~t~o~C~~e~f aC;~~'ld ,:~:~utdi~: !~~\:-:ut~~:~ea!~~~~e~:f:r~:f~:~~I~~ ~:~~ ~~:s:d ': ~~e;'alf:~n7ea:~e aarl! FRESH BUNS. CAKES, PIES~ llppear; In fact, It could never have complete. OssaBlonal war was In- always glad to have them back wilh and FINGER ROLLS eXisted. It Is the Court which every- evitable. But when the peace group us. SPEOIALS FOR PARTIES where has kept peace and this has involves the whole earth there is Ibeen true In ever-widening Circles. nothing left outside and the only war Phone No. 249-R. E. Main St. Even our hum!blest Court is that o~ possible Is civil war, which Iby the GAitfMA BETA CHI . -0- -0- -0-- -0--- -0- the "Justice of the Peace." nature of the case seldom happens HOLUS RA~QUF,T • 14th, Wehler & KIng When people talk loosely, as they and is outlawed. ISaturday evening, November so otten do, about its being impos- Now at last we have a World Court six P. II{'.,at th.e Westminster Hotel sible to abolisb war, they art! tlying with forty-seven adherents and lack- fifty memlbers of Gamma Beta Chi GRADUATE PHARMACISTS in the face of history. Thej over· ing only the United States to give it assembled for their annual Home- look the fact that we hal'e already, full prestige. Let us not talk about coming Banquet. The banquet COll- The Rexall Store in spots, abolished war. WI! have creating some suhstitute Court and slsted of a thl'ee course duck dinn~l', abolished war. in fact. wherel'er we let us not pretend that the so-called tastefully sel·ved. Westminster, Md, World calling on the following members dUI'- SPEe IA L ~s~I'~v:;I~el!:~t~:~:~.~er i~eS~i:~~~dtha~I ~'~I:ll~agaUe~~:lb~tal~~~:sa o:ou~'~'pel~~fO~!~!" hi:e~~~::u a~vit~~~'L~~:la~:I;.~-0- -0- -0- -0- -0- strong court_ We have abolished war There nel'er was any other 'between individuals, families, cities, Cou,·t than the Court of international Ing the evening: W. S. Veasey, the states, and now aI's !lbolishiu~ It be- Justice at The Hague, Rnd the othel' first speaker gave a shol·t talk wei- We a,re now serving tween nations. nations of the world would nevel' coming the alumni and new llIE'mbers. Before the Instiiutloll of the Conrt el'en consider disbanding that Court "AI" Danby, '25, the second speaker. HOT FUDGE SUNDAES was devised even Individuals settled to please those few United spoke on the respollsl>bUities of each HOT CHOCOLATE their disputes as Cain and Abel set- Senators 11'110talk so absurdly or nIDn to the fraternity. Tile new men tied their's. When a dispute be- creating something of their own. were represented' by Virgil Toms SANDWICHES comes acute and can l10t be settled The matter is slated to come be- Wilbur l}evUbiss, '205,spoke of th,~ diplomatically, there remain just two fore the Senate on December 17, and high ideals and progressiveness of Give them a trial :~~~~:n!a~~ t~:es~:o~Og:rg~a~ ~~le~I:~el'Sh~~~tbea~~.ou~~I~iV::U~~':ri~~ ~:;l~r~!e;;I;~ti~;~e~~:eG~:~;:rB~:~u~~~ BON SAC K ' S wins irrespective of the justice of his favor ot the Court. it is desira..hle spirit. Roland WilSOll gave ~ to:t~t -0--- -0-- -0--- ~ -0- ~:St~ p:~elto~~~: ~~~oh:~::e~rl~ ~~i:: ~~~~e~~:t:~o:t~::.OUld 'be made In the!~\,~~:~:~ ~:a:te~~I~~n~iS~;~~ Q~ALlTY ~ORK . ~:~ei::~te!rth~:~"::;;:d w:~d j~w~~t ~~ The recordo! the Court thug far 13 of the fraternity. . W,e d~R't~eC_le.amng, Pressmg, n . . good. It already has more authority The alumni whO were pl'eaent welC Dyel g paIring. ~~:~ :~ke~: t~u:I::;e~t!~S~d~:Ci~~Ol~ than OUl' Supreme Court acquired in Al.1Jert A. Danby, Wilbur Devilbiss. Pressing done while you wait. ('.()urt. t the sallle space of time. It Is not Joseph Marvin Cllalk, T. D. Shanna- WESTM[NSTER TAILORING a ~~~ 1: : ::: :~~P~~I~n;:;tU~~a~ni~ ~~;e~::~uel:f a~!~j~I\~I,letoq~i~~I~~:j~!hall, Fmnk Alnlltt, and ParkE'!' Tnll CL:5A~~~~i: ~t!!~~G 1 :::t b:~O~:r~O;:~v~~!::d\l::~:s:~:~:: ~t:rl~~:te~~~~~ltlOo=~O~ow:tr:p ll~~~U~:~ '00. Phone 225 tban war, that he prefers to let a between Peace and Bulgaria. "What do yO\l think o~ John as R Suits Pressed . .... . . 40c judge deCide rather than to resort to Tbe great necessity today is to back singer?" Suits Clean & Press 1.25 fighting. up the President In the greatest step "He's pretty good." Overcoats Pressed 40c We might almost the pl'O- fOI'ward toward peace America has "And Jane?" Overcoats CL & Pressed. 1.50 gress of civl\izntlon as consisting in yet taken. "She's better 8tlll." L. K. Woodward, College Agent.
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