Page 28 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 28
Page 4. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. , COM I N G , III. ME:'iG SI'E~)~~ ux ARMISTIt:E CIGCOGOOC::CC=======~~J..D"'J'"'..o""~J"..o"'....cco""...ocoo1 SAM COHEN (Continued from ttrst. page.) PHONE !!1·J. TAILOR :~:w~~e:,j~:;,ea~:e:a::o:!,..t~~df~;;= 1 • TheS~~~~slSip;i~~~'~aCoWe:~wn ent to the big questions of the day, § Students. :wastillg:thelr ttme with petty things? § WITH :THE VERY LATEST APPAREL C. R. WILSON-College Agent ~teYM~.a~e~;e:~~'~~~I~e~O;~f~~~"tll~~~§ FOR THE CO LL E G E 1\1 AN. I -0- -0- -0- --{)- § -(}- h I all § in would not have tuem ver-sed affah:l>, I T ursday November 19th the intricacies of interllat.ional CLUB ROOM I I!AT·A·~LA1Y·A DAY !but he would have them tntet-est.ed m I , • "'[U"~N't' and wid, awake tn tue ideal, of n "".I fail in some cause I world peace. 9:00 A.l\t. to 5:00 P. M. "ne asked the students to uear in . mind woodrow wuaou' statement: IN THE COLLEGE ICE CREAM '''1 would rather D. Greenebaum & Son -------. u ial will some day tr-iumph than CO triumph in a. cause that will some day fail." words were a 9 S MI'. Meng's parting eheneoee to the college students of § Hanover, Pa. Z·t N C !~=eJ~l1~~edrea~i\aete:wt~r1dW;::!:e.Wllb § § Ie- euman o. M:\If . 11 and ettm but II Our famous Tuxedo Outfit including everything . ther~ I~~~~l;:ht~;aa'bout urm (j.~dhis S ~ Westminster, Md. mission that is thrilling. To have i necessary for evening wear for $40 will again be on ~ 3 youth from China plead with ~ display. IS students in America tor cooperation S ~~: ~lt\:~:~d j:::~~~:;h~~~; b~~lit?:!~U~~:~ MR. HAROLD MATTHEWS -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- sincer-ity in his subject, this alone § MR. JEROME D. GREENEBAUM ~ Telephone 55-R should awaken the !'Itudents nnrt § COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVES § CHAS • KROOP § make them wtntng and r-eady to ran § !~I~~~:ea~.ith the others workin; for ~J"..r.r_"'J""""'_"''''''''''''''''''J"J"""..oocICOC''"J'"''"....o''"J!r.oo-...oo-"'.J'"J'"...oo-"'~ I Leading Shoe Repair Shop _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ 25 E. Main Street A JOUY none ("o,mW r. W. HAS ~USS HHEN smTJlAS . FOR BEST Westminster, Maryland. Several hundred Alumni and a host -.-- ~:al:;~~::(!StoOrth!h~al~o~~e;~.. M. SPEAKEU I i COLLEGfATE & WORK Send your shoes to Charles Kroop by Parcel Post. Repair CL~~~~SA~R T~HEOES came trooping 1,.1) the hilllo enjoy all :'I1Is8Helen .Smith, s.ecretar y of the NEW IDEA CLOTHING ANoithem the same day at a very :l:~~il!~!lS:~~~:l:~'~{]~o~~~al~t:rj~n:tt~~~~~~d:,l:~s~lyV~~~~I::~a:a~'I~h~ l~a::ti1~; SHO~ STORE low price. III)horo. All the cluhs on the hill of Y. W .• on the su'bJect. :·.Chl11a and Westnunster, Md. GIVE US A TRIAL kC'Ptopen house. The Gamma Betn the Vital Coudltions Existlllg" There." . -0- -0-- -0-' -0- -0- I -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- elli boys troated .the Alumni who had The faot that !'Ihe claime.d China as I CO"1\1E TO D. S. GEHR f~rtUl~e to he the .daughter of a mlS~I "P "Sh· 1 ' "clonged to their ranks to a l'oyal re- ller birthplace and al!'lOhad the good past at tile 'Westminster Hotel. .AftCI· It was her I the six-o'clock Camilla Beta d,nner. SlOnalY. made hel speech extremel; Op Ip ey S Wh les I d R t '1 H d'a e the W. W. Glub distinguished itself vivid and l~te1"esting. FOR .0 •. a e an e, al ar w r , b)' giving the rool!ball boys a sum\}- purpose to tnS)Jlre and exhort everr-I Buddmg Materials, Cutlery, tllOUS 'hanquet at this same he-atelry. one to help extend the netghborhoo.d I ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS, Ammunition, Paints, Oils, ~::;:l~~nt~lew::o~~leda:~t:~~I~~ielh~:~~ ~~li~~v:V~;:I:tt~:a~'lhs~: :::~!'PI1~~~~I FRESH FRUIT, NUTS AND Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, quarter!:! of the visltOl·S. her end. for apparently the membel's i DELICIOUS HAM Iron and Steel Products. Our guests wel'e dt tI~e gam: in [u11 of Y. /V'l. left the room feeling that a.sI (Established 1868) strength hel)Jlng heartily WIth the a )Jart of this great national brothel- SANDWICHES :~I:r~:~l :l~~al~il~~;~~;.~li:i;~~def!:~~~ ~~~~'tet~~~ i~:dgO~d~ething to con-I AT THE FORKS Westminster, Md. ers were sold in br;;e 1I11.n!lersto In Chilla. )1!!'Is Smith sJ:ill.thnt --0-- -0-- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- --0-- --0- :~I~:~Il~~O~::~~\l~~i1aasU::~i~~;~~~~~'i~~I~~::~70ea::t~~~s:ee~e:::or:l~~ t:o~~' WHEN "LIZZIE" IS SICK Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr iron encounter rrOlll wh~Ch.OUI' boys will. however. eve.rything ha!'l railed I TAKE IT TO emerged 'lictorious and Ju·!Jllant. so far. ChrlstialUty must mle the, The Newest and Best clothing 'The Alumni. as is their cnstom. earth, and It Is only religion that wil! I DRS. ROYER'S & GAMBER'S and furnishings ~~~~~~~leM~S:h~:ith~~~)~~~1::1~~:~I ~~aneg~re:t:=:~sCI:::/el~~~iIS're~~~~ GARAGE Goods for young men. selltcd. AlJout forty memllel's of the pressed the earnest desire to g.o back -0- --0-- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- --0- class of '24 dined at. Gray Gables Inn. to China and teach the doell'mes of I When the late :!~~!:e~b:f ~~:8~le~\.b':l~Sl~::el~b~::d~~ ~1~:a~I::~~~oi:.order to help sa'le this OR. A. J. MORRELL PRESIDENT WILSON wanted a good the bill. The dasa !'Ipi!"itIs admitted- _ Licentiate of State of Maryland. PHOTOGRAPH Iy a tiling which \lever dies lIISS IIART RETUUNS he sent for 'The evening e'lents were we)! Westminster's Chiropractor ll'l~nnedl.fO~.tlte enjoyment of the TO TilE lilLi, Sereck S. Wilson hOllIe-COmers. A delightful rece)Jtlon -0- --0- -0- -0- ---<1- was gJ'lCn ill )'fcD~niel Hall for both "he student body of Western ~lary- -0- -0- -0- --0- -0-- CARDS CHRISTMAS Btudent!! Iwd visitors. Later in tlte land College as well as the facultr We have placed on display in Quality Shoe Shop evening the gueBts sought the ArmOl'y, and all those intel"ested in its under- where lhis momentOllS day culmi- takings, were over-joyed at the re- a quiet ,part of the store our 96 W. MAIN ST. nated in a much enjoyed and memor- turn of Miss Bertha Irene Hart. It is superb line of Christmas Greet~ nfble dance. to Ibe remembered that few people ing Cards. Westminster, Md. ever realized that M.1ss ..Hart would The Gibson Cards cannot be Has the lowest prices and On Thursday afternoon the "Delts" pull through, much less maintain all surpassed for quality, beauty gave a tea to tbe faculty in honor of her powers of motivation and speech. and sentiment. best workmanship, with prompt- Miss Bertha Hart. This was only an and to tllln"k that she can walk Make your .selection now while ness. A trial will convince you. :It.ttem·pton their part to make Miss seeills almost a miracle. i\1is~ Hart the assortment is complete, J. D. KATZ, Prop. Hart feel that Iter place can 'bl' filled will continue her cla!'lseS in mathe- Phone 251·W. by no-one el!'le, and to show her how matlcs and Is extremely anxious to T W MATHER & SONS deljghted they are because of her re- get !back to work for the first time in' • Parcel Post given special turn. eleven months. WESTMINSTER, MD. attention.
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