Page 36 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 36
Page 4. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. EAT'A' PLATE-A'DAY HEUM~Nl ICE CREAM JOIN OUR Westminster, Md. It may be cod's war of calling a BROWNING FRESHMEN :::istl:l'h:fv:h:o:h:r~~O!s~I~li~r~~hl~: ENTERTAIN CHRISTMAS SAVING CLUB -0------ -0------ -0------ -0---:- --0- D. S. GEHR ~: e~i~lfe!~a~~e~~:ge~llO:I~~~sa~~~~ Fr~~a~row~~:~e~ii~;rary T~:~;';;~iVi~~ that line. It doesn't !Jay to bluff the holidays. the Freshmen proved them- FIRST NATIONAL BANK interested friends off at such a time. selves talented entertainers with a Wholesale and Retail Hardware, w:;:eO/~:~d:::~~' tI~;I~li:~:t:.~,m;a.~·:~ ~~~:~:~Itve~hein gr~~:fu~Org:~tl:~la~ -Q- -0- ~ ~ -0- Building Materials. Cutlery, UP jbeyond all measure for the low uone of Ohmlotte Wheeler in the \ Ammunition, Paints, Oils, :~~:r~l:n~al~a\!t:~~:;E';h~:I~:~~;~t\~\I~ ~~:~~fl~r~):~I~~g~~:~~ r~~gaw~:;~\al;~~~ HUNGRY? THIRSTY? Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Ilustry. purity. and integritY Into the tel" and applause. The second act, STOP AT Iron and Steel Products. ··~::~to~l~:e u~~sl~l:~'a~~I:bt~P~~~~her~~ ~:r:~~Chal~!il:~~e~O~bif:~a:~~d ~:r~ "POp" Shipley's (Established 1868) would be necessary to make millions Edna "Myers as a superior husband Westminster. Md. program of t~e fresh fruit, nuts, and ham sand- Sharrer Gorsuch Q Starr :~;~r:n il~us~~:ssm~~i~t~~.lIen~~I~e~~~ ~~: ::sh~:n:~;:a~\;e~P~~n~~~; :nl~:~ For-I~e cream, soft drinks, 1-0- -0-- -0- --0----. --0- Visible salRry of a minister is the tainingly the regular eonsctoueneaa or a duty done. The vaudeville company. Dorothy tjrtm wiches. ,II reward of a consecrated, faithful, was extremely dramatic in the moder-n The Newest and Best clothing ~el~u~~~'h~~::~~.minister of the gospel ~:~~In:~:~~~~;. w~~c:d:he~ ;~:e~~r:~ AT THE FORKS and furnishings Charlotte Zepp and Elizabeth Grum- -0- -0-- -0-- -0-- --0-1 Goods for young men. WOIrLlI CO[TnT STUJ)ENT l'OLL blne made clear the fact that Brown- Phone 81·W. -0-- -0-- -0- -0-- --0- :~:~~~n;;le: ~:~~~dP~~:t~:el~!ay III ~~: ~l:edsh~oa:eCI:~;,t~ve~~U:I~~IRe:svi!~CHAS. KROOP arar PRES'i~~N~h~hi'hING its discretion withdraw its adherence Charlotte Wheeler's ability. to na.L Leading Shoe Repair Shop. wanted a good to said Court Protocol, and fur-ther After mta lughly entertatntng pro Quality Service and Workman- PHOTOGRAPH ship is our motto ahou ld SUe-Ii stgnatcrtee fail. wtttnu gram excellent dance mUSiC was Special Prices to Coilege I S he sent for k S W·' rftve after the adherence of the furnished thy Elizabeth Dif'fendal. Uutted States to said Court Protocol, Light refreshments were served. Students erec. I son to ~~ and. exec~~eta ;:Il:~:l ~~~~~y th::~a!S b~~~lg~:~~n~y ~~:e~~!::~I~~ C. R. WILSON College Agent. -0-- --0- -0- -r-o-r- ----0- ,errt'? ngem au au h - Freshmen this year and !both Men's Soles and Heels .. $ 1.50 CHRIST~ CARDS , 1ill,ttl"'J"trinciples.the adherence ot t.e occasions have 'been valuable In dis- Ladies' Soles and Heels. 1.25 We have placed on display in Q,qited States eueu thereupon tarrm- playing the talent of the new Men's Soles only 1.00 a quiet part of the store our :~~:~lI~::tt::\l;t:t:~~ S~:llt~:m~~u~~ students. 'The society has an ex- Ladi,es' Soles only ;75 ~uperb line of Christmas Greet- ceptionally large enrollment and Men s Full Soles & Heels 2.00 mg Cards. full at.orc; ImrtlcipnUon there is going to 'be plenty of oppor- All Heel!'! . . .35 The Gibson Card~ cannot be .under tlUl "Uornll Terms!' t~nltles given to show their latent --0- --0- -0-- ~o-- --0- 1 I!~dP~:~~fm~~~. quality, beauty co(u';.l;eu~~n:S·lnl~:~n~~i~~:I;t~:ww~~~:ab~~~I::ing wishes every Olle;1. )lerry We are small, but give us a call Make your sele.ction now while ~~:l:.t~~~~:~ldJ~I~~!~~~~l~n~'at~efU~.t~<:;~~!:~~tmas and' a proS'1lerou~ N('w BELT & BELT I the assortment 1S comDlete. not " ," th",hyoonn,,'" w;lh tho -<>-' -0- -0- -(}- -0- . T. W. MATHER & SONS fir O,:!ll~\ltl A.f:"~llIst ~T. S. IIRrtlclplltiOIl I BIG CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Dry Goods, Notlo.ns. & Hosiery Nntl,)ll~.) .. IN I WESTMINSTER, MD. In the norlll COllrt. Boys' and Men's Haberdashery -0- -0-- --0----. --0- -0-- -0-- --0-- -0- -0-- -0- St"';:;;-;" """'nU,, wllh "" N,w . LADJE';~HOES J. I. MYERS lOR. A. J. MORRELL I',·olbahly the people would be moreINEW IDEA CLOTHING AND ;ii~~il~gs~~:t~:~l:c~::tm~~e~nl!e~ ::~~ SHOE STORE Watch Maker Licentiate of State of Maryland. ]jko economy. 97 E. Main Street 1 150 E. Main Street. I "\Vestminster's Chiropractic Physician
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