Page 32 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 32
Page -I. TI:e Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. l'HI11S:i~IAN ~n:\"S'L'n\""1 I RUN TO "TilE OIlCIIJ<;s'rnA IfE'OIW.'\"IZE~ FOR THE STUDENT SUU,JECT O!'D~~~'E~~J)EIWIl'lr~ 'lh~~lt~ ~~~le::Pl~e:l~~~~~l~~\l~~rl"~;s:~:~I WHO CARES ~IITTEN'S Specials for Christmas (Ccntiuued rrom page oue.) ween nrenamtorv to tjietr inception I W A L [(-0 V E R S HOE S Finger Rolls, Mince and Pump- ~nUt:~'~~:s a'~~r}~a!~~~~:~:~~~" L:~t~ll~~ ~:..:~u:\C-~;l:kel~rn~;I~Y t~:~t OTl;I~i:lt:;also a special line of $5.00 Shoes kin Pies, and Fruit Cakes. Specials for parties. one have certain nuauacauona of night for the beueflt of the couee- Men's Furnishings, Women's mind and 'body to euter the I.rroy or campaign fund. . -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Chrfets teachers, One who Is 111',\11- The orchestra has 'been enlarged Hosiery I SAM COHEN tally deficient, or one who has S(lmCthis year br the em-ottment of sever'~ll Ad' Sh St Ph.ysical d~fects, snch, as .POOI',Iun;s old and new students in its mem- n er s u oe oreIPHONE ~1·.1. 'I'AILOK :~~dS~!~~;l:~~lueatt~~.~~CI~:~'~I~l~/~sBr~~w~I:.:~!~~tS}:~I:!C~~~~~~eo~~~~S~()el~:~,onsin1-0--0- -0- Suits Cleaned & Pressed $1.00 .or s~utte.rlllg, ~s mtsraken If he berahtp. and it)s sureadtug its sans , . . The "Pressingeat" Man in Town 22 W. Main St. 35c Na ture Suits pressed voyage ror a successful called, uae ceen tJllnks ,l:e a dll1'in~ -0- pr~acher are ,learning, \~hiC~ l~: ::~~ Dr. Bouuotte, leader of tne or-cues- Phone 251-W -0- C. R. WILSON-College Agent calves r~Olll hts ten.c,her, "rae, h ,.I era. has made uotewotthy nrozresatou J 0 KATZ P . -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- he l'ece.lves [rom Cod. auj rotnmcn wlth the mustca t group material c.on.. •• ,rop.\ sense, which is just natura:. Sanctj- slderfng the bl'ief time tor rehearsals -OF- EAT'A'PLATI!'A'DAY tied, common s~l~se \\'0\1-I Even! college oueut to have hesldes QUALITY SHOE SHOP it can I . . l'eah~c. tue necesslly or a glee eiul! an orchestra that l11~~~~:dq~~aJ:~~at~~~~: or Pr'l\'ldence, ~;e~~:~:d ~~;r~'~:n:Il:~~:s h:~':\' 1l~IO~~~WhIch Slan~r~i~e QualIty and NEUM~Nl Providence is the visible ex~ressi'Jn c'hestra that she may well ,be 1"I1'oudof Men's half soles and heels $1.50 ICE CREAM Qf the will of the In''risllJle God. If with the cooperation of the student 'Men's half soles 1.00 ....._.,.. ... _.,AST(- a youug lU3.11failS to fint! a Wlj' to ~Jodr and a conSCientious effort on Ladies' half soles & heels 1.25 enter Lhe min;stry. he is not called the part or each orchestra member Ladies' half soles 75c to that work, Providence often calls "Orchestrial Roster"--ILead<'r. Dr Heels 35c men mto lhe nunlslly and out The e Bonnette Holin H Johnson I e No extra charge for rips and 1~ a llsltnersillp of God \\iU~ ChriS Fevre C .Roler C Seitz flrOlln. patches. All work guaranteed. ~\~~~l'Cl:,Ot.l;I~:':c:~o cOel~Sei:~SaOfl~~! il;~ :1~:Y~~~:d~t~~~i~;~IO~:~{~~h~Onr~;e~:i~~~::~-0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Zile- Neuman CO. pulse and the possil1ility, If, on the sifer, Harp; flute. ,Foutr.. Lamlbert- imJ'JUlse, one fails LOfind an opening son; drums, Stewart; tromhonil, Bert- O\' llossi'billty, the voice of Providen~(' holf; piano, TomS'; bllnjo. Carbia and JOIN OUR 1s not speaking lo him, Ballmgartllcr. Westminster, Md. FOUl
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