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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 3, No.9 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Dec. 8, '25 Annual Mud Classic 1 "The Christian Ministry," I World Court Student Poll !Seven Terrors Make i Subject 01 Or. Elderdices AII·Maryland Teams Frosh Vhtorlous. I A vote will he taken in the Wed ! d F d nesday wesero'btr on the rouowtnx tea~:;t~~: S~~~~:Onre9'7~6e!li~mt~nea~~ I I Address proposal ot the World COUTt: 811lin, ~'ci1[allls. lUcl!oble, Guill Berth nua l foot ball game Friday. 1. For U. S. pnrUcilmtioll in the 011 .'lr8t 'ream, Weather conditions seemed to make :!~~~~CI'~~C\,~II~dd:.r~~~:m:'.!Il\rEI. When the 'Baltimore Sun paper little difference, the cold mud ,bath'! Dr. Elderdice, president of the West- I:l gnes-cu "' J" ~ I announced the All-Maryland elevens seeming only to arouse the fighting min~,ter 'l'heol.og.lcal S~~!lla~;,. spoke {'l'be U. IS. not to be connected 11a8t Sunday, Western i\1aryland took spirits. 'rhe 'Sophomor'es won t~l! on The Chnsilan Mlntst.r-y m as- with the League of Nations or bound the lead of all the state colleges by "kick orr and atart.ed the mud ctaestc. sembly: Wednesday. Decemlber 2. 01". to any o'bligations under the League having seven of twenty-two men The Freshmen took -the b~11 toward Eldardtce, who ha.s been engaged ~or !Covenant; not to oe bound by ad-I picked trout her grid squad. Three center and there began to dig mud [01" 2'9 rears In teacxtng men prepa.rmg visor}, opinions of the Court on quea- of these men were picked for the first :u~~:r~:~n~a~e:;e t~~~ g::ku~otl~~: I ~~I~!h:smtl:l:t~·~t s:~~:~I::t~t~~el~~~;~ ~~oen~.n;~ voluntarily submitted ,by I ~:aa~;erb~~~i,1J \1!~~'~~eCk,lef~lCMain~, etr. '!'hey uncorked an aerial at the I to preach" expl~ins the. fact that First, that the admission of the I wane LOng: ri~ht haH-hack alldg~:;ll~ right wing, which wee intercepted by I there are men In tile mtntsu-y who United States to the Court shall not tloned as 'best 'bet; caemuers. left Stockholm on the 8il-yard line, who sh,ould be out, and men out of the be taken to involve any legal rela-l hatf-back: Weisner, right guard; carried the ball for the upper-class- mlDis.try who should Ibe :D: There tion to the League of Nations 01"-the Clark, rtgbt end. were picked for the men's only tally. 'r ne rest of the are SIXfalse calls to the mtmatr-y and assumption of any ouugattoue under second team. period the rival eievene wallowed only one true call. the Covenant,- M'c)lainB our crafty little quarter- aimlesslr aud Iuejfecttvely over the The Itrst false call is tile "hread ISecond, that the United States back 'Was picked for his allert and lleld. Frosh De\'elolle Wei) Feet. ~s~:r~a~t~e:;a~~lli~10~~~~~;~ :~: :~~~ :~~~I :::!C!l~:t~~::t j~ert~: ~~e~;I~:li~~! ~~ei~tt~~~I~a~:n:~~lSph~~t~~~e~le~:r~~~ At the beginning: of the third ~uart- who enter the mlntstry for the money, the Judges by the ICouncil and As- ship was sound for the most part, er the frosh found a beUer hold In the who follow In what is apP!lrently the sernlbly of the League,- while the other generals in the state mud and secured additional lir!!'t !lne of least resistance. Third, that the United States shall occasionally Itew off at a tangent. downs. Slowly Shockley and Orl'itz The parental call is a raise one. pay a fair share or the expenses of SUUn has represented Westera brought the hall forward bnt even- Orten a young man chooses this the Court as determined and ap- Maryland elevens for three years, tually they lost It. Hannold and Stock- course for his life work In answer to proprlated from time to time by the measurllng up wltll ~he best each holm started the changed tide hut his mother's and rather's plea; but Congress of the United 18tate8,- year,· Last year he was mentioned were checked a1 the end of the such a choice 'Certainly doesnit come Fourth, that the statute for the' as 'best bet. If SlIIln makes AI1~ quarter from the heart. Court shall not be amended without 1 Maryland next year, his last rear he In the fourth quarter the frosh 'l'he educational call Is far from 'bc- the consent of the United States,- will hold a record. SUUn Is especial- again found new sp'irit and slowly iug the true call. A young man rna), Fifth. that the United ;States shall: Iy good at backing-up the 1t~, and worked .Ihe upper-classmen bRck- \ike literature and learning and for not be 'bound ,by advisory oPinions: displays a brand of line plunging that ward. Finally on the 30'-yard \Ine the this reason take up the ministry rendered by the Cout't upon questions Is to be dreaded most ,by his OP1l01i.- older linesmen. led hy Barklow. suc~ wllere he Is certain to find an Intel- that the United States has lIot voluu- ents. ceeded in checking the advance. But Jactual atmosphere; but one who is tarHy submitted for Its judgment. Chambers Is aiboul the hardest hit· Harol~ Lloyd came to th~,aid of thll' prompted by this can will not make 2. l'or U. S. IIIlrt!eIllation : ting back In the state, he sllowed a frosh In the person of Otts BroiL a success as a true preacher. nn~ler the "Hnrmony 1'13"" of I marked improvement towards the last Another aerial followed, Benson to The lazy call is responsible for thirty lleaoo leaders. of the season. He has wonderfnl "Otts" which took tile ballibeyond the many of the misfits In the ministry. IT!te "Harmony ,Peace Program" Is: possibilities of making the f1r~t team te~-yard line. It took some I~ar~ Some are under the delusion that the l. 'IIile immediate adherence of next season. . drrvlng and keen observing fo.r \\eak ministry is a "soft snap" requlr!ng no the United States to the COllrt pro-I Long, b~st 'bet of the second team links on the part at the )oun~e,r strength, brains or Ibusiness capadty. tocol, with the Hardlng..J-Iughes..(:Qol- performed lsudbbly this year, making ~~:ve;'I!~ ~~r~h~h~~t;~X :o~~~tsS:I~;!;; ~t~tel:es:e:~lt~e~:.e h:~~~~t:~d r~~~;s~~ Idge reser~at!ons. ~~::: I~~!k::~~~~~ u~::~~~=~ h~~~e eleven ~f the minor freshmeu ruleR. Peol)le nnsuccessful in the 04tsidp. 2. n:-!ttlln two y~ars after tile ad~ has been conslstant throughout th: The hne up: things will fall also in this work. here. e by the UIHt~~ States to t~ I seaSM!. playing a brilliant game. L.~:~~~~~and ~~~::~ eX:::i~e:t~:g ~:n:~eW~~nl~~:y.n~e::!: ~o~u~~C~:;it:;O~~:h~~~~;~at~~~~:stl~~~~: en~~a~!ki~;V~da;:ai~e ~i~J~:~~!,g p~:~: R. G. Stoner Wltcrafl men wbo are moved .by the experl- ernment, Shall fOIlmally dec~a\'e the:]" I after he was B'hlfted back to lackle. 'Conference I i'~' !::~~hw Gsa!::: ~~:~:a~:I~ll c~::e~~lo:ue~f t~h:ai~:~~ ;! ;~~Ocl;~~:se:~t~~ ~~:la~~~o:;'~a~b:~:~ _~!~:~t:~~7e:f :n~n;I::llIty In every R E Cecil Benson that of 'practicing on the people" shall call an International MdRoble a general utility Ulan at L E Bay Pa}ne Many are under the Impression that of all civilized nailOns for the pur- guard and taokle came up ihls year iF. B Stockholm Chamhers the common call Is the real call, that pose of maklllg a general treaty em- from the best bet on last season s L. H Quinn Orvltz the call to the mllllstry Is no different bodying these prinCiples AlI_M'ar)land second team eleven to R. H Hahn Condon from any other call "Whatsoever (a) War 'between natlons shall be 11rst team guard, McROibie knows the Q. B Hannold Shockle:\' ye do,? do all to the glory 'If God" outlal\ed!by ma}nng It a crime under guard game as well as any guald Officials E Williams anti P Grace is their cry, \\hatever you aTe best the law of nations (The question of could know it He is one of Sh,oyer's _____ qualified to do, do It as God would self-detense against attack or Inva- prodncts bavlng 1\0 foobball experl- COJlJ'ANY SPONSORS AI>POL"TF.D have you. But such an Impression Is alan Is not Involved or atrected.) ence before coming to Western Mary- false. (b) A code of the international land. "Miss Dorothy )f. Rohlnlion lint! ~n~~ One who lIears tile true call to th,.. Jaw of peace, Ibased upon the outlaw- Weisner our other guard on second Bess Ilnymilh Gh·ell Posts of 1I01l0r. ministry hears [our voices or one ing or war and upon equality aud team, playoo a 'brand of footlball this It has been the precedent at West- voice speaking with four dill'erent justice 'between all nations, great 8l1d season that has never heen s..:en be- ern "'fan·land for the :-.-nlitary Corps tongues. First Is tile call or God's small, shall he formulated nnd fore in this state. He had the nack to have its unit sp-onsored 'by rOUng spirit. Every denomination agrees adopted. 10f getting thl'ough the line and get- ladies of the college. 'l'hls nar the that this Is the first voice. It is the (c) When war Ie outlawed the ting tac.kles. He would 'break through honor has been awarded ).olls~ Bess call of God's spirit Into man's lIeart;Permanent Court Of International and go down on every punt. When Hayman and \\iss Dorothy \1. Robill- It Is his steadfast conviction t\Jat that Justice shall 'be granted affirmative i'he attempted n tackle it was sure, son. Company A, in command of Cap- Ie his wol'k; It Is a desire and a con- jurisdiction ovel' lnternationlll cou~ always getting his man. lain ,,'. P. Grace, Is honored to have vlction that he can't shake. The con- troversle~ 'between soverel<;11 ua- Perry the It,nest center in the as Its aponsor, :lIiss Bess Hayman. ceptlon or God and his spirit is tions as provided for and defined in state and All-!\'laryland fol' two years Company B, in command of Captain vague, Ibllt alice felt It can never be tile code and arising undel" treaties. dId not get a berth tills season, 'be- G. If. Garrett, is honored to have as doubted. Paul said ''Woe is me if I 3. Should such signatories within Iing out of the Hne-ul) most oe the it811B~~n:~:~~~~ssb~Ot~O:h~1l~~ab:~IS~:_~~~acl;a;0~:~e~eg:81~i~.'~e~r~~ spirit at t:~t~':a;~a~!~e~ati~et:~~:~~I~:co: ~:~ ~:~SOt~:e l)~I~:O~~t:~I:ppe:~~~~ :~:;: partment to present the companies to SeCond is the can of God Utrough cia ration and to join !iI a conference this season. Byham last seasou·s ~::elS::~':p~i:;sora at tlle first re- the v~~ent~:Il~~t::e'pa~~s~ou~; one for th(~~)~tri:I:~ o:nn;ak~:gf:::~ g'ln-i caPta~~o~t~~u.~~el!;jb~:ge t~~~ee~eason
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