Page 27 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 27
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ~X~XCX[%X;XCX[XDX~XCXDX;XCX[%X;XCX[XDX;XCXDX;XCX[%X;XDX[XDX;XCXDX;XCX[%X;XDX(XXXDDCXDX;XCXCX;XCX[X~Xf,;;;v.~w;;;.~{~'L:;;U~B E~TER'rAHS the entertained Westminster's Cut Rate Store football team at a banquet Saturday. The W. Vol. Club at me Westminster last Hotel "Music, food, fun, and !oolJ1Jallheroes" were the most outslanding arid excn- 61 W. Main St. Klee Apartments Ing of all the things which COII- trtouted to the great success of thee The Right Store On The Wrong Side Of The St. banquet. take the girls long- to' It didn't break through the formidl\Jble'lookjn.~ line of bOYBin the parlor ot. the- ,GET OUR PRICES hotel. As many of the "old grrla' of for the banquet, W. W. had comecack turroducttoua were necessary; but when these were over, there was a Face Powders Creams "rraa-ror-au" period of convereanon. a Ill'esented' hall" -tue "banquet Talcum Powder Toilet Articles most Intereauug stght. Scar-let cnudles. a silver caudelrubras in tbe added warm glow to the room; red roeee, Patented Remedies Pills, Tablets the club flowers, were attractively arranged 011the tablee ; a peppy (our- piece orchestra furnished almost tr- reaistable mUSiC: and, in the opinion Sodas Cigars of many present, the plates loaded with "good ttuuga to eat"presented the most fascinating ptcture of all. Cigarettes Be pk. or 2 for 25e. I There were marry envious people on the Hill when the news was published abroad chicken, that cocktail, fruit peas, sweet potatoes, gravy, celery, CALL IN. fruit salad, meringue, cakes, mints, and coffee were a Part~o[ peanuts. the evening's entertainment. toouballs tied with green and Small -gOI-d XXXXXXXX XX XXXI X X XXX X X XXXX X XXXXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXXXX :·I~~~~~\I:~dfa~~;:. with peanuts were -~ ~ _- --- WESTMINSTER'S Sighs of relief were heard from "JOHN" CONEY ISLAND DEAl'I' WARREN SPEAKS IN Y. ~I. C. ,\, many parts of the room when "Ginny" club president, the Pittman, au- 'On Wednesday evening Dean war- Try our Texas Weiners, no would that nounced 'be Ever ready Mexican Chilli Sauce. with ren spoke at the regular meeting of formal speeches. there "Captain Ez" was Very courteous Home made pies and delicious the-S. l'I1. 0. A. He gave a talk on presented with a large football Il.lled Errorless attention coffee. "The Ideal Man." His dtecusaion of with "the eesr wtshea for success and Right style (Under new management) the four phases of the subject. name- something else, too" from the W. W. HARRY AMPRAGES Hair cutting -0--- -0- -o~ -0-- -0- Iy: Physical. mental, SOCial and Club, and he accepted this gift with a short speech of thanks and appre- spiritual, and was most interesting, Also WESTMINSTER NEWS CO. very well tnuetrerec. !First, he talker! ctatron to au the members of the Razors honed As in other years about the man of the Stone Age, in club for the backfug they had given T onica We'll have the finest those anctent times the one who hallIto the team and ror the interest they The Only Barber and Bobber at physique and strength was classed as had d+apla.yerl in the work of tllia the Forks CHRISTMAS CARDS the ideal. Next he came to the Bronze season. From l.c to $1.00 Age. In that age the mall with the xner the sing!ng of the Alma -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- F. A. Diffenbach A. R. Orndorff greatest intellectual ability was the water the W. w'e. gave uietr yell F A. Sharrer & Son -0- -0- -0- -0-- -0- Ideal man. . with three "teams" on the end, !lond • ~. J G C' 'itT \8K In the next stage the man with tht>Ilhe team replied with fifteen "rahu' • • ers j , highest SOCialstanding was the ideal and three "W. \V's." ijOME FURNISHINGS l<~\'idaynight, Ncvenuber 13, fr~m man. But 1I0W. he classes the Thus ended a most delightful even- Westminster, Maryland. ~~~et~b~:e~:~ :. ;.1. G~~~.t:;~:~/ s;;~~ ~~~::.t~~a:e~:n J::u~~ew~~:~1 ~:al~'la:'~~~ ~:g~tess:l:nd g~~~~ro:~~:~! ~!;~I'lI~~I:.~ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Senior girls al'r~yed III t:o~tlll\le~, the greatest ideal to mankind of to· most aPPl'eciatll'e guests . . some cleverly OI'lgillSI, some Plr,tllr'l day. He then discussed SOllieof Ihl" Our hne 1S complete now ,eS[]lle, som.e beaut!.rul, tripped gayly I ideftls of Jesus that eSllecially made EIH'I'OI{ Sl.TSI'I-~::oiI)lmFOil for the holidays, Water- ~:ri~!ll!:~~:~·:r.le~~II~:adLOof~!l\l:I;~~~~ l~\::a~~~~~us as the ideal or goal or (_'RITICIZIW' CIlAl't:I, sruc;u man's Fountain Pens. Ever- blood cllrdllng screams of tel'\'ol', and The Y. M. C. A. wants more SJlea.k- 8P=:~1~U;1~\lc:~m~~l:!'~\~::ll' ~n:Il~:::;~~~ the groans of pain, there werll. heal'(l [e\'s like Dean WalTeu and lar~('r ., ., sharps, leather goods; fin- happy shrieks of laughter. TillS lltel'-I audiences. It must have the co- editor or The Tripod, student llub\ica- est quality, complete selec- ::~~~~~I~:=C~~l~gt~x\~I:ri:~;:~~I,:7l~}~~:~: ~:e;:~!~lpl~!htl;~S ~:l~~sii~lnO~~Il~~e~~~'it ~~~ ~~IS::::;li~~;;l~~::g~oi~~~nl'~~i\~l\t~ alumni. '''rhe l{idnspping msrallade," month. tion. Men's wrist watches, I~y :\1isses Gardner and..Hollands. an(.1 GA.lDIA BE'J'.o\S IIOLH INI'rU'I'IOX Dean Edward -"
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