Page 34 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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Page 2. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. America t-ea co- C II'S JiSt THE GOLD BUG ,powers to do so. asse ewe ry ore Official newspaper ce West-ern lIIaryland College, published on Tuesday operated with the rest of the world during the academic year by the students OI!' Western Marylandl College, "politically, economical, and philan- Westminster, :-'ld. Entered as second' e.ase matter at the Westminster Post thropically for more than a century COLLEGE BELTS Office. IShe deetrea to 1ncrease that co- Subscription price, $2.0-0per year. ~:t:rrant!~i:n~~dr~~:t~o~:~~ptea~o~:a!:~ 53 E. Main Street EDITORIAL STAFF none, but feels that she can do male -0- ---0--- ---0--- -0- --0- EDITOR-IN-CHIEF G~()!ge M. Benner :27 ~~~s:f ~~: :~~:tcat~h~~ ~~~(Hl~~~!ll::; • MAWNASGEIDNI9rOEfi~~~o.S:B~k~~'27'~~d~~~,ya~aS~ ~.~~~e,;;.~~.entrance Into the ,,,,I, ctatm it. Westminster Hardware Co.. NE , g ultimate object Is to maure enduring Associate Editors I peace. The Question which con- J bb d Retail Dealers Dorothy Robinson '26 Albert Steele Farver '261 fronts America is how It wlH ac- 0 ers an "Ruth Jones '26 Gerald Richter '26 oCO;:~ls~ot;~~s~~~~a~::~ not outlaw in General Hardware Blanche Ford '27 Reportorial Staff E. M. Hannold '28 ;:~a~~d:: t: ~:~:e l~~~:e~:~ew~~ Heating & Plumbing Systems. Dorothy Gilligan '28 Willard E. Hawkins '26 prevent war. Serious conllicts Installed. Rosalie Smith '27 Ira M. Dinkle '26 among nations are economic and Gladys Beane '27 Arthur B. Cecil '28 political, not legal, and courts can- (Estimates Furnished) Anna Swann '28 Hubert Johnson '28 not settie tneee issues. International Katherine Johnson '28 Paul Lambertson '28 trfbunal a and treaties for over a -0- -0- ---0--- ---0--- --0- Margaret Martigoni '29 Wade H. Insley '28 cantm y have not prevented war. The . Athletic Reporters ~:ve;:I~I~ t~ol:~UC;Il~h~;:'~I~' s~c1~!~ Babylon & lipp~ Compan~ James Owens '27; Gaither McD. Garrett '26; H. Paul Stewart '27 .unttl the court proves to he more Business Staff efficient, purposeful and practtcaole. FLORSHEIM SHOES BUSINESS MANAGER Lewis K. Woodward '27 The Amarqcanpeople have learned to ASST. BUSINESS MANAGER '" Carroll Royer '28 distrust the inspired propaganda that STETSON HATS CIRCULATION MANAGER Robert Unger '27 helped to plunge us tnto the World ASST. CIRCULATION MANAGER.... . K. E. Brown '28 :::~:, ;~~h~h:u:n~e~~cl~! z: ~~I~ International Made-to-Measure- instinctively shun all entanglements Suits AIlE YOU A "WORKEIU" is proud of you and that you are In foreign affairs that will lead them di!~n!iSty~::I~t~:ou~'I:~he;:oa:ee ~~~ ~o;~~. :~::~~n!h~n ::=tsW:~II~k d!:! in~:ab~~a::tOt;:t:th~: ~~:;P;::r:a;~ Heavy Wool Sweaters two know that you are not fully living up can do that will solve the European W hI work and those who want work done tor him, a parasite, then you may ncthtug more that the United States --0- -0- --;-0-- & K· --0- ---0--- for them. We may find these e er mg types In every walk of Ute, in school, to yourself and are only a dead- situation until the Treaty of versatl- ~:;~ness, and every activity of the :e~~~h\~:n~oi~r a;t:~o~. th~:~~h ~~~ ~s is,:nd t~e PeO~le o~ GRADUATE PHARMACISTS The worker Is the man who gets emtnatton you find vouraert a back- veu:;:efr:~~ th:~;el~h~: I~~da~ea~:, The Rexall Store ~;thh:e~~.Us: g~~.e~l!:i ~~o b~~:,b~~~ :~d;~~tChy::gem:;d'b:e~~:fe~1 \:\lr::~f; ~:;::~~~er~~e~~s I:e:eal~:~:~~cd~~~;::~ Westminster. Md. the sweetuess and joy of the giving;" school and to the world. ments and themselves rebuild {fie -0- --0- -0- -0- --0- lindI :~sdo::o~rr:~r;:~te:la~o.:e, ~~s~I:;~'~ THE UNDESIRAB~ITY 01" OUIi s~~~~e7d str·ucture of the westem WESTMINSTER TAILORING Willing to help another. We t:NTUH'CE H"1'O THE WORLD c v lza lon. CLEANING & DYEING many young men and women of the COURT 65 W. Main Street- "worker" type ou College Hill. Look Join the World COU)·t! A beautiful A SING Phone 225 :;~;::Si~~:~OS~~iO:v:r;~~~:o;:~:;!l~:' :~:~~z: !~;t ~~:t~ ~o:lO~::y ~::~!~'~d~~-at~·r:"::d:::S t='I::I:~~:~e~~~e QUALITY TAILORING is a '·worker." Who is the one who 'The American people have too often ot today are commencing to realize We do it-Cleaning, Pressing~ makes good grades, and who really proven themselves analogous to Ii tile value of music-good mnslc-to Dyeing-Repairing. gets something out of college? The flock of sheep, one breaks 'down what the lire of tile nation. Courses in Pressing done while you wait. "worker." 'To be a geueral all-round, should be the 8l:tent or its freedom. music al'e 'being put into the pnblic Suits Pressed . .. :. 40c good college man or woman you and the rest follow without purpose sChool corriculum. During the wa]" Suits Clean & Press. 1.25 must be a worker; and to 'be a work- or reason. At the present timc there the idea of the community ibeing Overcoats Pressed. . ... 40c er you must oe alive .to your re- Se!lmS to ,be a somewhat slmllar gaU{ered to a central location fOl"the Overcoats CI. & Pressed. 1.50 sponsibilltles and duties, and he wlll- condition exlsii!lg amOng the student~ purpose of singing, was mo~t suc- L. K. Woodward, College Agent. ing to do your share and more. Ars of our respective colleges and unl- cessfully carried out. ---0--- -0- -0- ---0- --0- you one? Examine yourself, studellt! varsities. 'l'lle Council of Christian Now that the war iSl over w.hy W HAT See it you lit this description of a Associations, (which Is a. very worthy should the very thIng which fre- SHALL I worker. H you don't-get .busy! I and commendable organization) has quently lightened! heavy hearts be U!lfortun:alel.l', In e\'ery phase of taken the lead in antiCipating the again placed in the background? The GIVE HER? ~~€rt~~~I~s t~~soh~~~o~:i;'h~a~~n~:. ;il~:SI~~e::t j~l~:~~:~~:o~or~~lU~o:\~; ~:!li~l~esU:rt~:e Ch~I;I!~7:e.S~~~:; :::~ W HAT woman, Is a hindrance, a draWlback Issue. Of course It Is absolutely gathering their studellts together S HAL L I It to any p,ogressive movement. He IsI legal for this organization to advo- a er t he evening mea 1 [or the pur- a member of the great .A. P. O. N. cate the World Court Issue, but, 'be- pnse of stel>"'singlng. G [V E HIM? ~:~:.' I; s:ca~n~:a~a;1 b;h:~ll;;~a~~~~ '~~ll~en:!u~:~tt:i~l~~n sCeannat~,:k:el::sl~:~ Westem 'Maryland College Is at- SEE type of man is perfectly wliling to It IllUStbe the result of an intelllg,mt ;:~P;:'~:r:;. *:~e Sl~::-I~~~~i:~t"~:~~ BON SACK tell how things should be done, to I analysis of e\'ery phase of the ques- .been held with much success. It is :~:ru :U~~i~:!I::st~e:~I~ b~I~:~e.b~~ tlo;~ students realize that there are ~~:s:I~~n;! ~1;~~~e;~I:ha~:~i!~~ h;I:~ -0- W~STMi~STm--0- falters aud finally backs out. Such a mall.\' undesim'ble features about OUl"winter months, In Mt:Danlel Hall t"c- CONEY ISLAND :::inl; ea:te~~rl~:eort:c::!l.[ol\:a:adtl ~~~~j\::gll~:~ ~:~.rl~tl~r:~lrctei~~Othey ception loom Wltll a fine co opel a- Try our Texas Weinel'S, with !leVer become a l"eally good citizen. World Court would mean allia~~: ~I~:y,b~!;~:e~s~~oerf:aCsU~!yw~~d\:~I~~.e~~M~~~~.,~~~~ ~~~c:~d delicious and as It Is the aim of any college with the League or Nations; that it can not exccll In this lIeld. It 'is coffee. ~~SI~;a::;eth:;o:uc~it~Ze;e~soonn~s n~~I}~~~I~:!a~; r~:~t ~~te;~~~~o~:~(lj~:lC~:~ your sing! Come out and see what a HARRY AMPRAGES pleasant time you have, aud ,bring- ---0--- -0- -0- ---0--- --0- necessary and unwanted in any col- stroy our sovereignty by settl!lg up II another with you! Jege. super state and 'by jeopardizing the WESTMINSTER NEWS CO. The question for you, stuUellt, to 'Monroe Doctrine; and that It would As in other years ask yourself is tbls: "Am J a worker detract attention froll! our national The word "dormitory" cOllies from or am I a paraalte,--one who always problems. America always has and a Latin one meaning sleep, but the We'll have the finest depends on others?" Ie you- can always will do her part toward world crowd that occupy them at the ('.01- CHRISTMAS CARDS honestly 8.!lswer that you sre a peace but she does not feel that It Is leges won't do much sleeping In worker and are doing your best, then necessary to entangle herself Into them for some weeks after the term From Ic to $1.00 'Oll may know that your AJma )1ater any alliance dominated by European begiu. F. A. Diffenbach A. R. Orndorff
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