Page 29 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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THE GOLD BUG VoL 3, No.8 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Nov. 24, '25 Annual Mud Classis "The Christian Ministry," I World Court Student Poll :Seven Terrors Make ,o",h Vt,tcrteus. Subject or Dr. ElderdicBs I'''~d:;':";:i'::'bl~'t::":h~' ~~;to~:::;1 AII·Maryland Teams Address re~·:~t~l:: s~~~:~·:a~~~s~~:Sj~lmt~~ :~: proposal of the World court: ,~1II111,lUcMaJlls, ncncure, Guin liert.h 1. Per U. S. IHlrUc·ipnlioll in the I nU1L1foot ball game Friday, on rtrst 1'cuIII. weamer conditions seemed to make --~ World Court lu~dcr ,~Ie ":lnrd o When the 'Baltimore Sun paper uuie difference, the cold mlldbath~ Dr. Elderdice. ~reSic\ent.Or the West- JlIg.UlIglles.Coohllge r'erms. announced the All-Maryland etevaua ::~~ti:g ~~~ ~Jl:~~;Sr:stilew::ht:~::l~n~:;~e'r~~~~~il~l~lr.~~~~~~~~;'i~PO~:~Wl~~'ht~eU~o=~u~O!rt~a::~ns C~;ll~:~~~ I~~:tl;:~'doa;"a~V~~t:r~~a~~ar::l~~;e:o~; kick off and started the mud classic. sembly: Wednesday, Decemlber 2. 01'. to any o'bligations under the League 'I having seven of twenty-two men The Freshmen took the b~ll toward EJdenhce,. who ha,s been engaged.for ICovenant; not to 'be bound by ad- picked trol!! her grid squad, 'Three center and there began to dIg mud for 2'9 years lH. taa ehtug men preparrug vtsorv opinions of the Court 011quea- of these men were picked for the first a first down. Here they gave up their for the mfniatry, stated. that the Ignor- lions not vulunta rily submitted by team. Sillin ruttmack, )lJc;\'iains, 9ll1bmerged warfare and took to the a nee as to what consunuee the "call the U. So) ouart erbacac: left guard. air. They uncorked an aerial at the to preach" expl~ins the, :act that First, that the admission of the' wnne Long, right and men- right wing, which was intercepted by there are men ID the mtntst.rv who United States to tile Court shall not I uoned as 'best 'bet; Chambers, left gtockbctm on the SO-yard line, w110 Sh.Ol_'ldbe out, and men out o~ the be taken to involve any legal rela-! 11aJf~back; Weisner, right guard: carried the ball for the unner-ctees-j mIDls.try who should Ibe Ill: 1 here ucn to tile League of Nations or the 'Clark, right end, were picked for the I men's only tally. 'The rest of the are SIXfalse caus to the ministry and assumption or any ouugattons under I second team. period the rival elevens wallowed only aile true calL the Covenant,- MoM'ains our crafty little qllarter~ aimlessly_ and inel'l'eoCtlvelyover the I The first false call Is tIle "hread ISecond, that the United States haClk was picked for hfs allert and field. and butter cal1." Although the mln- shall partiCipate on terms of e(]uality I clevel' field generalship as well as his t'rosh Derdo]le W!eb Feet. Isterlal salary Is low, there are some wl~h other naUons in the electlon of ability to pass and punt. IHis general4 At the beginning at the third ~uart- "".'hOenter the ministry for the money. the, Judges )}y the Coun-cil and A'I-I shill was souud for the mosl part, er the frosh found a better hold III the I who follow in what is appuelltly the sembly of the League,- while the other generals in the state mud and secured additional finJt I hne of least resistance. Third, that the United States shall occasionally flew oft' at a tangent. downs. Slowly Shockley and Orvitz The parental call Is a false one, pay a rail' share or the eXl)enSe~ of I Sillin has represented Western hrought the hall forward hut even- Often a young man choos(>-s this tlJe Court as determined and ap- i\lal'ylalld elevens for three years. tually they lost it. Hannold an:1 Stock- , course for hls life work in answer to propriated frOIll time to time by- the measnrl'ng np with the best each holm started the changed tide but I his mother's and father's plea; but Congress or the United ;States,- year. Last year he was mentioned ;:;;ter~heCked at the end of the I~::!~h:h~~~~'t~ertalnlY doesn't corne co~~~r!~~llth:~t ~ee a~~:~~t:d ~;~h~~~ I ;f~1r~~:~db~:~xtI~.e:~:I;~s ~::~~earA~I~ In the fourth quarter the frosh The educational call is far from 'hc- the consent of the United 'States,- will hold a record. SilUn is espccial- again found new sp-irlt and slowly ing the true call. A yonng lilan ll1ay Fifth, that the United ,Statel! ahall t Iy good at backln~-np the line, and worked thE' uppcr-claasmen back- like llteratul'e and learn!ng and tal' not he bound ,by adv!aory opinions' displays a brand of line pluuglng that ward. Finally 011the aO'-yard line lhe I this reason take liP the millist!'y rendered by tlie Court npOli !luestians' Is to be dreaded most ,by his oppon- older linesmen, led by Barklow, suc' where he Is certain to find an 1ll1.(,!-that the United ,states has not \'011111-ents. ceeded in checking the advance. Bul lecbuul atmosphere; bnt one who is tartly su'hmltled for Its judgment. Chamlbers is albout the hardest hlt- Harold LlOyd came t(l the aid of the prompted hy thi'l call will not make 2. For U. S. IlarticilUitiOIl : tlng back !n the state, he showed a frosb in the PE'fSOIl of "Otta BroIl. a Bucceas as a true preacher, undc.r the "Jlnrmony l'hlll" oi .1 marked impron,ment towards the last Another aerial foHowed, Be~SQn to I The lazy call Is responsible for thirty I)ence leaders. of the seaSOIl. He lIna wonderful "OUs" which took the ball heiond t~e many of the misfits in the ministry 'The "Hallmouy Peace Program" IS' possibilities of making Lhe first team ten-yard line. It tOOk. some hald ISome are lind!>\"the delusion ~hat the 1. '£Ihe Immediate adherence of I next season. drIving and keen obserl"lng fO,r weak: ministry is a "soit snap." reqlllring 110 the United States to the Court Pl'O- Long, best ~)et of the second team links on the part of. ~he .,)onn~e,r: strength, )}ralns or ,bUSiness capaclty tocol, with the Hardillg",Hugh~s~Cool. perfOl'lned laud~bly this year, making ~~:ve:\1:~ ~;r~h~he::t:~x p~~~~tsSq\~;~;;~tl:1tei~ea\e~l/t~e:~~ h~1:~:~t~~d idge reservationa. ~::: 1~~!k:I~~~~~~ll~~II~~~~;.dInL;~: eleven of the minor freshmen [Illes, I People unsllocessful ill the outsidfl 2. Wlbhln two years atter the ad- I has been consistant throughout the The line up: 'things will fail also in this work. herenc; by the Unit~d States to th" I season, lliaying a brilliunt game ~: g: C. Eaton Bennett I There are Inalll' who ai's merely Cou~,t I 1'~,toCOI,tl1e s~gnatori'~s thertl- I Clark proved to be a corking 'gOOd place Cap~ain WlIliams' in lhe minist\'Y. These ~~'Il~~ecn~,~!:I:I:I~~r'~I:~~edd~~~:;~:t~~~'~'I' end, taking ~~ool~:ralld ~~wner! experimenting L. If Barklow \\~~Ir::~ ! ~;:~ta~'hcoal~r:rem~~~~~~t t~h;ai~:~:r:; elldo~semeut at the f~1l0Wing Ibasic ~~~~~ ~~o~:.:~ ~ll!~eed~~~i~yt~n t:~~~~ ~:~: ~:~i~Cil B::~eOe~I ~~:~ro~I:,I;raC~~~I:~tI~: t~lfet:e:p~:~,I, w ~~~~~l~!~.:;; ~~~e~~~~~:~:1~~~\~:::c:!~~I de~;~l~:be/:t:fg::~r~:a~;tllIty man at ~:~: ;;:Ckholm eh Payne 'Many are under the impression that ;~s:ilofcll:~~Zi:~ :a~l:l:l:r:lol~r!:~Y P::,:- guard and taokle came up this year L. H. Quinn n~rb:i:: I~~: ~~:~~~l~hc:~ii:j!~r~ ~:a~oc~!~e~~~~ bodying these principles. - ~I~~f~~:la~::t S~:~Il~1lte~:~tel::::~l~~ R. H. Hahn Condoll from any other call: "Whatsoever (a) War between !\ation~ shall be, ;fI_rstteam guar. 'M'cRobie knows the Q. B. Hannold Shackle), ye do, do all to the gIOT)' '}f God" outlawed !by making It a cnm!! under guard game as well aa any guard Officials E. WlIllama and P. Grace, Is their cry; whate\'er you are beat Ule law of (The (]ucstlon of could know it. He is one or Shroyer's ____ qnallfied to do, do It as God would self-defenaa agalllst aUllck or I!\I'[-I- products having no foot-ball experl- COJ[rA~Y spo:\sons API'OIi\Tt:n have you. But snch an lrnpression Is .ion Is not Involved or affected.) ellce before coming to Western ~Iary- Miss Dorothy ;U. nollln~on and ,\fj". ta:;:~ who hears the true call to thl' la~b)or ~e:;:.elb::edthuepo~l~~;Uo~~~~~~~ la~~~jsner 0111'other guard on second Bess "nY-limn (:"'1'11 Posts oi HOllar. ministry hears fotlr voices or one ing of war and upon e(]uality and team, played a brand of footJball this It ha~ been the precedent at \Vest- voice speaking with tour different jnstice 'between all nations, great and season that lias never been seen he- eM! :>'Iaryland for the :\1111t:>ryCOI'PSI tongues. First is the call'of God's small, shall be tOl'llllllated nnd fore in tllis stat·a. He had the lla(;k to ha\'e Its ullit SPOllsored by YOlln~I spirit. Every denomination agrees' adopted. lor getting thl'ough the line and get- ladies of the college, 'rhis year the that this Is the first voice. It Is the (c) "'hen \Val' Is outlawed thE' ting tackles. He \\"ould 'brenk thrOll!\1l honor has been awarded :\llss Bess Icall of God's spirIt Into man's henrt: Permanent Court of lutenntional and go down on every punt. When Hayman and :>.Iissl){)rothy ;1,1. Rohin- It Is his I!teadfost conviction thnt tllal JuaUce shnll 'be granted affil'lllallv(> 'be attempted a tackle It was sure, son. COlllpany A, In command of Call- is his work; it la a desire aud a con- jlll'isdiction over interuntionnl con- always gettin~ his man. taln W. P. Grace, is honored to have victlon that l1e can't shake. The ('Oll- troversies ')}etween sovel'eign na- Perry the finest center in the as Its sponsor, :>.liss Bess Hayman, ception of God and his spirit is tlons as prOVided for and d~f111edin state and AIl-11a.ryland for two years Compan}' B, In command Of Captain va~ue, ;hut on~e relt it can never be the code and arising under treaLiCII. did not get a bel'th this season, 'he- n. M. Garrett, is honored to have as doubted, Panl said '''Woe Is me if I 3, Should such signatories within iug ant of the line-up most of the its sponsor. :\liss Dumthy Robinson. preach not the gos-peL" The spirit of two years arter lile adherence of the season. UndoulJtedlr would have it is planne(l br the :\lIlltary De- God had entered his lleart. United ,states tail to make snch de- had the place at sn!lpperhack again partment to present the companies to Second is the call of Cod thl'Ollgh ciaration and to join in a conference this season. Byham last season's the. respective sponsors at the first re- the voice of nature. Just as for the purpose of making such gen- captain was Ineligible this season view in the spring. (Continued on page four.) (Continued 011 page rO\lI'.) (Continued on page threc,)
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