Page 35 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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College. Westminster, Md. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland :m~mmmrnmm~axmmm~~--- Page 3. ox X XX X Xxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxXX%xxxxxx xxx ~x:xx ,"XXXXIII PRO~'ESS~O~~~'"~~U~~EAK.S lTestmt'nster's Cut Rate Store il,,~~,;h;hi:~:"~~.~,:,f,,~h~~":~i"g~:; ff Court. His the a talk to the girls on thesllhle'Ct gave or World speech a very 'clear presentation or just what ' the ucne. World Court is ami how 59 W. Main St. Klee Apartments it rune- The Right Store On The Wrong Side Of The St. back The to the Hague a World Court 'X~ I dates this idea of T'ri'hunat. I I~~::: :t d~::I:e~~s:~n,Of~I~~ld~~\~~':; GET OUR PRICES respects it bears court. The tdea of much reaemolance to the present the Uulted States. tQ have per-mauerrr judges on the 'henoh, was not cerrtea Face Powders Creams out, as the natrona 'Could not agree on a way to elect such judges. fourteen Article Talcum Powder Toilet Articles Nations provides for of the the League ot estauttsu- ment or a wortu Court. ThjB court Patented Remedies Pills, Tablets ta made up of eleven permanent judges, elected by the assembly anit counCilor the league. The judges thus represent ,both the grent and Sodas Cigars small powers. for the council is com- posed of the great nations or Rurope and the aeaem'hly or the small ones. The UnIted States Cigarettes 13e pk. or 2 for 2Se. position to "he league by ita etecuon op- showed Its ·CA· LL IN pret this opposition to the league as persons inter- or Harding. But many utso. oppostttou to- the World Conn • [The two are, however separate bodies; and memoara of the court cannot in any way he forced into the league. XX~ ~ X~_:~~ X X X X X X X X X X X X ~_:_~~_::: X X X X X X X ~ :~~el~er~oO~p~~:l'c~~~~I'~t.s:~~~~:tn~~ the COUl't.though they may do so if " J0 H N" X. Y. C~TE~E~;T~:F.:.ET.S~.UDENTS is .~t~le:;:r\~:n~~,mp:: e:~;:.. "are I th~eSrOed~~::e. certain reS9l'\'Utions Ever ready By an over~helming majority the ':t:gi~tnil:g t~~a~e~u~h:~u~e~~I~khaa~~:r:~I ~;~:~ehIh!;~ll~:OI~e\~:21~~:1ap;~~\:;' 'li:~: Very courteous students of the college of the city of little nart in guiding their OW)Iecuca- United Stutes' entrance tnto 'the E rrorless .attention New York voted to petition rue faculty tton. World Coun. 'I'h,,!!e r"'!I"r·atiOlfS Right style and Board of Trustees tor the re- "Why do cmctet publications Itt- are: That the Uutled Stut es hal'e Hair cutting mover of compulsory mntta-r train- tended to 'be read by us, the pubuc. I no legal relnr.Ion 10 lilt> 1t>1'I:1l~: tjint A Iso ing. The final vote was 2,092 In favor say one thlug aJbout military training, the league be un:l'blc to maue changea Razors honed ~~etl~:3~~t~t:~~e:~: 1~149t::a:~\~~g!,hel'e ~~h:~eo:Ut~]!C~~oi::r!n~:~d:d d~o;er:~~ ~~n~~~t;co:~~l :::h~l~~ 1:~~)e::I~tr~~: Tonics As soon as the ref.erendum r~- and contradictory thing?" Dr. Coe 'Paid to the registrar of thecollrt; The Only Barbel' and Bobber at suits were made pu,blic a storm of quoted passages fl'om the .Junior R and that this country uot he [b1lm] the Forks intemperate and ill considered ablls" O. T. C, manual and the 1925 [1\. by adviso)'y opinions to the league. was turned on the C. C. N. Y. ~tudent~, fantl'Y Drill Regulations ],0 point oul 'I1here is a movement no\\' to Ip-:l'hl- -0---- -0- -0- -0- -0- Captain George T. Darte of the mili- alleged contradictions. Iize student opiuion on Ihe 111\€'stlon F. A. Sharrer & Son ~:~~iO~::le:le~o:~:el~~~~I~st~~~'~ p~.~~~St:n;~' TEIHWRS .lIAKE ~!\,!ll:~e~~~I:'I{~Il;O~~'!~tiOl?l~'i~lc~e~~:=~ with this statement: ".•• ~ every rbefore the Senate; in the me:1lI time- HOME FURNISHINGS student at city college who voted to ,\],],.JIAI!YLA"XD 'I't:,\_"~ the colleges al'e to cast I'ole!l ;In the- abolish military-tl'ailling is a poten- (COlltinued from page one,) \\'1'~u'l'lI ~Iarvlaltd Westminster, Maryland. tial traitor ••• hav€ absor'i.led tile . will repre~el1ted a~' one or' tile -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- do~trines of thecommuni~ts •• coul~rn~~e . . Our line is complete now should be llshamed to look each wliS not far behind lhe reSl of Professor Ranck's talk 1)I'OI'ed.very or any citizen who eontl'ibuted wingmell in the state [or hndiu!l' instrllcllve aud llelpful. Students. of for the holidays, Water- their free educ,.Uon in the pOSition on the All":\larylsnd f'l~vcn. W. :'.1. C., read up on. the .WO,rhl Assemhlyman Louis A_ Cuvillier COU\'t, attend these talks, get inter- man's Fountain Pens, Ever- led the sLudeuts cow;Lrds who Wcstern :\laryland has established esled in the 'big prol.Jlem! against compulsory training. A sen SOli a record or all fOi'lller _ sharps, leather goods; fin- having such a large I'epl't'sell- and suggested that they be finger laUon on State elevens. She h~s a PROF. G, Z. Ul'nIKF. est quality, complete selec- PI'luted. complete Iha~kfield, and three line- The associate professor of mathe- I To the defense of his students came men practically a whole team. I"lted mallcs lhls year is :\11'. Guy Z.' Up- tion, Men's wrist watches, President Sidney E. -:I'Iezes, a~ heat in the state. dike. all makes, ladies' wrist are acting the way Ii10YSIt,mally Prof. Updike Is a native ol Bedford, he eXlIlained. ;·thev are trrin" Virginia :lnd mORt of hla e~rly Ilf'" watches, new designs. Come avoid having 10 taken conrs.e thul HIOI,OGY l'LrU .11.:':'1'1\(: was Silent there. He altelld"d R1D- requires j',;'O llGu,'s a wael, i:1~';ln- dolph Macon ",·here he l'eceil'ed hi'!' in anJ make a selection \Crl1iPlltIItt~llflance. To cOl1stme lhl~ The Club held it~ re"'llll\r I A. B. degl·ee. While there h~ now, I;:Clfl~~~ln~1 ~I~~!~~:\~m)~~Ill~~\\ a~o ~:;!~:'~e~llthird. e\'~~~I;:s;;r T~~;'~t~o~~::~~ec~:~!.ze\rt~:.1 th:~atl~;:~.liC'Jup~~~~ lallted Plesl(ient :vIezes called Feill': of the Biology Department. _~a\"Pa taught mathematics and science for Reduction of ten pel' rent Cohen edltol of '1 he CamnllS Il1lC v.ery Interesting talk on "B~;!s And lour years ill tile biJ!;h SChool ill' hiS ornce and Oldere{1 111m not to Th",\t· Hllft)ltS." The lectu!'e was ver)' Newport :-:Iewa, Virginia. He spent will be given to college I pllnt au}thlng mOle cOllcernlllg the complete and was supplemenled by one summel' during this time a.t tlie Imatter. Consequently- the ro\lolVin~ slides showing the Interior of the Unl\'ersitr or Vil'ginla Where lie took students and professors. IIssue of the paper appeared with fI hives and the life of the 'bees. pro-i a course in Education and Engl1sh. I Sh 'I J W I es mlns er ewe ry opI black 'border as a Silent by a deep ressor BerthoH also showed the Clnb rrhe next two year9 were spent Rt blank column surrounded 1}J'ot~st the hats and other clothing \\'01'11hyIColumbia University snd in 1915 h~ agaInst lhe ruling, the bee-keepers. received his ),1. A. degree. HOUSE OF QUALITY -:lfol'e to the point were the de- The club has decided not. to TI\(>E't Western 'Maryland College takn fenses or the students by Dr. George again until the Hrst 1'bursday after I great pleasure in adding Prof. U,- AND SERVICE A. Coe and Dr. )lorris R. Cohen. wh.> the Clll'lstmas holidays. dike to rhe faculty list,
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