Page 30 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. with the rest or the world Cassell'S Jewelry Store THE GOLD BUG powers to do so. America f-aa co- OtJIclal newspaper o.f Western Mar-yland coneee. puullshed on Tuesday operated ooring the academic year by the students or!' Western Maryland' College, "politically, economical, and philan- wescmtnerer. Md. Entered as second c.ess matter at the westmtnster Post throplcally for more than a century. COLLEGE BELTS Office. She eeetree to Increase that co- operation and thus nromte a greater 53E.Mal!'.~~ Subecrtnttou price, $2.00 per year. International relationship among na- EDITORIAL STAFF none, Ibut feels that she can do more --0- --0- -0- --0- -0- EDITOR-IN-CHIEF G~o~ge M. Benner :21. ~~s~f z: :~II:~tcat~h~: ~~.~en~~~ni~~~ • MAEWNASGEIDNIGTOERDSI~OGR. S·· 'B' 'k' "37" .. 'ct ~'lhamp S. i, y ,~~ antrauce Into the court. ctatm its Westminster Hardware Co. N eo. . a er , an ary age urner ultimate object is to Insure enduring Dorothy Robinson '26 Associate EditorsAlbert Steele Farver '26 ::::~ A:he~~c:"I:s~!~: ~hl:~ll c::~ Jobbers and Retail Dealers Ruth Jones '26 Gerald Richter '26 comnnen this ultimatum. . G I H Reportorial Staff I The World Court does not outlaw in enera ardware Blanche Ford '27 E. M. Hannold '28 ;ea~a~~d1;\~:l~:: ~~~~e l~;t~:e~~~ew~: Heating & Plumbing Systems Dorothy Gilligan '28 Willard E. Hawkins '26 prevent war. Serious conflicts Installed. Rosalie Smith '27 Ira M. Dinkle '26 among nations are economic and Gladys Beane '27 Arthur B. Cecil '28 political, not legal, and courts can- (Estimates Furnished) Anna Swann '28 Hubert Johnson '28 not settle these tseuee. International . Katherine Johnson '28 Paul Lambertson '28 trtbunala and treaties for war. The B b --0- --0- -0-- -0- over a -0-- Margaret Martigoni '29 Wade H. Insley '28 ceutur y have not prevented Athletic Reporters I ~:ve;~:I~ t~:~:tUC:i1~h:~·e;· s~c~~!~ a ylnn ~ LIPPY Gnmpan~ James Owens '27; Gaither McD. Garrett '26; H. Paul Stewart '27 until the court proves to be more Business Staff I etJIclent, purposeful and practtcebte. FLORSHEIM SHOES BUSINESS MANAGER Lewis K.· Woodward '27 The Amartcau people have learned to ASST. BUSINESS MANAGER. . '.' Carroll Royer '28 distrust the inspired propaganda that STETSON HATS CIRCULATION MANAGER . Robert Unger '27 helped to plunge us Into the World ASST. CIRCULATION MANAGER ... K. E. Brown '28 :r:~;,~~h:h:u:n~e~~I~: p~::te :'~l~ International Made-to-MeaBure Instinctively shun all entanglements Suits ARE YOU A "WOR-KEItt" is proud of you and that you are in foreign ajtatra that will lead them In this world of ours there are two worth something In the world. But inevitably Into another European war. Heavy Wool Sweaters two know that you are not tully living up ean do that will solve the European W hI --0- ~:~~n~n~y~~:s~f :he~P~::nt :~:e d::~ ~~:o~t;~e aon:a;:!~te~at~t:n w;:~d~:; nO~:I:/~~~e t~~~l~~t~Se~;i\e~h~~:t~: -0- -0- -0- & K· -0- for them. We may find these e er types in every walk of IUe, In school, to yourseU and are only a dead- situation until the Treaty of varsatl- 109 ,~=;~nes~, and every activity of the :e~~~t T~nen~oi~ra:t:~O:I. th~r::~h t~~~ ~:r~~e G~~!;r~t:t~'e:,n~:~~e p:~~le r~~ GRADUATE PHARMACISTS The worker Is the man who getl! amlnaUon you tind yourself a ·back- venge frolll their minds Rnd hearts. The Rexall Store ~:thh:e~:,n a:~t g~!e~if:~ :;!\~';:,h~:~ :~d~~tC~::gem:;\:e~~:f~1 \~Ul::~f~ ~:;:::a~er~~n;~s I:e::~:~:~~cd~:~:\~:~ Westminster. Md. the I!Weetne68 and.toy of the givlng;·· sehool ,!!!d to th~....:!.orld menta aru:1 themselves rebuild· the -0-- -0- -0- ---0--- -0- :~sdo:!O~~~~r:::te;a~o,;~, bl~B:I:~~.~ I THE UNDESIRABILITY Ok' OIJU s~~~~ereld struQture of the western WESTMINSTER TAILORING Willing to help another. We find I ENTltU·CE ."TO THE WOULD I CIV zat on. --.- CLEANING & DYEING many young Ulen and women of the COURT 65 W. Main Street. "wollker·' type on College Hill. Look Join the World Court! A beautitul A SING Phone 225 around you! In e\·ery important or slogan, but, just how many people Vt'. M. C. Introduces l'I'ew Element. QUALITY TAILORING ~:S:O.~;~b::e~~,sit~~~oO~:Ut!: ~~~:e:~H~ ,~~a~l::m::I~ns~:~p~e s:I:~:n to::~~;I; Of'E:oudc::o:~ea~::~:n~~:~~kl~l: l~eeaoli~: ~e do it-C.le.aning, Pressing~ makes good gra.des, and who really ·I·proven themselves analogous to a the value of music-good music-to Dyemg-Repalrmg. gets something out of college? The tiock of sheep. one breaks down what the me of the nation. Courses In ~ressing done while YOil wait. "worker." 'To be a general an·round, should he the extent of Its freedom, music are 'beIng put into the public Sutts Pressed . 40c good college man or woman you and the reat follow without purpose s(.'hool corriculum. During the war Suits Clean & Press 1.25 must
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