Page 25 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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- THE GOLD BUG Vol. 3, No.7 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Nov. 17, '25 iMr. Meng Speaks - Freshmen Battle To StandIVarsity Swamp Washington Mrs. Conrow~ Appears In On Armistice Dayi ~ College 13·2 Alumni Hall M'l'. :'.1eng, secretary of the Chinese Shockler !Iud Chnmbers In LlmeligM Long Deadlock WJlh Snoremen Noted Render- Presents "'The netum Christian Students' Alliance of Amer- As "nuts" lIeildlocli: ·With Vard Ended, Terrors Now Suite of Peter Grinlm." lea and a graduate student of Colum- Club. CJIUHlllloIiS. "The Return of Peter Grimm" was lila University, addressed the student The Freshman team played one of Western Maryland added to the joys presented in 'Alumni Hall, on Friday body at assembly 011Armistice Day. Its ,best games ot tute season on Hoffa ot Home-Coming Day 1Iy defeating evening. Noverrsber 13, by Mrs. Emma "th~nt:~oi::r~~:t:t:~:I~TJ~~~lgH~~~t:~ ::;~m~;:~~~d::;, t~:e v~~:~y \~e~~l~ing~:at;:~nt~tl~: o~;~~i.e, ;~isHv~~:or~~':~ ~:~~;:~Ia~:~~ ~~~m;a:~~s:r:~~::s:~ having said that the political arena ton College tilt. Both teams at the the breaking of a three-year tie De- Iby him in the Belasco Theaters, New of the world would shift from Europe outset seemed evenly balanced as the tween the two institutions. This York City ill 19"11,with the well-known to the Near East and from the Near playing was for the most part vtctorv gives the Terrors the undis- David warttetd playtng' the leading .East to the Far East. This prophecy In the center of uie field. Atter the puted right to claim State Champion- role, 'has. in .'tlr. Meng's opinion, come true. first period the yearlings began to ship, Deing undefeated IDYany state The theme of the drama Is the power of love which conquered, after The two important problems before show better team work and soon team. the Customs Conference, at watch forced their heavier- onnocente intu The first period resolved itHe1f into having endured an things. 'The story fourteen natIons are represented, are playing. a defensive game, and so a kicking duet between Fegte and is the portrayal of Peter' Grimm, au those of taritT llmitation anti extra- uggreeerve were 'Baby Terrors" that Cavanaugh. Fiege having the edge on old Dutchman, whose greatest desire territoriality. '1'0 understand the pur- the Baltimore uors could ttud uo op- Cavanaugh, despite his uaving to was to unite his worthless nephew pose of the conference we must know portunttv to launch an ertecuve kick against a. str?n g wind. Shorty -Fl'ederick, to his pretty ward, Kilty: something about these two pro1)lems. offence. In the Hnal pertod Shockley Long, our etuetve uute half-back, ran in marriage, in el-der that his great and to understand the meanings or went alI tackle for l5 yards, it looked back one of .the Shoremen's punts 26 Botanical Gardens might belong to these tWOterms we must know some- as though he was loose for a score, yards featunng the most spectacular those two whom he loved 'best and thing about China itself. b~t the Yard Club aatetr man brought play of the fi~'st.half. that they might fi!l(l happiness In For centuries China was an ["olated hUll down. On the next play Chamb- At the 'beguuung of the seconil each other, Kitty at this time is territory and Its people were a ~rs went thro~gh for·17 yards plac- qll~rtel' Washington College by a deeply in love with James, her gllar- !~:~;::e~~s O!l::~:~ h::~l:~!lrencneev:~~~al{rd~~leg~~~~1T~: ~~:t:,I,la:.:;: ~!a~~~ :~:Ie~a~lf ~~IC~:~~f~:lep;=~~s li~:rr~~I~I ~~ar~"ss~:cr;!:~;~ses Inpc~~~tes:! ~i~~ competitioll. A pea~eful civil!zation for a score but the time keeper's fumlbled as they plunged over the I marry Ei'rederic'k In order to secure :: :e:vpe~~~e:"t~:~elt :::s nl:~~~::~~a~~:WI~~~eli~:~~lpt:hemto it. :~:I\n~n:, :af~;rl~~[~ ~I~;k ;1~~~;~1:~;~i ~~:m\~:t~;'~lli=l~~:!~:::'r ~~~p:sde~~~ pre-paredness. and there was no 111- W. M. C, (Frosh) Vard Clwb The half ended with the Ibal1 in mid- Prior to his death Peter and his ::::'~dd;~::;';;::~:~,::,:,:~:;~:;"~;~.~. ::~::: ca,~::::;' fi'~~ ,h.''''-poe''d,,..,,""'h d'-!~;::'~n::;=~';~~~,~'d,:::;::;,:;d:~~ Cblna to the Western Nations and, 111-L. G. Speicher 'ClCtllper veloped ill OUI' offence. Western communicatlug with loved ones. AI- cidentall)', the Ibeginnlng of the Opium C. Dooley WallOW :vtaryland's first touchdown ,,'as the' tbough Peter laughed at the doctor's 'War. In lS..J.2Ens-laud forced ChIna R. O. Goodhand Miller I'esult of a 3O-yard pass, over the !)elJet he promised that if he were to import her opium and to comV1y R. T. McKinstry (C) Hott goal line, l'orci'l'lalns to ,Clark. 'rile I wrong, should he die first, he would with certain tariff and territorial R. E. Cecil Barton second six-poInter came at ~h() term i- retur\l and a·pologizc. After his death, agreements. China was not to Impose Q. B. Shockley Packham (e) nation of a long and rapld match he realized ,F'r'ederick's worthlesB- more than five per cent Imposts or L. H. !Chambers Huth dOW~t~e fiel~ ~hrOugh the Shore- ness, reg-rets his having forced Kitty -duties on imports; and English peo- R. H. Orhetz Bachtell men s hne, Sllhll carrlng the l.mll to promise to manr without love, re- pie occupying territory ill China were F. B. Condon Wl'lght time after time. AUer the TerrOl's turns on the eve of her wedding and to Ibe governed 1Iot by the laws of had scored the Washington College tries to send a message of release to Athletic Notice ~~i:a~:~~ ~~~:: ~::i:l~: ~,:;~a:~jo~~ ~~:~l~~gC~~I:I1~~Oo~o~~!n~a~OSi~:e~~ct~ls~!::!~'inA:!:~!n~a~~e :!~::~Se ~~roSuUgC~ lug these two conditIons fi~st down arter first down was made, little \\-'illie. a sickly little lad, to ::::~:::~~~~::::~::kl,~~~;::::?;~SA~~~D~~:',~fV~,~~~'~~'t_E~'!:"i:~:;:::;~":':::~;::'::'~::;::~::?;,1'~,,:;~;:1~ti::~~'~:;,~:::; uthers were IIdng. The Chinese MANH,\T'I'A~ t;NIVEnS.'l'\'" a largel' score, as the closing minutes I Grimm bears the soul of little Willie stndents in the United States, of vs. of the game round Western Mar'yland 'back with him to "Spirit Land." WESTER" MAHYLAl'iJ) on another march to the goal and whom there are now 2.600in American ~::~~~es~e;~~reT~7:r;:~~~r/';~~8 t:l~~i~ Sh~:~r;;:;e_~::in:ta~~amb~~~ ;~~e~:!~ll~g~:I~'Su~u~hefo~tl~~~n \\~;~~ CO·EDS AG'\I~ VlCTOHIOUS ~:~~pm~:~~a::~ne:s~on~ne~~~!:la~f ::~ ,~;~y~nd see a championship team ~;::ur~~wni: o;CR::::nca;d al~~er:~~ th:':s~:~~~ :~;:~:~ll~e ~:~:=:t :~I~ sovereign rights. The Chinese realized HOt'J!'A FrET,]) tackling of punt receIvers b~ Wisner victory. last IFriday, Iby defeating that the Western Na.tions had taken 2:30 P. M. LET'S GO! also stood out. The line-up. I Mar}"land College for Women 19-7, away from them those very things W. M. W. C. The game was played at 'Lutherville, which we held Inviolable. JlO~"E-CO)tL~G nAY VlsrrOHS L. 'E Clark carl'OIlI and both teams were handlcallped bv ru:u~wa~n:t::~e::a~~i:~:~gt:: ~~;~:;~ Studentij of former years visit the ~:~: ;:~Ie :d:~l~; ':~~:' ~:~~' t~:d g::::'a !1::.~eO~:c~~: have an entirely dltrerent attitude. HI1l Home-Coming Day. The years C. !Perry (C) Kellcy pre"ellted good team work "The conception at i:lO\'ereign ri6hts is 192:3,'24, and ',20 wel'e represented on R, G. "'Isner Keenan Todd as suhstitute slde-center for clear to them. and It Is for this very the Hill by the following people: R. T. Iverson Conant \Vestel'll Maryland did some speedy reason that the CUstoms Conference 19!13-Rowe, Eyster, Wilson, and R. 'El. Norris Flore and excellent playing. has been called. Wine. Q. 'R !Fiege Cal'anaugh Line-Il-P: The Armistice marks a nell' day in 1924--Duley, Roberts, Dayis, LoII~, L. 1FT.Long DumscllOtt Marylalld C. W. ~1. C. international relations. The causes of Gardner, Dltruan, Cairnes, Holland, R rH, oChamibers Negri F. Erwin 'Wilson war, lack ot understanding, and a Matthews, Culler, Newnam, Benson, F. B. SJllIn Galvin F. My.ers Bisbop selfish desire for world domination, Ward, Hooper, Galloway, Winter!!, Substitutions W. Y1.C.-Grace tor IS. Ritchie Lauder are gradually 'being destroyed. The aud Hollins. Norris, ),tc!\fulns for Fiege, Macaham- S. C, Pheister Brown World Court and tbe League of Na- 1925--Terrell, Beatson, Johnson, er for Perry. G. Purcell Bevard tions are movements toward the Bafl'ord, Richards, La,wrellce, Baer, IG. Wells Leizar realization of the ideal of world Allnutt, !\oferrlck, Stone, Sterling, Delta Sigma Kappa kept open house "Substitutions: Rosenstock for peace. Thomas, McAlpine, Owens, Buchan, on Home Coming Day. Their cozy Brown, Smith for Bevard, Wheeler .Are American college students Bell, Horney, Rite, Kelbaugh, Groton, club room formed a perfect setting for Leizar, Johuson for Lauder, Todd ;awake to the current problems? Or Clark, Da,rby, Chalk, Devilbiss, and for the gay greetings and happy chllt- for Rosenstock, Rayne for Wilson. . [Continued on last page.) 1\1.r.and "Mrs, Edwards. _ ler o~ their guests. Engle for Bishop.
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