Page 24 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 24
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. W. M. C. Victorious Over SAM TS?,HEN Batutdny will see a heat of alumni on College HIll wtth colors Penn Hall The "Pressingest" Man in Town Very few graduates, we may as- I Special Prices to College surea. w.ll mtsa this choice oppor- Students. tunity to mingle with old friends, to Western Ma rylanrl ,girls' I C. R. WILSON-College Agent see CIgood foot hall game, and to at- ball team was vtctonons in a stren- -0- -0-- lend the annual dance. Washington uoustv contested game against paun -0- -0- -0- 'Oollege will meet the "Terrors" on Hall on Satnrday. Every member of iHofi'a Bowl in the afl~1"nOon. and. Western Maryland's team W:H forced EAT-A-PLATE-A DAY neecioss to say. there wlJl'tle a cioac- to do her utmost and responded nobly. Iy contested and encounter. thus defeating Penn Hall 3Q-~O, Satunj-:lY nigh, there the usual Western Mar-yland kept tne lead HEU"'~"l ecctat climax of the day. a dance at throughout the game. but at one time the Armory. With all this in store with the score 21 to 2(}.Pelln Hall ICE CREAM ror them. we hope that. everyone of was gaIning' anti ennarenur on the the alumni w:ll enjoy a day of W. M. way to victory. Nothing but a wlll -c. hoanttautv. to do and honest efforts checked Penn Hall's scoring and brought me laurels UroLOGY cr.un JIEWl'Il'iG to W. :\1. C. suecra r credit is [lue Smith and Zite-Neuman CO. Tile Club held its weekly Willinger. the faithful nnd enduring mee1.lno; on the evening of Thursday guards of the home team. Smith's November fifth. Mr. SOlllmers gave a speed anrl form of gua rdlng and Wil- very tnatructtve talk on '-Finding Hngera awtttnaaa merited much at- Westminster, Md. Birds' Eggs." explaining how he had rentton and favorable comment. atseoveree the neete, taken the eggs, Get behind your team, It's a fighting OR. A. J. MORREll -0- -0-- aU1ft~l~eSt~rev~~1~~el:a:h:~~Ci~~;~~eas~go~~e!gatiOn!Help keep up the good Licentiate of State of Maryland. -0-- -0- -0- meeUog was held. The clulb adopted T I h 55 R a constitution which had been pre- Line up: Westminster's Chiropractor I e ep one - ;:I:~Sl~u~~:;e~ \l~'I~: \~Z~~~:irt:ee:~: F. ~;I:~C. pe;~.~s~::: -0- -0- -0- -0- -,,-- CHAS. KROOP lIb '\1 b F Bishop Alexander FOR TAXI SERVICE ;~:~~:~~c~I~~\~~:r\~ls o;~anlza:iona. C: Lauder . Hurst D;\Y AND NIGHT Leading Shoe Repair Shop s. C. Rosenstock Cuthelbert· 25 E. Main Street lIms. KITCH.~l'i. VIS.'I'S Y. w, g. :l\\l~ger S~il\lc::l}~ CALL COPPERSMITH I Westminster, Maryland. Mr s, Beatrice Ktlchen spent Mon-I S;~hstltllt;ons: W.:'II. c.c-wueete- Phone 33 ,Send your shoes to Charles ;~~i:d~~1t~i:~I'~I~~~;h~h:ithSet~;~en~'OII:~~If 01"Willinger. Penn Hall-So)·er fOI" -0- -0- -0- -(}-- --0- Kroop by Parcel Post. Repair v. w. C. A. }lrs. Kitchen is "great Hlirst. Hurst for CUlheben. CHRISTMAS CAR:[S them the same day at a very ",Y" :v~rker and ,is sect'etary -D"KE ,mLLIU~S II We. h::tve p'aced on d:splay in I low price. ro,~ hll:S area ... She ~" V~!tlH!':"Ihe :~ - a qUJet ,'part of ~he store our GIVE US A TRIAL ,\ s. of all of the colle",ea and um --- I superb line of Christmas Greet- versitiell in this parl of t~e ,countr. y . By the will of the lale James R. ing Cards. 1-0- -0- -0-- -0- ---0- :~eairiSw~;:~sting the assoclat.lons III ~eUr~~;\e~~:~:s UO~li~su;phaess~~b~~~C;~~~t~.~IlI~:au~; D. S. GEHR MO!ldayafternoon. :\11'5,Kitchell met of the richest colleges In the country. I and sentiment. Ihe omci~ls or the Y. W. a~Hl gave In the will $10.000.000 Is provided for Make your selection now while Wholesale and Retail Hardware, In the South and of I IlIe:o many practic
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