Page 23 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 23
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. Page 3. ~x~xcx[ix;X;X~XXlX;XCXXlX;XCX[ix;x;x~x[ix;xcx[ix;x;X~X:;X;X~xX;X;xcx[ix;xcx[ix;X;X(]nrXil~XXlx;x(ixix;x;x[ix~x~~r~R~S'~'~'O;"LZ,'~N~-S-S-I>E~S~1-'-f-.-W. was present ur :\lrs. Porttnes Westminster's Cut Rate Store Y. fourth. W. C. IIn(1 A. !1 m-st of tetereatiue the November gave talk on tim mission elaaas a :lHH to be held in Westminster or are the 61 W. Main St. Klee Apartments teutu. eleventh. And twettni of tllW! month. Slmilnr he~j The Right Store On The Wrong Side Of The St. Balthnot-e classes nave ctues. beau but ii :9 .in ami other to coneucr crassea ui The GET OUR PRICES meenngs are to be held in uie after. mentioned. Iju-ee days noons of the each meetIng con statlug of three lee- sons. Each day a book on mtsston Face Powders Creams work will 'be reviewed lind m-eaentert IQ the students under- in an easily interested persons Talcum Powder Toilet Articles stood form. of For mission work, the in any kInd course wut nrcve both interesting ao(j Patented Remedies Pills, Tablets ben efl(;~a1. On 't'uesduv. the tanth. a lunehenn will be served to the persona taking the course ill order to he!]) them be. Sodas Cigars come acquainted with each otlle-l' and with the speakers :viI's. Fcrllnes explaiuetl the Yalu& Cigarettes Be pk, or 2 for 25e. I ;~i;:;:;~~;1~\:(lc:rarVeeCtS~lVeel~\~tlp;~a~~~;: om alto- many mg. She brought gether new ideas on the subject of CALL IN. praying fa)' with a few and then closed for results. her talk suggestions the "Y" meetings. bettering The Y. W. C. A. is much indebted n::n:n ~~I~~h~S~dF~:~~:\Q f~:ve hl~:r ~~s\~~~~! x XXXlIII IIIII ·11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 XlIII 1 1 IXXXU 1 XlIII ---- ------ ---~ ------------ association again. "JOHN" WESTMINSTER'S 'I.'HEY ARE 1l\'DIGYAX'l' PHIL01UTHEAN xurus CONEY ISLAND Try our Te:ltas Weinel's, with The. Green Onion, humorous E vel' ready Mexican Chilli Sauce. cation at ).olichigan State College: pubn- of Philo. the At the Very courteous Home made pies and delicious . "Neck, drfnk, occasionally study Freshmen last meeting a short c'omedY pre-sen ted Errorless attention coffee. and all will be weI!. Whatever yell "Spreading the News." The Right style (Under new management) do. freshmen. doo't ee orlgtnal. Be entltled. will be in charge ill the Bophoruct-es Hail' cutting HARRY AMPRAGES collegiate. Wear the right clothes at program this week. They are doing Also -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- the right time. Think as few original nll they can. to make Philo mean It's collegiate Razors honed SPEC IAL thoughts as possible. into a B when you something worth while to eacn of YOIl. to bull the prof. help by your presence Be there. and Tonics rated a D. It's cotlegtate to sleep in to. make 'Philo mean even rutn-e to The Only Barber and Bobber at We are now serving lectur-es. crib in exams, copy themes. them. As vou go on lhrou.g:h the rest the Forks and get Iby. It's collegiate to ureter of the year ramemoer that if YOUgive. HOT FUDGE SUNDAES an AfrO-American fox trot to a Pthilo tile best that is in yon. the !Jest -0- -()-- -0- -0- -0- HOT CHOCOLATE Beethovian sonata. All. by all means wlIl come hack to you F. A. Sharrer & Son let's be collegiate. None or the herd SANDWICHES will raise shocked han(1s and say be- ]IISS .1. ]1'. Sl'.'AIlIBI . . gone miserable. radical. pink socialist: HOME FURNISHINGS Give them a -tnal "The picture we paint is not con'l The new ass!st~nt .l.n the .Depart. Westminster, Maryland. IBON SAC K ' S ~~le~htZd~~st~:l~e~e'he~~~sc~hs~~~ya~;~~ ;.~e:~~~~I~~::.nch IS \\I\!~s JIlI.HI ;\1ar. ~o- -0-- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -o-lent!!'e AmeriCAneducational system ~ew Wlildsor. Mat'ylaull, IS MISS Otlr line is complete now I of today. .Janed up cultures. 001- Snader's hirth.)Jhtce and pres enI home. iars and cents. Dollar~ and cents. Aft€r gl'~(htntlOg from the Blue RIdge for the holidays, Water- I ~loet:l~tsd~I~le~~n t~~~,hcl~~e~~:\l~~ll'~~:: ~~~ie:~:nto::h:;:oo!h:he r\:~:\\'~~H~~~ man's Fountain Pens. Ever· NEW TON S 0 R I A L l ~~ritt~~t:rfitl\~~I:l';h::~nr~,lS \~!1'~~en~'I~~ ~~t~ltO~~tri~~lea~~sXl~~:s~li:~\nu~lll\rl~~;ell~~~ sharps, leather goods; fin· I YOll willing to be students or the Dl'amatiC!!I- H:storJ'. and EConomics est quality) complete selec- PAR LOR name? Thinkers that do not fnltt'l' in the Vnion BrIdge high school. Aiso. HEAG Y BROTHERS, Props. Ibeneath the condemORtion or the durIng these same year'!. she has at- tion. Men's wrist watches, E. Main St. sleepy, mud·covered herd Ihat grunts tended summer school in the (0110\\,- and ambles Its way down the ruts in,~ institutions; Columbia [·niversity-. all makes. ladies' wrist to oblivion," Univt'rstt)' or Virginia. and Penn State. In the la\tt'r place. M!s$ watches, new designs. Come Snader lived in a French hou>le-whe~!! HOUSE OF QUALITY flower Com)Jact?" B. B. D.-Oh. is Ihnt !he new Djer- AND SERVICE Kiss product? l
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