Page 22 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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l'age ::._ The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. THE GOLD BUG ~Il' TnAI<.'FIC COl' Official newspaper of western :'\faryland College. publlshed on FREE! during the anademtc year by the students O'f Western Maryland' College, 'Vhen Physics class comes after Math, Westminster, Md. Ent as second c.aas matter at the westmmster Post My brain works ever-y minute- 5-Tube Radio Set Office. And then three classes after that Just works tt to the limit! FREE! Subscription price. $2'()O per year. EDITORIAL STAFF The professor talks of "grams" ann Send self-addressed, stamped MANAGING EDITOR William S, Veasey '26 "ohms;" envelope-for full particulars EDITOR-IN-CHIEF . George M. Benner '27 I don't know what he's saying- regarding this OFFER. NEWS EDITORS-Geo. S. Baker '27, and Mary Page TUrner '26 For I'm getting "ellipses" all mixed up With "Corinna's going a-Mayf ng." R A D I 0 T E X CO. Associate Editors . Dorothy Robinson '26 Albert Steele Farver '26 I My thoughts fly here, my thoughts fly 296 Broadway, New York, N. Y~ Ruth Jones '26 Gerald Richter '26 mere. -0- -0- -0- -0- -o- Repcrtoral Staff At such a rapid rate; "Established 1865" Blanche Ford '27 E. M, Hannold '28 I'll have to get a traffic cop THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK To keep my ideas straight. Dorothy Gilligan '28 Willard E. Hawkins '26 OF WESTMINSTER Rosalie Smith '27 Ira M. Dinkle '26 The rramc cop on ?1ed,ulla street Gladys Beane '27 Arthur B. Cecil '28 :>.!akes all pedestrtan s hum; Westminster - Maryland Anna Swann '28 Hubert Johnson '28 For Sara Bellum always tries Katherine Johnson '28 Paul Lambertson '28 CAPITAL $125,000 Margaret Martigoni '29 Wade H. Insley '28 To collide with Sara Brum. SURPLUS & PROFITS $150,00a Athletic Reporters I'll build my cop a little box James Owens '27; Gaither McD. Garrett '26; H. Paul Stewart '27 With signs to "Go!" and "Stop!" Jacob J. Weaver, Jr., President. A~d all my brain will have to do Business Staff Lewis K. Woodward, Vice-Pres. Is watch that traffic cop. By 'Florence Messick, George R. Gehr, Cashier. are not different, evidently, from the Y. )1. C. A. Is receiving notroble support III plan- FLORSHEIM SHOES rest of the race. Because or their "ClI" Lippy prominent membe\' of ntng and executing these state anrl youth. they are inclined to make the Junior class. spoke at the regular regional conferences. Raymond g'os- STETSON HATS merry, to enjoy everything hugely. weekly meeting of the Y. :vi. C. A. dick. Ivy L. Lee, Irving Fisher, Man- This is natural. but to laugh !It one's Part of the time he gave to a (lis- ley Hudson and 'ax-covernor SWeet International Made-to-Measure neighbor because ot some slight cueeron. B ce C y f i of Colorado are interested active pecuuar+tvor his is not natural and ternatlonal I'pUromin~:~e' ~nma;el~giO~~ '~:i~tlc::t:I~J~U!I~t~; ~:~kfe~~noCre~~ni~:~ Suits !~o~:il.we::;~r~h~~te:t~;:el~:S t~o~le~~ work on the campus, spoke at the full time sueuket-a the Council or laugh and make sport or them. Bible study conventlon at Friends Christian associations has secured Heavy Wool Sweaters This habit of ridicule hur-ts more ~~~e~~n~a~o~~Se\~;!,t~~~~~'?~'~lre:l:~~:~ K~:~yA~daeg:,:::~S;, L;~:~ae;~:~ffe~n;~~);'~ -0- -0- -:-0--0- -0- than one per-ann. The one Wh0 makes delegates Lippy hopes to put lOW ~. Nevin eevre and George Collins. MITTEN S BAKERY !~~ar:~l;.the~:, b~a:~: ge~li:;'ese(I~)~~~ ~irOanCti~~r~hea:h:~;:no\~am~:,~ rl~~~l~; Already reports of interested stud- FRESH BUNS, CAKES, PIES~ of ridicule. by sharpening hili wits In under the head or "Life Discussion ent partiCipation in the campaign are.I and FINGER ROLLS Ihe expense of others cultivates in Groups." The meetings will be heIr! ;~~Cahi~e~~:~~~ll~~~lre~e~t tl~eewun~~~'~_ SPECIALS FOR PARTIES himself a taste for hrutality . Prlml- every Saturday during the winter live man was, or necessity, brutal. He months. immediately after lunch. ~i~~/~f O~~:h~7dadl;n~e~~~~~ i;:~lt~~ Phone No. 249-R. E. Main St. had to be In order to survive. and place and leader's to be announced have accepted the World Court Pro- -0-- -0- -0- -0-- -0- :~~mbr:l::l ::In~l~ ~~hl~~~~aT!~s~t~a:::' ~:~::t ~~~ i::::~~~:in~s: lti~~~ ~~f~ gra:n .as ouUined by the Council of Freshmen make three trips I? a. normal. well bred, ,we!!. o.rde~e~ ever been tried among the students ~~~:~:17~:lsl~~I:tli~nS~et~:~nkal~:\,~n: to SHIPLEY'S every night. ~'!~~:en~~e d:~I:I!P~~~s'b~~a~yt:)d~~~!:~~ ~~~~~:~s;~~~a~:s~~s~:~:ls im~~;~~'~~! week fOor lhe World, Court Program. Special prices for parties_ and grow. From ridicule we go tOo to the college man now in Ister lite ,Last week end the contemporary clull :~::!7\~eSC~~tI~~~~~e;nt~e~~ ::y :!l~: and probably after' that: . ' ~~s~I~~10;o~~e~t~lehe:l~b~C::ecial group . I The success or Lbesa. meetings de- . COME TO :~te!~ !~:~:~:a~s~eSireS Which W!!! ~:nn~s ;~~r~l.y !I~~~ 1h~oa;~Oo~0Oo~:~: w~~St~~~;a~~~r;:u~e~~: ~~~Jt~v~~t n~! "POp" Shipley's w:o~~n!t :~'nt:~~~~l~o~~\lrlt~ \\~:ela~;~ ;~ \\~~~t~wll:i;ee:u~r~:~:;:es~;:h eU~i::~~o.f t~:l1::~\':f ~~~:'\ea~aan d:S~~'~~ 8.1. auyoIlol)',s personal ap~eRrilnce or 'Walch for tghe asters and give us SIOn grOoIl,pat 111e University (of Ken- S at any peculiar charactenstic he may the once over it will be worth the tucky. At the UniVersity of Rochester. -0- ~:_!~o~O~o-- -0- ~:ISr~::'sc~:u~~ l~~l::; lJ::o:: \:l~~ time that it t~kee. ~:;ar~~:~'t. t';;r.h:xt~~ t~:r~~S:OI;: • ,for the Worlel Court Wehler & KIng barrassed Iby this feeling that every~ --- racult~r sdvlsor one Is laughing at him ihat his Iife I A!li'NOUNCEJtIENT! CommIttee. will he made quite unhappy. Or he On NoveOllber fourteenth. HOOle Tn response to requests coming GRADUATE PHARMACISTS may become resentful and then Coming Day, Delta Sigma Ka.ppa wlll from every region or the United cynical. Many Jives which should have "open house." for the faculty, States, the New York headquarters or The Rexall Store have been normal aud happy have alumni, and guests of the memibers. the aSSOoclation Is shippIng quantities been spol1ed by a cynical altitude In McDaniel Hall club room. or literature. Westminster, Md.
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