Page 21 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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THE GOLD BUG VoL 3, No.6 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Nov. 10, '25 Hooters Win Fourth Straight iCo·Eds Victorious In Opening ITerrors Make Credible Students Hear Talk Game Showing Against Navy On Banking System :N01',. Ptetes t'lllJ uercre Fast Oli'en~e I or W. M. Seecer 'renm. ---. western :\>Taryland co-eds opened Midslllpinoll .Forcell ~'o liard J:'ight To Mr. 'George R. Gehr. influential M:r~~an~e:lle;:Pirnes~~~~~; is~~:~~~; ~:!~:!:s:e~i'~~;~j~e:):on:-'I\~~:a~'~:;:l~'~ Down Western llrn.rylnlltl2i-O. banker of Westminster and carron quite a re~'Jrd for Itself. Saturday 62-2. The opposing learn from :\Iary- suun's liO'YnTd nun jl[ost Speetnoular ~~:n~~e~~~re;,S~do~~~a:,tU! !laW the Navy pl€!Jes fall ,before its land College for Women. Lutherville. Pia)" O~ Tile Game. sernlllly. Mr. Gehr had no sooner bril1!ant work, marking five wins out offered very urue opposition nnd was Western Maryland played a sur- started to speak than all the students or six starts for the Westminster unable to check the swift passing aud p rtstngly strong game against the Navy realized tuat he knew thoroughly aggregation. 'The score was 2-1.. accurate shooting of the home team. at !Farragul Field, on Suturrlay. The what he had to say, and posseaaed the The ~lar)'land lads were handicap- Wlison aud,lBishop as forwards dis- Middles expected au easy game and ability to put the information across ped at the start oecause of the code played practice and. remurkamle fit- were confident that they would run in the most f-orceful manner. or rules tuev were playing under. In neaa for varsity places. wusou's ac- up a score of at least 50 points but As the preacher takes his text, Mr. termer games. xtarrtend Public Ath- curate goal shooting was a nottceaole instead they had to fight their hard- Gehr gave for his the definition of Ietlc league rules were the g-overning feature or the game. Rosenstock and est to wln a 2'7-0 vrctorv. Due to be- money. "an instrument agreed upon code. The Navy plays the game \ike Lauder in the center kept the ball on lUg favored wHb the "breaks" of the to ,facilitate the exchange or com- foot iball. clipping. blocking and home territory throughout most of game the Navy scored two unearned modtnes." Mr. Gehr said that at the char-glug being permitted. Arter the the game. touchdowns. The 'Terrors made two beginning or the Revolutionary War l-ocal boys "wIsed up" on the sailors' The substitute team which played wonderful defensive stands when no country was more poorly sItuated mode of attack, the tide of batlle during the tntru quarter kept the their goal line was endangered. on ftnancially than the United Stutes. changed and there was nothing to the Lutherville team o-om making pro- one occasion recovering the ball on With three million people and twelve. game but, rearing and tearing of the gresa with ease almost equal to that downs only three yards from the goal. million dollars. the eotomea began the green-and-gold-striped boys. . of the varsity members. Engle and the )1idshipmen ,being able to cover struggle. How were they to pay the Early in the first half. Beauchamp Willinger for the "subs" dId excep- only five yards In four plunges. men? That was the rtnanctat quee- 'r ecelved a center from Garrett and tionally good work Fortuoe favored the Navy Immedt- tion that contronteu therri. The genius placed it neatly In the net for a Miss war reu'a ability as a referee ately after the first kick-off. On ,the ot Alexander Hamilton througlt hIs counter. The sailors retaliated on the is unquest!onlllhie. Onlookers and first line-up the 'Terrors fumlhle(\ and proposed tax on all imports success- next pillY and rushed one through on lliarers agree that she was on the Navy recovl'reli un Maryland's 15-yard fulb' solved the financial prc,::'lem cf 11. poorly-trapped shot. Parr found alert duriug every play of the game line. this'd them in position fOI'l the new nation. the range bl'tore the h9.H wa" up and anrl gave unbiased and impartial de- scoring. Shapler rau the next kick-I From the outset. the scheme of cur- blinded the Navr goal-keeper with a Cis ions in every instanCe. off bae~ ~or 30 yards 'but !lere I reney met with much oPllosition and dazzling drive thal carried ball and Western )laryland's co-ed ,!.lasket Terrors Ime held and the. ~llddleS at thl' expiration or tbe twenty )'ears gO;~:e::::nd~l::I;·a:a~h:O:~:!~:a~:~ ::!~o~,an:he ~~~solt:~~tl~~\ aal~(:~c~):~.~~~~;~~:~ng f~~~~edha? O:u:i~·. ~.~~Ia~~:y:~e,~I ~:ng:~!~\e\l:\~e~i~~r~:;ne:,a~t. ~r:;t~d~ of long range kicking and fast drih- tency of each member makes a stron!; tllle. From thiS point Slllm made SIX institution went out of existence. How- ~:!~ha~:'~t~~~:~O\~; ~~~lin~:t:e a:~:::::t. for an excellent and effective roa;~~ ;,~tl:\~g~~!~::I}~~f[~I;~~l:~'O\~~I(~' ~::;~sHV~a~ekar:.~aste~~:r::~::d ~~~~te: play. the pas,iag o~ ",tchols and the Western Maryland tine~up: W!lson e.nd, SIUin agam went through the I capital of $3'5.000.00(}. When lhe Jews ~r~~:~;gSid:f se~:~utt~m~av:ea~~~~~!l ~~(!e:~~~~:: f~:::err~~; ~~~::; :~~ ~:~/o~e~~::~e~a~~\: .bU~a~~~mb~:~e~:~ ;:rr;\~~~e~l:eOnd :l;~~e t:~~S~;~l:~ pr~:~ or the ball In this hair. DelHnger nnd Smith. guards. they were soon forced to punt again devil and external things they lo~t Umbarger s!n'ed the da)' for the local Substitutions-Brown for Rosen- In the next snccession of plays West- ant. So it was in the case of cnr~ lads many times .by their long and ac- stock. Second team participants. ern Maryland showed ·their greatesi rency. everyone \.Iegan accumulating cu~a::p:ic~~~:~. eyes on this all~s:ar ~~~~~. a~~r~~:~~::.on, Bevard, WilI- ~~e~l:!~~e°f[or!l~ey~~}~·s.~.~c~::.:;~ :~l; !:~a~e:I:~\sSeysnO!~o:~alth tor himself 10und leU end for six more. soccer aggregation. Every !\lan on Then Sillin llroke around Navy's 1-1r.,Gehr recalled. for he knew well the squad has been a high-school star Athletic Notice right Emd and sprinted ~) yards be- ~:~o:: ~:Y;o~~:!lea~!I'I~a~:~~ ho~wb~~l~ and knows soccer from iIB beginning Coach "Pete" Garrett h3.8 found a !~~:t;~lem:nasO!~-o~:~ ~6..y~~~ ~i:~~:~' were lost on account or the deficient fightIng and winninlt combination. one ,\LL~r~1 ~~~~,~~1iINGDAr ~t:hew;:mt:.e ;1~:tM~~~~!:c~~~~v~;':~ .~\~:::~~r'Ba·!~\~lrg ~~:te:a~a~l: I:rae:~ that expects to Irim fnture opposition indiscriminately as It has treated its WIX WI'1'1I Wt:STEilS ~fA.nYLANU on downs and an exchange of kicks the five dollar bill wns introduced for up-positIon the past fonr games "Kf'n" Shroyer's 'Terror Foot followed. A completed forwa~d pas~ the first time. "Barney'"Spier. assistant to coach Ball 'Team hOlIes to win the State and a series of line bucks gave the Mr. Dehr said tbat no other genertl- Shroyer. is fostering BocceI' as a Championsll:p Saturday. Will Navy another score. During the re- tion has ·been born in .better oppor~ minor sport. and it Is through his you see the battleY mainder of -the hal·f the teams played tunity than the present and that It is el!orts that the college Is ahlll to boast on even lerms. UP to them to maintain the bounteous ru.a. wjn:n.lng SOlleer team. DATA A low pass from center \\'as large- wealth of the United States. Finance Opposition-Washington College ly responsible for Fiege's punt beIng: includes not only economic and busi- PHtce~Hoffa Field hlocked and the Navy's scoring their ness matters,llJut also a higher stan(l· Date-November 14th. third tally. ard. inl'olving spiritual finesse. Tlme--2:30 The fall inspection of the R. O. T Adm!ssion-One. Buck The entire Western 'Maryland team Mr. (;ehr's subtle humor made him 'C, was beld last Wednesday 00 Hofl'a deserves praise for the scrapDY game present a dry suibject in an luterest- field. All or the "woolleys" turned Come on gang let's all ·get .behind they put up with the breaks against lng way. 'He spoke In a simple and out in fine array before lhe critical The Team. them and playing on a wet field with straightforward style. !He placed .eye pf Lieutenant-Coionei Dean. 'They Get in line, shake handS with the a slippery Iball they made more than God ,behind all ftnnnce. and to prove. -drllle-d In fine order during the old .friends. a credible showing against the strong this he quoted with much feelin.g 'Various section drills. 'The officers 'Moot and make new friends. Navy eleven. DurIng the game Capt. Kipling's "Lest We Forget." It was showed their ability as they lEad the "Ez" Wllliams and Perry !bolh S\lS- felt that tbe speaker realized the re- sections through the movements o-f W. W's. ENTEItTALV talned serious leg injuries. sponsibil!ty accompanying the p06~ miUtary drill. On !Novem!ber rUth, the first "Rush The Ilne-up: session of wealth. The world wants 'Tbe most Impressive part -of ihe In- Day" of the W. W. Club, the members W. M. Navy more men like Mr. Gehr. spectlon was when tbe columus of entertained seventeen girls at n movie L. E. .clark Williamson ~~~~~~~~~~ platoons passed in review before the party and an oyster supper. The. L. T. McROihle Bernstein L. H. Cbambers Cadwell inspecting officers and stall' omcers or supper was daintily served in the L. G. Wisner Capt. Lentz R H. Long Hannegan. the unit. The drill as a whole was c!utb room, which was attractively C. Perry Hutchins F. B. ISillin Shapley very good .• "howing that the spirit or decorated with the cl·ub colors, scarlet R. G. Capt. Wllliams Edwards Sufbstitutions: Western Maryland- the men is with the ofiicers, It great and silver. AIte.r the singing of club R. T. I~rson Eddy Machamer for Perry, iRona for Wil- step toward the goal of d!stlngui!>iled songs and many expressions of n good R. E. Hanls Bernet Hams, F!ege for McMains, Habn tor rollege. time, the happy crowd departed. Q. B, McMsins Hllmllton Long. Norrlij t-or Harris,
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