Page 20 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 20
Page 4. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster. Md. EAT-"-PL.A.TE-/l.·OAY HEUMt:lNl ICE CREAM ~ __ ""_T,.sn· (Continued from fl'ont oese.r Leading Shoe Repair Shop ucketniootn, wh,ich Cl\!l1mnarily Mantis STUDEN'I'S SEI-: AIlLISS .t the entrance to Hoffa £i'ieW had Last Tuesday evening a group or tackle, through guard and center. 25 E. Main Street the Hahn car- of teken flight ~n the night and now gfrls and several members LO till) fled the pig skill for yard after yard I Buck .Ohamber'a and "Jim" stood in front of the ibulldln-g wnn facully went to Baltuume Westmmster, Maryland. :IL .dummy InSide r-eady evidently to <\udltOrlum wher-e Geolge AIIISS was never fall~ng to gain Shor-ty" Long Send your shoes to Charles l5elt tlC'kels to the next game or to atarr-tng 111 Galswollhvs play Old took theball for 30 ~ardfl auda.l1:!.:~J;o. ¥..::-:::'!',)::; o..,_ .."'! fj\st Reoatr ~urch 1 here was a stgn on a tree EnglIsh E\ arvcne SI)Cnt a most ~n dO'U'''""--::;;~"T>''''): and a~ded the extra them the same day' at a very _ :.~~~~e~~lIt~::e~m~ar~: ~~~~!:y e~~~~n!el~::'r~~~ t~l~r~~~pthm ~~~d l~ff ~1} ~,ra~~~I~~rou~:~ente~af~l~ low price. eouetry. a.d;v.i.singJveryone to dine at _ the second score, GIVE US A TRIAL A LICEJ\'SE 'ro 8C'J'-I~ The only orrenetve put up by the -0- -0- -0- -0-- --0- GI',a.yDables Inn and pointing towar-ds the Ibuildlng. Several articles concerning athletic New Windsor aggregation was at the w. M. C. At rue entrance to Wha.t once was activities of Western ~lllryiand nave beglnnlng of the third quarter but the College Tea Room was a sign been'h£'.din lle;WS~al)erS 111HI I th.il1 was blocked oetcre "" goal wad PENN ANTS 50c ""h:ch announced to everyone that other pnbl'lcatlons tor which we find within any danger or belug crossed. ue-e were "Rooms for Tourists." ~he athletic office of Western ~lary- Blue Ridge was out played in ever-y CUSHION TOPS $1.35 The faculty and the !studenta might land 'College has not anthorized or is point making only 'three first downs boys' well have uaueveo that the Hallowe'en responspble. We than'k the indll'iduRI to work in the line oy ?'1(,Ro-bie.Pert·y. ARM BANDS 20c Exceptional eighteen. 0111' Sllir'oils hall ill(leed .been Ibusy. 1))\]1: or .gronp of individuals for their In th9Y ,kw)lVillg 'boy~ and their ways Lerest in athletics. ,but the,ir lack of Wisner. and l\'er~on plare(l havoC CAPS 20c the entire squad was used W t . t c just ].au,'!;,lledand said "well. boys wiil infOl'mation makes ihe articles seem with any ofiens<:ve Blne Ridge [lut liP be ;boys!" almost comical 111 the eyes or s:udents- Practicallv es mms er and ll Kitchen and atIII-etes.-The Edoitors ill. the. g~me all of the .thil'd string ~1I8S c. O. l'AIIKE!! g.olllg ll\ m the final penod. ~ 21 E. Main Street. Thl~ year '\V. :-'1. Oollege ha$ as an IHVING SOcrE'I'\' The l!neup' :~~!~~:e i:nl~:~V~~~~e~ducatlon. Miss la!h~'rol~;~~g a;{itc~:~~el::Ci~~}~ n:~:: I L. E E. :~ll~:'ms, Capt. E~'s~~ster -0- --0- -0- -0-- --0- ~~;ce~~:~an~;~a, l~~:~ ~!:~Cti~~ete~:~~i:~~n :~ldLllee~'~~:'rag~~\: ~: b: D. S. GEHR sci!:~ e::;:t~:n ~~:n:h:,e p.H;:;;:!~ !~~I!~~b\~~:~,:~l:l~:r:,h~o:eengte,to :I::~~ ~~~n o:ixtl~r ~~~;:;.~n ~::~e~n~~;ee;er~ R.~. ~::r: ~~!~~Wholesale and Retail Hardware, she sll'ent two years. Since then she Oll.e of the Ibest debates ever gi'\'e.n \n R. T Iverson \Vol! Building Materials, Cutlery, lias taught in the A1A3xandri'llpublie 1I'Ving HaiL The suhject of the de- R. E. Harl'is Sla.ugh'ter I Ammunition, Paints, Oils, Wes[ 8co.ool ,for ,two yearS. All,hough she bate was, Resolved: "Thnt mornIng Q. B ~1c~1ains taug)ht Englii>l1. Tyglene, and Arlth- chapel at 'W. :vi. C. should be R. B. Long Capt. Miller Stoves. Ranges, Furnaces, Uletic dUI'ing thiIl!-time, her chief work albollshed,." 11he two teams 1I0t only L, 8. Hahn Hollenstien Iron and Steel Products. Ifollsisted in teaching Physical 'Edu- evidence or the fact that were F. B Ohambers Miehael I oIlation interested in debating bur that they (Established 1868) -Not only is 'Mi.sS''Parker a full the required abi'llt)' to enter into lI'ed'ged teae.her, !but she Is also It this phase of ,college lite. ,\U'rtnI:NiON COLLEGI-: HILL Westminster, Md. 'lIlemll>er of the ,present JunIor class. ~he result of this dehate was an The Indian Summer days are fair. -0- -0- -0-- --0-- --0- Sh& Is ta'king a fuJI course and her incenL;ve ,for the entire society. CC'Il1eout and !breath the ton~c air, Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr ntajo.r is Eng~iiSh. l\'iessrs. 'Royer, Gaynor, G. Lippy, anll A!nd catch the smoky odor, rare. Pus would .be e1pected. ,Miss Parker Wal'fie1d proved to ,be good prospects On "beal\ty feast your fill. ~::: t:~rts'A:sp:::al~~ ~:tre:~:~nani: ~~~U~~l\:!::hm:~tl:ac~e~:;:~ien!!V~~ ~i~le:~~U;:~~ ~nar:::sl:Setv::l;:::e? The Newest and Best clothing ('oncerned, her ,favod,te is ,horselback- debating. Irving feels t.hat they will She-'s given us her Masterpiece, and furnishings rid,ing. prove to 'be- a. difficult problem Ior Antumn (In College 'H1l\. Goods for young men. Mj,SiSP.arker 'saY-!lBhe enjoys teach- WelbsUlr to -!lo1ve. Who caUs these melancholy days? ing the girls at W. M. C. very much, 'l'h& ~nvl.tation for membership in There's ntter fo'lly in that phrase, -0- -0-- -0- -0- -0- SAM COHEN ~~:r~S~ ~ho~e~:~l: r~~c~o~:\~~rl:~ .~~.;~:!~s ~~~:ty~O '~~m:C!~e:,avI~V~:; ~: ~::Ut~:: tl~~:bS\~~~ ~ll;:;l;:~'s- to, girls! Hall. :vIonday aveu'lng at 7:15. I'll wager something mighty fine Tailor Western MaryJa.nd OOllege .extends The deluded chap wh.o penned that The "Pressingest" Man in To\\-u it.s h'l'al'l,iest w,eicome to Mias Parker W.hat's tftIeideal honeymoon salad? line Special Prices to College both. Ml 11 new teacher a'nd as a I pass. Had ne,ver strolled in shade and wi'lle Students. ,ludenL "Lettuce alone." Through the leaves .on College Hill. C. R. WILSON-College Agent
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