Page 19 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 19
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. Page 3. Garrett; Secretary and Treasurer, J. 61 W. Main St. Klee Apartments 0_ Johnson; }fallager. W. L. Hawktns, In addttton to these three officerS' on e sen'l wiLl The Right Store On The Wrong Side Of The St. each nterarv socrerv the-ir re~Jlectlive' from eeuresentanve societies. 'pnese. repr€-.!!entatives will" 'be entitled to all the rIght~ an,l GET OUR PRICES priviledges of ruu memoersntp in the council. 'I'bis councn was organized last I year for the first lime. It is a very Face Powders Creams worthy and accreounute ha ve a keeu organteauon, ccmnosed of men who Talcum Powder Toilet Articles I interest In debatlng' and are ca·pa'ble- or taking tlle necessary steps for its success. ami Patented Remedies Pills, Tablets devetonmem ,first inter-oollegiate Western debat- Marylande ing was with ,Eltzabethtown C()Uege in 1924, she also met Gettysbur-g Col- lege in a duel contest; winning one Sodas Cigars and losing the other. We-stern Mary- lantl meet Bucknell University in a our debate, stegte three-man conies! a brand team nf in nne displayed Cigarettes l3e pk, or 2 for 2Se. debating mac sn-ougtu ror m a uuant.. uioua dectston in our favor. T'he rnemeers of last year's lnte r-. CALL IN. collegiate debnting :L .. tjan-eu. wei-e : Day, team Reamy a"11(1 Hawkins. W. Stewart. Wrilh the expertenoa or these men ami the nrosnecuva new ~X:X~X~X:X~X~X:X:X~X~X:X~I~X:X~X~X:X~X~X~X:X~X~X:X~X~X:X~X~X~X:X~x~x::r::~r~":x~x~X:X~uxxn::.:~~material W. M. .sbonld make an en- vsatne record the during €'Dsuing ~ ---------- ------ --------- season. .CjuHN" ~T~~~WJ~tP':~SI The s!~~~r~A~a~:R~~ertail1e-d !b~h;ea~:S!ijlln~~r=;~~g~aetew~:b~~:s~: Try our Texas Weiners, with tbe faculty and stud~1<> at an Hat-11n.gton College. Severa! state con- Ever ready Mexican Ccilla Sauce. _"cl!~le-!l ¨..n ie;t.~--ll~ ·Very courteous Home made aies and delicious towe'ennarty ill the"~ commonplace ap- pog.s~hJ.e ,'1. trsaugular --i-.') ...lut.'''Q,x"-.if wun Tbe usuat debate night. Errorless attention coffee. . pearance of me "gym" was complete- Jchna Hcpkiu s and U. .of Md. In ad- Right style (Under new management) Iy cbanged. Yellow and Iblack were dJUon to t·lUis·~be team Is planning to H air cutting HARRY AMPRAGES dominant in the color scbeme. while take several trips to the colleges of Also -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- corn stalks, witcbes, and 'black cats Pennaylv-u.nla. IIIIP~ to tbe Hal, The rounei'l i-nvltes tbe hearty contr~bllt-ed even more Razors honed SPECIAL tow-e'en atmosphere. The class officers port of every student of W. M. C~ Tonics and mem,hers of the committee re- This scholarly sport not only ,builds: The Only Barber and Bobber at We a·re now serving ceived. up t.he indi\'ldllal, but ad'Venises the the Forks T,he entertainment committee .grade a'fld Ibranbating tellm. at in and make a selection Westminster, Md. erlll blUbbU'b.. and tbe guests departed I wlIic.h WeS'lern :\1al·yl.l\IHIcan well ·be now. -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ha~~:~/~l~~l;~t;: t~:l~~::;.:~. ~howeu ~o~ --0- _(}- -0- -0- Reduction of ten per cent You can kick foot ball and ~j~~~e~.heinSo:nhO~I:~:~e:tads;~~~.ed a~~; COME TO will be given to colege kick hard, if you use Go~dyear ~1:i~O~\~':,l~ls~i:l~t~i:,~ee~~~~e~I:~I~/IPir "Pop" Shipley's Weltz. -0- -0- students and professors. -0- -0--' -0- Westminster Jewelry Shop Quality Shoe Shop O,BOY! FOR FRESH FRUIT, NUTS, Those juicy old hamburger!3, at Prices reasonable AND ALL KINDS OF EATS HOUSE OF QUALITY AND SERVICE Phone 251-W. Mother Royer's AT THE FORKS
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