Page 18 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 18
Page ::.. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. THE GOLD BUG I snlPOSrID[ F R E E! OfficIal newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on 'Tuesday Will you accept a word of encou t during the aoademtc year by the students 0If Western i\1aryland' College agement fOl the article published III weetmtneter i\ld Entered as second c.ass matter at the weatmmster Post II the Gold Bug Issue of October '!fl, on 5-Tube Radio Set Office "In(rOUIlCng the. Point System fOI Subscr-iption pr-ice $200 per ye-ar Extra Ourr+cutar Work?' F R E E ! Western 'Ilaryland S' extra cur rtcu Send self-addressed, stamped EDITORIAL STAFF lar activities are keeping pace III an envelope-for full particulars, ~fi~~~rN~C~?~~O~ .. '6~1~~~~~'.~:~~~:~~I ::;laJe~\~e-~:~nn:~ ;:~hr t1~ert~;l~~thy:~ regarding this OFFER. NEWS EDITORS-Geo. S. Baker '27, and Mary Page Turner '26 stated, "Behind' the multiplicity of R A D lOT E X CO. Associate Editors ;~~:;;ISa~~is\:':~e: ~!~:~s.,tw~t o;h~h::~ 296 Broadway, New York, N. Y~ Dorothy Robinson '26 Albert Steele Farver '26 pense ot thelr studtee they carry the Ruth Jones '26 Gerald Richter '26 main 'burden or directing the extra- -0- -0- -0- ---0-- -0- Repcrtoral Staff I cur rtcuiar uproar." Not only is it an "Established 1865" Blanche Ford '27 . E. M. Hannold :28 ,~:j~;~c:V:~h~I~~e::~ne\:~~~'''~~~~a:~~~ THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ~~~~ii~YS~n~~~8'28 Wlllar1r~M~arn~~~! ,~~, work .to :the de:r~me~t of their OF WESTMINSTER Gladys Beane '27 Arthur B. Cecil '28 studies, but It ,IS an lll]Ustil::e to the Anna Swann '28 , Hubert Johnson :28 :~u~::tn~~~~~'e f;rot::r S!~~~;~two:;~~ Westminster - Maryland Katherine Johnson 28 Paul Lambertson 281 {)riginality to anyone office when he CAPITAL $125,000 Margaret Martigoni '29 Wade H. Insley ' 28 1 or she is connected with so ma rty Athletic Reporters organizations. SURPLUS & PROFITS $150,000: James Owens '27; Gaither McD. Garrett '26; H. Paul Stewart '27 It is sometimes true that the more Jacob J. Weaver, Jr., President, Business Staff ~a::lt~a~t~.~:~rtssh:~: o~I:~:~$.t~Io~~~ Lewis K. Woodward, Vice-Pres. BUSINESS MANAGER Lewis K. Woodward :271 ever, jus.t because a student snows George R. Gehr, Cashier. ~~lU~~~~~~A~~~1tE~.:...-.-.-.::::.: ~~~~~~l~~;~~ ,~~I:'!lll::a:onnd :'ll~lI~~!ne~~u~oen~·or,:~; -0- -0- -0- ---0-- -0- ASST. CIRCULATION MANAGER. .. K. E. Brown '28 :~:::, ~'::'::;;;h'~~;~':l\:~':~~.l~:;Westminster Hardware Co. GrvE YOURSELF THE ONCE OVEn and so dcee not pll'blicly represent work. Western :Maryland. .Is a little worlrl and dishonor the college. I The Point System has tor eeverat Jobbers and Retail Dealers. until itself in one r-espect. In It are All over the campus, In the rooms, years oeen used at Rutger's ccuese. boys end girls of every type which on the 'lields, eoverywhere can be [ound May I quote from a Rutger's au- in General Hatdware dan be found in the Whole wide world. the best , ()[ c{)lle-ge man or thority: "In order that no singl.e Some of the Btude-nts -on the Rlll have woman, the general all-'round type. student will ,be burdened with campus very pronoQunced oharac1erigtilcs, Such' a man, or W{)man, may onever and athleblocactlvi,ties to the detriment Heating & Plumbing Systems. while Gthers a.p.pear more blurry, and br,lng intellectual or a.thletic glory to of h~s stud,ies, and in order to dis- Installed. buder ro understand. his Alma "Mater, yet 'he, and {)ther~ tribute t.he 'Variolls po.sitions anrong Oul on thl!' tennis court, the alth- Hkttohim, f-crm t,he {)f the a. la.rge ,group (}f stud'ents, the poi,ut l~!~ ~~~~ ...~~~~ cojjege. r-.r1e "general-al1-'round" sysiem wa.s Intrixluced, and accepfP.(f -(Estimates Furnished) 00 found the athletil.c type of penlon, ma.n los the man who makes things by the -Rutger student >body.. -0- -0- ---0- ---0-- -0- the one who cares tor nothing but "go," the man who giv-efs.the pel) I Account.s. of the number ot p.olnt's :p~:t;ao;.~eaO~j::,~~s~:n~i~;~ i;u~~~~ :1~0:0~:~ ~l t!~ ::o~~a gr:o;:r·t. ~~ ~:I~~~;a;~Cho~~~~e:~d~r:ok:~!d!~tl~: Babylon ~ Lippy Companw one cares n{)thlng tor intellectual he seMom I,t ever talls a. subject. He- permitted to h()ld m{}re than ten ~1~~::~~S'i:u: :1::i~~raO;i'~a::):t s~~~ ~~,st~~:: ~~~ ~:sh~~~~;:t:{}Q~I~~: ii::':s ~~t:~Ya:CnO:d~i:\o ~::r:m~~~~ FLORSHEIM SHOES sort. wIth a. defintite goal '!let. He has t{) gIve to sports, study and recre- or work i'llv{)IVedanu nV- of Western Maryland College should of a Ne,w Haven church, and In con- E. Main Street. ing hlmsel! 'Of other acLivtti'6-sthat he put \)e,fore him.!!el! \s "which lYTleam stant IIssocia,bioOnwith oolleg.e s,tn- may study to get the ~~~e~~~~n!~' I?" and ,if by introapectiOon he !lntls dents. Since then he ha'! Ibe-enacti'\'e -0- ---0-- ---0-- -0-- -0- the cla.!!8.I:: t~:nSi~~eO"worr ~.. the. that he is an undesira'hle type, let him in reJi.gious educatlon work at Rlipon MILITARY SHOES ::: :~;~ alth;Ugh he stu.(jie~ hard as!k himself "How can I chamg~~" College. We carry Herman's MunsaIt. and l-ong.yet does nol gdn the coveted Look, into yourseU 'Students: iFlIld, A. The w{)rry frets continuously o:er ;:~I/~~~e~r:n:~~~'ll~u~th:ll~!::~n: I nIOI,OGY CLun IMEE'J'S Last a~my shoes. The...only sho~ his «rades and succeeds In .worynn g Get out from behind that mask or The Biology C1u'b heltl' its nrst of- authorized for Western Mary everyone else. as well as llHllseU. indifl'erence and .flnd out what you flclal meeting on the evendng of Wed- land CoUege R. O. T. C. Also- th:~,~:~~g~a~~~ t::;bO~sh!~ ::;: 7; are! T·hen begin t~ change Immedi- ~:Se~:~ ~:~:b;; w~,~el~y~~h:;nd~es:~~ Herman's officers' shoes. l T. W. MATHER ~ SONS· ::s~y~n;u;~~~ ~~9t~::UI:I~=g~~e:'~ ~~ :el~i:: ~:a,~ Y:n:: Ib:k: fl~:::~:~!~n,r:;~:wt~;c~:;so::!C~ei:~IlI~~~~~ nothIng but4'Ow marks, ,bail 'hehavior, Maryland. 'foOr {)ffi'ce: Mr. Ashburn, president; and ()OOr s~rtsmanshl,p. Wherea!i Miss S. Dryden. vice-president; ':Ifr
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