Page 17 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 17
THE GOLD BUG VoL 3, No.5 Western Marylan~ College, Westminster, Md. Nov. 3, '25 Sink The Nav~ / Booters Dereat Western· lieut. Waters I Prominent law~er Speaks port And frostburg Lleut weeers is a son of "T,m I In Assembl~ With the scalps of five consecutive. victories hanging on their belts and :\l,aria !Firma," his home territory be- having piled up 114 points to thetr tug 'H-oward county,Maryland, the- Wednesday morning assembly had .opponenta 7, the Green Terrors will GIU'rett's "Snowbirds" Will l:!·j and :~dn~;t:~t~h~nD~:ael~:l:::mes and tile as its third worthy speaker Mr. Guy meet the ?\lidshlpmen, their strongest 8.2 For Thlrd Strnlght Win. W. Steele. prominent lawyer, of weet- inter-state foe. at Farragut Field> on When the call to service came. in minster and can-on county, who, as Saturday, Novenrber- 7th. This wtu 1917 Mr. "waters rose to the emergency Dean Warren announced. needed no be a wee'll: of strenuous grilling for The Western Maryland soccer team and entered the United :Slates Arm}". introduction to the students of 'We-st- our boys as they must 'be in the "pink journeyed to Westernport Friday He immediately went III trammg to em Maryland Since the week was or condttion" when the}' take the ,field morning to meet the, strong Bruce be an omcer at 'Fort BennIng-oS 'Navy weak ' Dr Norman A Ward against the Navy. Western llaryland high eleven, and the tast State Normal Georgia. It was here that hoe met president of the college, hail asked has a. real foot ball team. having lost team at Frostburg (JonSaturday. Both Capt. 'M!onagon, the man who holds Mr. Steele to make an address on the 'but one game this year, to Bucknell, games were played on fields covered such a large place In the hearts of United 'States Navy. 'The speaker and thil> was chietly due to using so with lour inches of snow. all western Mar-ylandera. Mr. waters admitted. n-at the information which many unexperienced players. Already When the whistle sounded at three received his· couunteeton as Second he was' about to dlvulge came from State C\lampi()nship I.s withi.n our o'clock marklng the beginning Of the Lieutenant ill me spring of 1918. In hils own knowledge of history, te-en- grasp an'rl just watch how quick the firSit game eruce'e high·lki'Cked the hall April 1918 he was transferred to the forced by some hurried reading, and Terrors wiII seize it. We now have out to the right wing. The ball did A. E. ·F. serving until May 1919. At not as a tesult of his perusal of the a seasoned team and when they "gat not move past about the tleld because the e"l!dof the war he was a Captain ponderous volumes which Lieut. going" next Saturday the Middies the rooots of snow covered shoes were in B"28thInfantry. water-s had .sent hIm a taw days be- will think they are stlll out in ae first inaccurate. After the hall had Captain (A. IE. F.) Waters ex- lore at Dr. Ward's earn-e3t $olicita- )richigan. Don't get the Impression been pushed ,tor some time up and periences "Were varied. as he .served tions. It waS' obvious. Ibe.fore his ad- tbat this willibe -an easy game. it will alxmt the field it ·found an opening til in Jour major offensives during the dress was a few mi·nutoo old. that he b~ tb-e hardest of the season (tus far Western Maryland's goal, apd rolled fightin·g in !France. HI!' had in his wa.s thoroughly versed and knew a and our boy.s will have La fight. fight, through for the first soore, giving cornman·d· Sergeant York, "the famous great deal wbout the navy of the fight, from the beginnIng to the final Westernport a ,2-0 lead. Western World War hero"; Oapt. Shi-p!}e,w·ho United States. whistle and we know they will. s.port Maryland's "snoWiblrds" s.oon got to- was decoratedl br seV"-eral'Allied coun- In the early hislorr of the United writers place Western :\farrland as get her and! lead br PaT\"'began to run tries, and men who woOnvarious dis- States, 1tr. Steele said. that of all th~ the "under dog." but just watch that up the acore. The game tlnlshed 6-6. trinctionS. coostal land·s. the United States was ~'under dog" makf' a comebaCk. But Since it was a tie the two captains de- For the las't tlllO years Lieut. Waters th.e only country without a navy. In we must do more than merely watch. cided to play it olt Ln two five-minute has served with the 12th Infantry at mythology there is a.n account of ;:::~~~s~e~~ned s:~~~o~h;rm;~~~::~~ I ~~r~~:s~~;;:~:~e:a;:~~::~. ;:~~.b:: ~~:.;d~;;~~~~~~~~g =,v~~;~I~e~~~~,..~ FI",ld w11l he reserved for Western IBeauchamp Sooll had defeated the Meade. l~ Wag at Camp Meade that spo'ken of; bowever. the J~!Iltins were )faryland supwrters. let's fill that Brnce- hi·gh ele'·en. he became acquainted Western the first people to organi~ a navy. iiectwn to overflowh~g. get organlz:d' l The second ,game was played at Maryland men. and renewed his Alter the decline of the Holy Roman and stick to our boys through thICk. Frost'burg on the snow CoOvend flel(1 fniendshlp with Captalni\tonagon. In ii;mpire and the deterioration of its f.judant.and E. Williams. Executive than'klng "Bobby" for the big part she New Wln~l~or Boys Uelples~ Against may she always 'he rigbt, ·but ,right Officer. The temporary omcers were played tn ma'king tbe Western ~n,n3.Sion Smashing Line Plunges. or wrong, my cl)untry." every Eastern Garrett, captai-n Company A; GraOO a. sucCe.5). (-Continued on "back: page.) (Continued on back: page.)
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