Page 23 - BlackandWhite1924
P. 23
Black and White, Western Maryland College, Westminster Md. Page :J. I COLLEGE CIU'l"l'lm r •. '1. It. A. IWWN:!! reunens :llr. Raymond Matthews, '24, Is successful- --- Iy discharging the disciplinary duties, wbit;]] Jo:mfr!l'll l' ill as·:!-I Jo'r.I('ll~ Willi' were provoked at the preparatory as school by The Y. ::'1.H. A., one of uerumore's f;istest n. -'I. t:. PI·Or. Hodgkins' realgnatton prtnctuat. Pop Shipley Says: ~lr. 'Matthews deserves a great deal of credit club teams. secured revenge for their de- III thus keeping up with his regular tent of last year, when the routine they of class studies in addition to hi~ work at Terror cagers 38-24. wednesday downed Tile night. the 'preparatory sehoul. He is at present !3altlmoreans rushed into an ~lLl"lylead pll· haskc- home I Feed College Men rcomtng at the latter ptace. mg liP ten po.nt.a befora the After that it was teers netted a single shot. 'I'eteg'rams, a nip and tuck narue. with the W. '.11.quin- I ~ _ ~~~~~~ Stop In Any Time! ni;.~e~~~~f~·.~~is~· ~~y~'Oa~~e~~~1~lttd~~COg-~!~~n~e~!l;f o~~I:c~m:I~'~llt~lee:~r~fti~enad~fTa~~ - lor basketball, wllh Stanley SCOring often _~~~~~~ SO)lE1)HING! That's the However. gun was keenly felt. Even tho' she is a W. W. soup. nevnbtes discovers chicken feather in the Oreen and OO~d. 'rue U.bsen.ceof rtana- team __ __ made an excenent suowtng against rue Willing to Wed, you should Basketbal! game last Wednesday, com- champions of natumcre. The line up: full week of parlor. Western :l1al"yl~nil Y. :\1. H. A. not expect her to press your - Weigle F Cohen Dr.. James unable to overcome gravity; ,Byham P If oodstefn clothes-not yet. doctors report no rIbs hroken. I ~:a~~~iam9,g lil~·I~:~~ I Send 'em-your clothes, not her's, Radiator gets head-lock on Chll·k. Wins I-G· wmscms -_._._- G r+orrmun decision by 13 stitches. if you please, to-- --- O~ '.1m: Ol"I'SlUt; LOOJ\JXG IX To the ~llldel'gradliale readers or Black and Iia.ah d~8trihutors Burkins & Hudgins one In l!}39. feted by faculty. Next White: of western You young men ant! women W. M. C. 56 men attend --- Fr-hlay meeting ct Liter-ary I " who are about to S'lIll out UPUll ============18ocletles (01 first time In school year VOUImtssrons In Hfe amt teave behind 1Il~1II William E (Pussyfoot) Johnson will ;~~~st~~lI~~\la~~,\f{~~\I~~~~u w;:~ltlI~Of: ~o~:: Babylon Lippy Co. v)e~1{~~ ~1~~I~~le~laol~~feh;~oa~;bl~i80nat8,,~~ It~:d~~;f~I~I~~d:o~~~k~~:c;~te r:ror: ~~Il~n~e\~l JOhnson has just returned from a tour of ledge whwh WIll keep you tn touch with the Io:ufope and Afllca I aCllvltH~ijo[ the college you 10le A delightful ~stallment-plan ne;:ean~le~a;ol;;:~~t \~~~:hYtOlsO\!a~I~~t~~n; The Florsheim Shoe l ~~:!~~~I~lengl)~~tr S::~~el~~~I~o~y F~~eayM~~:~~ ~;~~I~C~~~l~~~aIlSl~~~I~~EtSgl:en~1toalt\~~l~~und~~~ and Salul (Ia~ ariel noon. Tne loom w~S" of this most eSfl0Illia.L..colJege junctiOn anll ~.asterull~ and appropfl!lt.ely dec()rated '~ tlie fu!l SUP(JOI·t.or lhe slu.lents. ns well d.S IH~~[~~ltsio~~SS~~~\~h~~~~~IO~:ize~.~P~}~gsTe~~1~~a~~~i~i!lyOiliV~~~s.p~n.~Iarylanders. shonld For the Man Who Cares, ,g~;~:I~~rs:C.' Ma~~~'~~: ~11~0~~~~t::~s,F'IO~~~:~ re~1l~~k8ea~~I~l~l:~o~'!~~~~Ytr~~t~~~n~ln~l~t~~ll: ====""QC'U~A"'LC=I=T=Y==== ,~~~h'D~:·~~~~l~n~At~~~leO'av~:c~~:~~~d~:l\~y I ~~lr~leJ~~tt~:e ~~~e h~~:~gc~:~:rit t~ln~\ehef~a~~ tho'"' "' ::l::;:'~~~d,~~l~~";~b::::,m;~:t~":ht;'~:,;,~r:t~ SHOE ;~:;'~I~I~;. SHOP Th' h'll h" '""'"'" ~arlor~ at 6:45 P. :vi. for the past few weeks. necessity for this publication; ~nd to let VOIl 96 West Main St. Westminster, Md. I arlorlles want to lmow the reason why. I all. know the gap which il 11:1.3flllp(] :lnli is Work ~~1l~~lc~o~o~2odu~~livered Every.body at W. ':\1. C. make Wis week: fill111g for me.-P. A. A. Men's Halfsoles Sewed $12,,5:~~:~~~;~:; b~I)~:~~Sto\\e~e:;;lJOd~lel~~~P~o:t~rlllnl, \CK UlU--"-;;~I-; ~\~LI:'i(. ),J!'il ~ii~~~e:,s 175 elners will S:l\ Hav IInci How you all s'rt \1)11,\ )';(I!E,\stS ~~rl~~ren'~ ~~ ~~~~l~~~~\~r~a~~~:tl~: S:\el~I~1nlfn~~ee~~~~;\ The Black and~w mailed to tli" All Rubher Heels 4,~ lJmly else 1!~~~hl:~~nl~I:~n~h:n~- a: ralltw~~at\:~so:!g~a; All Shln1~L WORK OUARA'N1'IDI':D a One of the most mlerestm~ of the man~ Black llnel White Is all ead~ a bIg factor 11 events Ihat celeblate(l Sl Valentine Day the hfe of Ihe College and the Alumni and ::=::=;;;J~.~D~.~K~A~T~Z~.€;:P~'O~P~.;;;;;;;;;;~Iwas thl:' Home EconomIC Depaltment han as such w 11 C[lllV the fame or the college qu£'t A deliCIOUSmenu was prepared amI to manv thl uout the country ;: sel vet! b) the Soph Cookery class In the 'The Siaff r~qu~st~ that the rew studen,s DR. E. H. GAREY ~ewing lohoraLOr~', whiCh was arllsllcl1lly Hnd faculty suhscl'iIltlon do so by ~larch 1st .. m~mbers wllo have not s@ttletl and wilite rell in manyl for their rlecoraled with Dentist hearts. 'The crel\it for the decoration goel:: s.o that the. busine!,_,,_,,_;,_, _t,,_,,_,,_·"_,k_. _ Dr. anll Mrs. War(\ were guests of honor. Westminster. Phone 183. Md. 10 the department. }<~rldIlYand Saturr1ay nights, February 21 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~f~~~11~~t~.I~::i~~lhs~~!~\~~~,aSe!~~:~::;~~r~~~ ~~~020~'~~~11S~I~~0;~~~a~.~~!sw;~~~~no~~;1"~~~l,~ work of th~ Ileparlment. were made by at the Opera Hou~e. . NEW SPRING DRESSES t.he :'Ilisses R!chmond. Devilbiss. Hughlett. Owpns. Riclwrds. Coonan, Chambers. antI The l\1i~ses Loltrllllck nnd BevlI]"11of tho ARE IN AT DUley. "tiss Troy. llead instl"uctor In thr r>rejl school Ilroveli tlWir loyalty to their (\e)J~l"tment. anel Dr. Ward spoke in apprecia- haskHball team by pntel"tain'n~ Iltpm on Tuesday ICvenin!,!:,follow:ng Ihe game. After tion of the pffort~ put forlh. and pxpressed STONESIFER'S cOIllj\llshell in thr future Ihin~~ would lie a('- ~efrpFhmf'nts. the girl spent the e\'enin<:?; greator n (Ieslre that "'):11]1(ll'in'l;clrl'f'r \"er~f'~ tl) f'n~ nnothrr.
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