Page 26 - BlackandWhite1924
P. 26
Page 2. Black and White, Western Maryland College, Westminster Md. THE BLACK AND WHITE I ,\ LI'I"I'I." SI,AeK tx """ I(OI'E I OPEN FORUM { A weekly newspaper devoted to. making A ~:;~a~e~~n:Uansl '~~~i~~~~~e~'m~~~a~n~~::k'~To the Editor or the Bln~k and WhIte: ( Western ~:;;~;n:nS~!~~:I~:. a BIgger, ~~gol;?ni~l:~~ ~h~~t~O~;I~~~~~~etl~~l~~~~e;:i~:, th!t :i~~m:n~ ~~~~t~t;~nm~,r tl~~~s~e:~h~f~J~~ --- ph.rase of greeting better !·esults. could be o~-Ilanci should be so careteas or lhe COnt!Hi~n .. Pullilshed weekly, ~r I~~~~:~l.Phr,:;,:~ ~~I~~~cSo~\~~·e~~~~;nOt~u~r~'~i I ~~01~a:~:n a: dt~y1:~~eit~l~O~)~tl~e:~,o:i~el:l~ I h~ BLACK anll WHI1 E CLUB. 2:~:t!~~~:ersii~ ~~~'~lo~~~;~!~s~~.n'~l~~~da,.I~::1' t~IZIV~to~~a~)~n~!28a;(:iPI~~~1l~~alrl~:rs~~~ I~~ Application made at Post omce at west- Penn State ~Ia,s, ':~{oll' :ll YU"Gentlemen.' our number had sustu'ned a broken wr.i~t. minster, Md.• as second-class mail mattel"l ~nd Boston.,1edl, Hel,lo :\ien:, The !llal~ the authorities were so moved Ihat they uri- ___ Gentlemen seems not. to be, m.use In an} mediately ~Jlrinkled the spot with ash~s. Subscrfptlon rntese ~~~!~g':n~~h°cU~~sii~II~:~i:~etl~il~l~~~~ti~~dll:~ Uo~P~~~~~dt~l~~~:~e~~ t~~e~uf~:te~~ P~~\'~~~ For remaining school year "., $ .70. been ~oposed. It is recalled that I"reshlll~n ash can of cure. Why I~n't something do'ne Single copies . . . ".,: ,.. ,05 :pUel:kNtO~!7i.S!~~~;nt~ha~n~~r.~~~~~"s w~~I ~~I~~t ~~i;pg:r;ik;I;~~s';n ~~'o~~o~~el'll;:r~~~~~ faculty, apeaktng wlthou,~ wailing to be ad- scnoot. severer girls Cell 'l'bursrlay night Suhaerfpttcn prices by mail, payn,.blc in dressed by his superior. ., after the basketball game. amid the laughter advance 85c. .- ha~~ ~~~hi~~le~~I\veIH~~~eO~OI~h~I~:~orl~:I~m~~~~~rt~l:e 1:~l~)re~~r~'U!~;~~eh~fds~~~~;r~~mt!l~~~ --- Dut lnrlividually. when met upon the street Irail. 'Fine gentlemen they are! :'Ilon(lay -- BLdCR""_". ~""i"••~·",-.:.-~F ~ran~n ;;~~)e~aa~;~:sn~~~ O~~~mye~~lint:co~~ ~~~~lrRf,~;~:onre~~~:ls. 111l~lho~~e;tti~I~Ja;\~~ SterlIng W. Edwards Editor tongue-tied 01' voiceless. Its not a8 much lhey ar!' waiting rOI"somebody to h: killed. John D. Makosky News what you ~ay as tile spirit in which you [ am sure this c~n be remee1i~d, With \'~l'y G. Hall Duncan Corresponding 1!:t!ltOf say it. However now that we do have some little trouhlc. It's the litlle things wInch Weaver R. Clayton Assoc. Eel!tor {Jefinite greeting let no lllan IH1SSwithout no (lne thinks of lhaL really make a college PaUl R. Kelbaugh Assoc. gdltOl' your singing out "Genllemen." a fit place in wh~ch to 111'.0. Forethou~!Jt G. McD. Garrelt Assoc. Editor and C(lnsilieration obviate many difficulties. g~!~i::~:~i~~~ . BUSh~~~0~1a~~i~~~ 01,\'-'11>11.:(;'\i\'HIIlA'n:s IX '\c'I'IOX Why nol u~e a lillle'I-F. I). W. Paul B. Steveos AS,SOC.Business Mgr.1 Geor~etowil S~(ll'e~ !I~ P',)il.lISIII the, ,.\lIlIunl T Ol.ll!' Editor cf the Black unci White: Charles L. Trader Assoc. Business Mg~. IIOllldns lunoor (.lIme~ nt the fhlh There has been a condition prevailing in ~~s~II~; '~t~~~ler ~~~~~' :eup~~~Se::t~i~,I~ Ballin~~el~,III~:~\I~\(~~I;,~rJ;~~:'~~~II.;~r~.~-Di9-1 ~~~ldc~~I:if~ bf~l;'e~?()~~~ecl~iml~r~~~~Cl~t~let~~~~ Helen Stone Co-ed Representat~ve playing Iheir Wllr"s b.efore a record-brcak- dition of tile hoy~' shower~. There is no Leona Baer Co·ed Representative ing: crowd gath€rnl in the tith Reglm()ut need to explain thIS condition to 1111.'proppr Reina Mae Powell Co·ed Reprallentativl.' Armory Saturday niglll, Il~et-footed college authorities ilS Ihey already know of it. But Anne R. "Marker Co·ed H.epresentativ(! stars from ail OVfr Ihe country gave an "X' what I wi~h to do i~ to I'enli~l(l tlwlll of the ============ hibition of runn'ng, the equal of wllich has fast flJllIl'oachlng basehall and tennis ~ea- WHAT ABOU'I' T,l1'EIIAIIY ~OO.:'rl.;S! ~~:~lr ~"e:l~e~jt~~vSuS~df;.~~~le:l~Jl;I~I~~·n:~~~·g~~~i~~~a~~si~~nn~.~~lr}~~~'n:{e~~e~r~'!,;~:~lga[~ICc:~;= "That the J~iterary Societies are at thrl poinl scorinG_. The neXI highesl hfdng .Johns cally as well ali ~ch~lasticallY, and \\'~ present time fulfilling thel)' pUf\JOse, thal Hopkins UnIversity. Louis Clark and Vern;.! should have OUt [acillties grow with 0111' ~~~~lda~~ ~l~~ui~~~~~ott~heP~~~~enttt~d;I~~;:: ~~~~~l','a~~~it!~amStaat~'~I ~!,e:;IS;ha'~h~le~~~~~~\;f~~a~ ~!~er~en~n~~~~~II'~~ without doubt, problematic. The question I Olymjl;c learn. won tl1el" evenlS 10 hamly, find tllree fellows lakiUg a ~howe1" at .the arises. dil the students wa?-t Literary So- style, Clark. who is ooe of the fOI'elllostI sumo:>time and .g~t'ing \le~fect satislactlOn. ~~~~;le~:n~~~~af~eI~o~~~t~~~/nth~h~~I~kProerS~~~fl~I~[]i~~~e;tl,JO!;oU~~leh~~~errn~~iO~e~re:~!~I~~~~/~~;: ~,~leU~ll~(~~~se~'I!r~~;:l~::l~ 1:lt~~e~~~Il~i;~ terest? classtc, ast~nishe(] the onlookers by sllI!.lsh- over thl'ee-(tuarlcrs or a flay'!! \Vork at till'! e~~~So~Ui~~eea~~1fOt~o;:r;~~~1l ht~eSPger~~I~~~, ~~~'clIJ(~~S~O~~d'~ll!~gft~i'o~e~or:~c~o~;1.lh~ll!~~i m~s;iot~l~lc~l~~i~i~~ i{~luJI~l:eb~uilm;~I·~~~~t~l:~.I~i ~;:S:!~;y n;;~~~y O~t~~~~~~~srou~~t~~~1:net~~~I ~:l~! ~nhi~h~eI;~h~~o~:':~~1 sir'~~eter~r t09_~j~1~e{~:~~~z~~at\ist~l~leel~to~~I:1~~ll(I~Ol'i:I~~~~d;:'tl~ student body in the society halls. Today seconlls, I ~teJl~ to 1ell\! (i} ,t.-1. N. B ~~e~rb~;o~!. new StU(I~nts have nevet: ent~~~~ SIIA 111'~HOO'l'EUS SIIOW DII'ROYK'IEX'l' q~f~~iSa1-I'~~l~I~~~'B~r&l~\~ll'!~~affs~~~{n~ec;~~~;.:\ T.he reaaon Is believed to be thIS: .Ih .. 1I('lIt Bostnil 'r('ell. HII(\ J,()~e til \'•. 1I. I. 1))" various grievances of the sludent body entIre thought of the ~tudent hody IS in t'lll~e Sl·ore. I The purpose of this ",O;1en Fornm" i~ l~ ~~o~;:s d1~::0;~;~~~ial ;~h~I,~:~astl~:s~h~rCI~l~: CJ;S~l~~~t~;1~:~thV;I~~~~i(lr~~~It;~.~n\n~~\~~te~i~~;:,~~~~~~v~!I(~g~O~~~~'~I!~~~I!li\1\\;)l:.\~g~~~~~ class of 04. one of lhe strono-est military colleges in the then' correction and thus be l)enefi~ial to the • A feeling of ~Iectiveness seems t~ ha~e country. The S~uthernel'S just managed lo college. Mis~ellalJ(:ous hl':ck bats 11'1i1lie f:;~l1~~~~dt~he~r~:~~~~~: ~~~i~~!s~heL;~t~~~~~I ~~f~~~ c~~::t~~~l"e ·~~7~~~4(~';.~t~~~s~~~l~e~~ ~~vOeCnk~l~C?to~~~~rS!.l~CI~;i~l~e~n~~h~~Yac~~o~:-I':.~ ~~r~~~~~r i~~~i~~;iOo~.~cf\:'b,ab~~t}~O~~:~dt~~~~I ;~'Ol:~ei~~i~~a~:sn1~~Shc~~s~~~s~inoefm~~I!!h~~a\~~:I puns 1'1.: S('UIIH 'I'OSSER~ Just one type. ~r socIety con b~ made. taste,- 'nlatch. The men who shot an'l their scor.~s, Pr('FIII'uury G;lIlIf' n"sll!t~ III I I_II 'I':llly. !ul to tbe entlle student boely 1$ foolll.;h anJI were as follows: OaT'by. Capt., 90: SlIlln, Thursday night in a preliminary gume to 1Iiogical. 90: A~hhurne, 93; Stone, J .. 91; Baker. 96. the Washington Collegr-W. ,\\. C. frm':lS. The time has come when students wUh a Other men who shot were Trice, Taylor, the Brute Hall 'rOssel's managed Lo come conlmon interest or a eommon incentive are Shocldey. Hays, and Pr:ce. fl'Olll the reur with sumcillnt Imnch to ~e- forming their own jlarticular group, and Last week the riflemen nefeutell Boston cure a 'tie with a miscellaneous a~l';l"eg:HjoTl there 18 no use 'attempting to close our eyes Te{'h. by a score of 44'1-416. The five men ~f lJa~keteers gat~erer1, from the H!l~. 1::1': to these existing con(iitions. As lliese CleHl'-1whose scores m~:le IIp the's aggregat.e ~~(iU~~~~h~~~~~nr~l staJ11~gis~~e t~: ~~llW':~ Iy seem to Ile the facts, let us recognize I ami their lllelil'ldllal reconls were a~ fol- doubt. The ga~ne was hotly contested, an(j them as such and help each other live"and lows: Raynolds, R.. 92: Darby, 8!.1;WIllard, tbe fast ]llaylng.anll close scor~ l\~pl the grow. 8!1; Pricl', D. I,., ,~S: Trj('e, ~(i. Iall(lIen{'e on {'flge
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