Page 24 - BlackandWhite1924
P. 24
Page 4. Black and White, Western Maryland College, Westminster Md. ("l se WedliesdilY, .'elwnnry :W. 3 Friday & Saturday February 22·2:~ 6:.30 P. '1'11. Y. M. C. A. meets. ("l Y. W. C. A. meets. "NORTH OF HUDSON BAY" 7:00 P.1\1. :'lien'S Student Government. 00 Tom Mix 7:15 P. ~1. Woman's .Student Government. >1 Monday, February 25 7:15 P. :vi. Officers Club meets, Sr. Apts. " g; 'l'hul'sday, .'ehr._Dry 21. Goldwyn Cosmopolitan presents 8:00 P. 11. High SChool play at Opera "RED LIGH'!S" 8:00 P. M. ~~~:i~YBasketball vs wasn- '" Aesops Fable Pathe News Ington 'College . •'ridny, ~'ebruary 22- Tuesday, February 26 3:45 P. M. Paculty Meeting. I "MEN FROM HELL'S RIVER" 4:00 P. ?II. Br?wning. Society. . . . . . P·lllio ISOclety. I featuring RIO Tin Till, famous police 7:30 P. :\1. Colonial Party, in Gym. d?g, also ~ignor Col.afimina, Opera 2:00 P. ~1.~[g~d;~~:'~~~I!~.I\/t r:n Singer, assisted by MIss Edna Coats, Smull,}" Feurunry 2-1. I I [ Violinist; Miss Ellen De Vang, Read· 8:45 A. :'11. Sunday School. p' er; Miss Mildl'ed Muscauto, Pianist. 3:4" P.. M. ;~i~.l~~e~~lg of Y. :'11.C. A. and ============ John 7;15 P. M. '~~~~lil~'~;:b~~I~llry 2". IFree! Free! Fr€e! has a 7:00 P. ':'11.~:i~s:e~O~~~:;~Y' , A Pair of 50 cent Rubber' Heels way r.iux 'I',\.\U;II:O;>cr.uu ,\UIHn:SS.:I) I with every pair of Half Soles at which H\' HEY. L W. wun. Kroop Bros., 25 East Main street, cuts Lor-ture Sr.ressl'11 'I'he Husilles~ oi neillg" :L,Westminster, Md., every Thursday, yet On Thursday nigh·:Il~~~ 14th, the nl'':lb2l"si begi.nnin g February 14th, ending Pleases! ~~'st1~~l~io~I;~~ni~t:l:e;i~nbgwl~rcetuel~",ge:;ylls~e.~~April 3rd, 1924. Everhart's Barber Shop ~~eRst~:~l~~I~t~:Wa!cli of ;St. Paul's church uf C. KROOP. Prop. ~~~~~~~~~~...;,= su~;~~eJh:n~ei~r'h~~sti~~:,ir?'Tht~lll~us~na~vss~~ The Hat Shop Being- a :vIan:' But the connotation went even further than tn!s, as an exu-act from his teeture will show. NEW SPRING STYLES Wehler & BARGAIN I)A Y WALK-OVER SHOES prepared by If you have not seen them you Parke, Davis & Co., should THURSDAY ASK TO SEE THEM at Bonsack's Drug Store ANDERS' SHOE STORE 'l1'hl' Uexall !".tore" I 22 W. Main Street.
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