Page 20 - BlackandWhite1924
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Page 4. Black and White, western Maryland College, Westminster Md. , New Star Theatre Program 8l'IHWITU: O~' Al"I'IVI'I'H:S Westininster :'\lItlce~ Por 'I'he Week '1'lIp~llar, February I:!. 5:,00IP, :vi. W. \W'\ Club entertains eiacn WEDNESDAY February 13. and White Club, couege '1"'0 Opera Room 7:00 P.:'I1. Black and White Club "WHERE THE NORTH BEGINS" 140 waru Hall. Wedlle~llny, ~'ebl'u/U'Y 1:1. Featuring Rin-Tin-Tin fi:30 P. ':\1. Y. M. C. A. meets. House Y. W. C. A. meets. "The Wonder Dog" ~~~~~: ~: ~~~~Ban~:U(~et~~e~~V~~~~~~~ent. _________ 8:00 p, :\'1. r~~~\;.rco~~S:e~tJLmll team vs High Class 'l'hur~dl\y, Febrllnry I.J-. THURSDAY February 14. 6:30 P. M. Banquet or etasu-snneers Club in Tea Room. 8:00 P. 11'1.Varsity Basketball VB. (Muir Vaudeville "CAUSE FOR DIVORCE" Naval Post at -tth Regt Armory. Baltimore. E'rid:I}",t'elU'u[II·yliJ. And 3:4-5 p, M. Faculty ereeune. FRJ. & SAT. February 15, 16. 4:00 P. !'II. Faculty 'vteettng. 4:00 P. 1\1. Browning Society. Movie Shows "YOU CAN'T GET AWA Y WITH IT" 7:45 P. 'M. Har lord County YlulJ. 16- Snturday, FelJru:try 2:00 P. M. Hifle team vs. ee. State College. 8:00 P. ,!'II. Varsity Baaketba.ll vs. '~1l. i:>t. - A Story Of Today- Marys. Feature Pictures SlIll(lllY•• 'ebruary, 17. by 8:4·5 A.M. gu nday School. I 3,:45 P. ,:\-1.~~i~~. ~~~e~~g of Y. Ill. C. A. and GOUVERNEUR MORRIS 7:15 p, :\1. Evening Chapel Throughout ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Iomluy. ~'el.lrllary 18. Society. U~EFUL REMEMBRANCES 7:00 P. ':\1. Irving Society. webster Felt and Leather Banners, Pennants, Pillow Covers, TF:I1IIOBS 'rl1n~ IUl'K npl~: nlHGE The Week. Tabl\~~~n~~~ie::o~:I~;s~I{S in the fnst (~:I(~~ti~~le~u:':~~I~tl~t o:;~) close or ============= BHANNAHAN W. M. C. TRICE the nair. the score stood 17-l'/. In the first SKILLKRAFTERS INC. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;~:gl~~C~~~18\\?}ytl~~~"\Si4~~et?~~d~I~~I~I~~: "HONOR QUALITY" encouraging cries of her adherents and Manufacturing Jewelers & Stationers g~~ec;;Vi~{~/~~~(!.orH~I~: t~~~)~~;;~~~.~~8s~I;: Philadelp~ia, Pa. Charles Kroop showell lheir real allllity, notate while men- E. Warfield Sterhng-W. M. C. h~- coming from hirul and ~coring fourteen Agent i~)~~\~~nt~I~~~::ra~i:\:~~dsi~~r o~rueon~i;l;e~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ FINE SHOE REPAIRING scoring all bill six of their notnts. while SUBSCRIPTIONS Stanley was the ace for Western Maryland. Taken for all Work done while you wait. making more uiau half or tile home team's MAGAZINES counters. 'rne Hoc-un: Special Prices for College Work. W~{;~:l~;.nC;hl F Blue Ri~~~l\I at Lowest Prices Weigle F G. Speicher G. E. RICHTER. Jr.. W. M. C. ~i:~~0m ~ DII~~~~ ============ ~~S~A~M~~C~O·~H~E~N~~~lw~:'\~~\VE"c... C"";;' f"f G. \l;'l;::~::' WILSON STUDIO Blue Ridge, J. 'Miller fOI"Dunn. Field goals Tailor 7.~ia~~~C;~02, ~;:~j:~n~.l, B~~~g~i(f.~e~t~~I~~ COLLEGE PHOTOCHAPHERS The "Pressingest" Man In Town. fia;~~sr~~~~l:'2~u~~~~~e:'/'a~~;;;ORi~v~~~ Special Prices. Special Prices To College Students G. Speicher 2, Dun\JU1'3. Rereree-Roll1"- ===================I~,,:""~gl~'·~~~~~~~~~~I==~~~~==~~======r NEW SPRING DRESSES The Hat Shop THE COLLEGE TEA RnOM ARE IN AT Drop in SATURDAY SPECIAL on your way STONESIFER'S CHICKEN AND WAFFLEg down town.
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