Page 25 - BlackandWhite1924
P. 25
~BLACKAND WIIITE~ A WE.EKLY NEWSPAl'ER WITH A PURPOSE Vol. 1, No.6 Western aryland College, Westminster, Md. Feb. 26 '24 B. ~ W. launches New VentureI Costume Part~ A Success "Puss~foot" Johnson To Speak }·,,.h'g s" uadron ,. ".,.,,~e,,' \\'.. 11. c. ,uIO,uuurstmu gceue '" C.,.",,,, D""" mul, wen.know u I••.•"'1",;",,., wn A",,,,~,,' ,\.11 [.0('111 .Hlgh :schools. I (;ellrge Wnsilillgtllll DIIIIIIII)'. Wesl.('rn llnryl:llul "',,I)I"lI:u'y21'1. A six .man team. selecte~ from the Black I' Fri(lay night in Yingling Gymnasium, the One of the baat-knuwu of all the pofit.ical and wnue Club, Is aurnor+eed to repreaeuc whole school gathered for the celebration speakers among modern American oratora, western Maryland I.n. ure High scnoors of or oeorse wusutngton's lIirthday. The pro- "Pussyfoot" Johnson, tile famous prohibl- the county ami V1ClIIlty, :'i \ It' I OIIIOIiS II purel)' accidental fnshion. Al'r.angeme~tS I furious [rom ~he first whistle, with Weste~'n Last Tue!:\(lay the li'reSl1me.n (lefeated the ~~el'e mSlle to flood the Athletic li'wld earlier M>l1'yland takmg the leud when Orant WI1- Seniors in a hani-fought game, the fin~l J 11 the year, but duo to the nncertainty :)[ IIams dl'Ojll~ed In tWO pretty baskets. 1'lle Iscore being :H-24. At t.he end of the f1!'gt j he weather conditions, the plans wel'e not pace did nol slacken throughout'lhaU the Seniors WEre leading by a score "arrled to completion. It was again con-I while the spect.ators were constantly elec- of 18-6, but in the last perIod the Ii'reSh- iil{!e~:~t~~~ltnrh~ll~~p~~S~a~e~~e~u~rZ~~nl r~~ ~~i~~~sb;las:.~~h~~~!~~o~ll~ts~:r~S~;:~I~~n~\~ , ~:~ fi:{t:~dl~~~rti~~~t!~/~~~h ci~~~ ;I~il:.~~ he wint"T, operations were again deferred. clI]1l~edby the a1Jsence of Stanley, th~ sterl- was displayed in the gallery. The Fresh- rrhe skating and the sledding oITered by the lng cent('!", hut jlllt u~ a stiff reSistance, men girls attributed their vlcLory to the SUll- nutural conrormlty of the big howl atLracte{l notwithstumjiug. The lllle up: port given hy the other member~ of the many patrons ot the winter sport and alSO W,:V1. C. Washington class. Line-lip: , mnny onlookers, who.(lerived a great ().eal 01 "\Velgle .F Carroll F'reshmeu Selnors (}leasure [rom watchlDg tlle more .danng.of HineS Ii' Dumschott Wilson R Ii'. NUtt~I' ~~:_s~:~~e{~:clY~'~t~g:e~I~~l~e~:~ese~~~d'S;~~~~ G, williams C )1.eGran Rayme 1.. 1". Hohel'l~ 1)ut over the ice to land on the field below. Ii'lunnngan Carrington Brown C. W,HTt'n ! "111'blg'lJohllleri millIe several trillS over the E. Williams C Hines for E. Williams_ Louder K C. llollin~ li'iore RosenstOCk Bnrnrs Byhanl [or Hines. n., G r girls in undignified postur~s on the Ice, The ]1IlHil('(1. It only workS wh"n I s~:~::~lit.utes: Fl'f.'~hmen. Richmond Prlc~ jump, at one time landing a. load ,of Prep. L. G. S 'th for Don't he a hutt.OD. ~~~~~e at~3kita ~re~; ~)~a\~~~;tet~e:tt. ~~t~~~ snowa will hl'ing £ol'i.h sml!l;!!' sport.
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