Page 28 - BlackandWhite1924
P. 28
Page 4. Black and Whit-e, Western Maryland College, Westminster Md. 51 Th I P N ew ~ rogram I scnenur f M ,url'IVI.lts Watch This Space! :~',~:;,:,:';:,,::::,,:v::~ EXTRA! EXTRA! 700 I'M ~L Black Asso. meets, 14' S,· H''''I' Pop Shipley Says: 'rue meets, rnuu wnne 7.{)O I'. and Don't Miss This On 8:01) P. ':VI. ;~~sswal~n:·~allDavault Reading, REAL FOOD Alumni Hall. I Mon. and Tues. G:~O 1'. }l. Y. M. C. A. meets. 27. FOR t'ebrullry Wedn€stiny, Y. W. C. i\. meets. I March 3 and 4 7:00 P. :\J. xien'a Student Government. 7:15 P. '\\~~:~dl~~::!b~,~~;}'('2~ernment.. Wondering Wayfarers "The Common 1:::::: l~~;~Nir:~E~:tf,';t~t~~~;":~:~'IFree!Free! Free! t'rldnr,J.'ebrullry2!t. Law ". :;:~~~~:~::~;~~!rn;1~~~~:ly. . with every pair of Half Soles at Heel;) A Pair of 50 cent Rubber Philo Society. ~:~~ :::-:~~:~:~~~~rs' :a~~~!~ta~:nus~~~. Blue 1 Kroop- Bros.j ' 25 East Main street, Featuring H~~J.~lr~~!.~e~i;,r~'\,~~w Windsor. 'I: Westminster, Md., every Thursday, CORINNE GRIFFITH U:1)OP. :\1. O~~II;:III~;'~,~~;~I;~2, beginning February 14th. ending and 8:45 A. ,',1. Sunday School. ,April Srd. 1924. 1 =K=R;:,O;:,O=P.~P~'~o;:.,P.= J " A '0< 1 =====~C=. CONWA Y TEARLE \1 ~m~ ;;e~,og 01 Y P 'I Wehler & Kingl:::::: ;i~f:~t;~~~:~':1·I TRY THIS C Special This Week nOLIon m;,\IIIW HI'I'!'; On You!' Uke, 01 Jllllle~ absent weonesunv R~]lolts I 50c Klenzo Tooth Paste I thUlslla} with taped r-ibs "SHAVE AND A HAIR CUT'!" 35e Klenzo Tooth Blush rile cutest !M~ced on tile hack er uvhaur'a feraev SEE.TOHN! JOeReynOlds~etfrolllmit!tl!f' sse Value 59c "I'he Rexall Store" I 01 ure 11000'. S,I,h. . Everhart's Barber Shop ~~~~~~~~~~~~ i li:~;~el"~~~i~n;na~~~rSmt~~ts~OI\i~!:vi:I -.nne. A ~~~~~~~~~~~~ SAM COHEN 'Thur stluy night, Prot woodhead en.tee on nts Athletic F'Iehl. Tailor Students (10 not mix enough with the The "Pressingest" Man In Town. rucurur, for their owu good. We noticed .\!issea ncurneou find Hurlev breaking the Special Prices To College Students !ee.\"JolHlay. ago years Babylon Lippy Co. Varsity pins, Il'reshman Shroyer said: and the ··The 2.6UO numerals, 19t:J husebal l letters be week." (With apologies will to Aesou.) here next Stetson Hats A wise man never blows his xoows. Seldomheard around w. ~·1.c. -we have 1============ -QUALITY The Florsheim Shoe I Ice ureurn nnr! c~ turee aaststanr edn", I SIlOE REPAIRING SHOP an'! Ed '" tn ch'" co ed replesen! lUVeS on I 96 West Maw St Westmmstel, Md. F'IEshman aut~entlng upon tlip Work ~ell~dl Fo; Ag~IIDehvel'ed ENTIRELY NEW LINE orlsnow I lI'ould th,U I were back III High III rle'! III I t\~ 9- AN TOILE'F ARTICLES SlilOOi that [ might engage III athletics ' ~~~~'1~:1~11fsoie8 S~W()tl $~ I~~ Ille match lha~ most favorable ~I~~~e!; ~~ par:~:eba;:~ ~ CO., ~~I~~~t~:~~~yo~ntia~ilg~[O~(1~ ~asll ~~::~I~:r ~~\llt~l~h~1 IJe~[~ n ASK TO SEE THEM I from the War Department, gave lhelr match All Shines .03 k 0 rug Bonsac 's Store u good send off. folkS have n ALL WORK GUARAN1'REJ) .f. D. KATZ. Prop. ~O;~leti\;:~~1.0 ~ee the young
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