Page 22 - BlackandWhite1924
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OPEN FORUM ! Page 2. mack and White, Western Maryland College, Westminster Md. THE BLACK AND WHITE lJOUN'rAINI<;ERS· TIIl(]Ml>H OVt;1I W. in.(;./ A ';::~~~n n~:I~:I~~~t C~~;:;:d II. t~ig~:~inf,. SI. ]lnry'c~~:·~ ~yel·~~~~.eS~~O~;~~~Crippled To the Editor of l.he Black and White: wester~ :.1arylan(l·s b~lIketeel"s, flghtin~ Unless 1 am very muon mistaken, the SUI Better Institution. hard against nvarwtietmtug odds, met the of $1.00 is added to the total annual fee r c!.ever .Mt. St. M.ary·" aggregauon Saturday I each girl who enters W. )1. C.• said $1.00 \.I - Published weekly by night III westnunerer. 10slDg by.the score ling ror the privilege of using the gas range iu uie two diet kitchens or me cotrege. 'rue BLACK and Willi.!!! CLUB arely Ill, was unable to play. thus cr-tppting I amount of gas consumed un-ucut the year ir IS uesner- Tile of 2!)~8. Stun ley. whose father --- Appucauon made at Post Office al West- ~\l~seO~~~~~~~gS~lnedn~~~ctflg~~~g t~~II~sco~~ ~~~lsSet\~a~~~~g~n~s~} l:b~~~I~n~~~al~o~~I~I!le minster, Md, as second class mall matter was 11eld to 11-6 uur+ng the first half but cost. $20000, I e. jn-ovldmg there are t{t~ ___ In the last perfod the Mounts opened (11) girl students who have entered tuts veer SubscrlptlOIl rates e an agg reaive offense and netted many IIIetty Furt.hei more we girls have noticed that For rematntng school vear $ 70 ~~~ll: It\lh~nl~~mi ~:: ~~~I~allie~~~~e ;~~ ~~O~:w\~I~leu~~t~~letl:~: l~al\~:~~t ~~~V~I:~~o~~~ have been ctoaed 1s Single copies 05 loterestmg cilleHy due to the scrap in I cau~~' the kttchens to ___ jeered tnto the hal' hy the W :'.1 tossers rOI as long as two weeks for r-easons we gubscrtptton P:~~:~cl~y8~Call payahle III w;~~~r~n~I'l~I;land \It St Mary 'I ~~~n~!e ul~d:~~t~~~Ch \~~t n~~ ~~!~~:::~:~~~ Weigle F Johnsoo we should b", allowed to lise the diet kllchen~ Byham ~~ B.U1Z I when It IS OUI light and llllvllege to 110so BLACK and WHIT:h: STAFF G WJlhams C GIO! We ask that the facuIly kmdly considC!1 Slerllng W Edwards Editor 1(i'lanagan C HaiL tlllg maller aIHI lemed) It as soon ,IS I}QS Charles T. Holt Assoc :h:t.!Jtor :h: Wllham~ • G Ahb"'y sillie -W T S Richard G. Stone Assoc H:dltOI --- {1he Blael, ami White \\Ishes to slate Jesse p, Dawson. Jr Assoc Editor :'rhap~ at thaI ~~Isu~:efa~~d o~e~\t;~~;:m~l:a~~~e?~i ~~I~~ ~~nr)ep~I~~el:I::;;~~~\\a~o~::~~~ ~:lthJ~~:!c:o~~ tOLLEGt: f)ANC":S liIemher~ whd' InSisted upon keeplDg (bl< the fooJ.ldls~emlllator~ It IS onh fan to say rn a lecent copy of the )ale ofllly News eXlst~nce or the club a seclet It Ilad he,,]l that theu Ll.ll'e monnelS I\ele hUll' sho l thele appeared tillS extlact In a colunul dela}~d untIl thiS uppel ca"sman fOlcedlof nnl\lp~-H TillS IIUS mOH' OJ less mc~s headed Thlrt} Yeals Ago At Yale / m~gl~ISB\~<:akc~~l~IIU~~~)~le\\elcomes alloth~rlSOit ~~ltl~~:;e~\e~illa~lel~ble~tl:;a~S~;:nh~~Lte The decOlatlOns fOI !l.u, P:ome~ade . club in tile social life of Ihe college. aad Illlll.~trr of ntTnirs. He intt·o(]uced eae:l are now COlllpl(te~.. ~he lll;enor o~ tile Ihopes that il wlli devote its energies to tha I speal\er with ~ome ntt:ng- remal·k. usually n ~~~~s~~~t~dA~~~~ l;~a!enlls:~nca:~~)~:e;;; U!llming of W. ~ I::~~~~.j:~tth1~'lh:~:I~I~~;·e~··fi~~~e(~~l~.o~fl':ea,~{~!~~ ~~~.~;l~~.e d~~!~~~~alii:e.~r~~(~II~~~nsc~~a~~m:nrCI~E )L\IlI~OIl~':~~·U {"HIL!)I!F::'II'S ~~~c~:s:.horoU~hlYen·opllie one (Inll a grC;Jl S In I) plOk, etc. Hr. lI:1rriSOIl rrr,~ent.s ('1I!l~e ui t\nlhhl HUll Tile Hnshsllngers Club. o( IVllich Broncho not have enjoyed a social life more pleasant I Last !llIss Uodiwell That oi lulllu, ~eml.]laI"Y Kelhaugil. is Granu COll1mandrr. (m{1 Paul R. of 30 years ago should Trader Yale Univt!rsity morning in the Tuesday V ce-Craml COl11;nander. tllus than the student hody at Western :'1ary- GhaJlcl. Dr. Paul Hal"l"isoo of Aral.llll.. spoke I mal,c~ its rlclmt in the !Hwial I fe or the col- land enjoys now in 1924. Yet [llere are the to a mixed groUl) of college and seminary If''ge nod IleC'l~ne~onr or the pI'om:npnt or- facts. The Yale Promena{le is one of tiltl students. He is a pioneer in the medical g,lllizalionS,on the hill. most {lelightful occasions of the II'hOlellVork tn that country. ami spoke rro~l t1;el _.- SO~~~~t~~~r~1~:~\~~;tl~~I;.Si~:~ars past ';as ~I~~nl(:llln~in~f~~leo~~.a~!l.ol;~·~~gh(~~~vnS~;·I:j~~·i~l~I 1:'!HY:S~I"II'~m" t.h·('iy (;nlll!'l'. sncial Intercourse. A certalO Ilegree ofl ary haR to 110Is to get acqua:ntell WIth th~ regulation is always nocessury in a ··Co-ed" people. He stated thaL .to II' SU(·c~ssrlll. Tile serie~, or illtel·-clllSS ~a~lles II'US college. one must cast asi{le intl'l!eclual lim! social· stat"led la.~t luesrlay h~· the FI·e~IJ:lJan-.prep At the present time all the colle&.r.!\..ofIhe tlifTel"en~eB. tlG_spoke of lhg..sUllOI·SHi!ion.....,fgam~ wluc.h r~sult:d._in the. d<:frat or till' ~t~t;lj~~veOr~~:~e~!x(~~n~~ss 1;:Sel~~let:ei~t~!;I ~~~! 1;~O~~~t.~~II~~;\"~:.O~ro~~etll:~Y~r:~~~c~il.~~ :1~~:;~ethl~u~c~~I·~r!l~il~~O::.l~~el~·'~·l~~~;~~,~.~ ;1~~~e:Vh~P~e~: sC:I~:~iln~jf~~ d!~~~in~~tl"~~I ~:~:m~~\:I~~i~~ed~I~~t~l~rl~tl~lo~b~~~O~~:t~ll"lt~ :~~n!~~ ~~~l\::l f~)~t for .1.8ull~r. Rlchmon(1 for
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