Page 21 - BlackandWhite1924
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BLACK AND WHITE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER WITH A PURPOSE Vol. 1, No.5 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Feb. 19 '24 I Irving Wins Annual Debate College Clubs In Banquet IProspeGts For Baseball Season I "[" rl'YIce Cream Heart Cakes College PII~'I{,GC'org~towu a~ Washington, La prove Ihal the internal affairs of Rus- Candy Oemi-Tas~e I /lud CarnegIe T.ceh at Westullnster. sla show her to bp ulIswble and that her! ______. A captain .w1l1 be elected shortly, and p01'opleare not i'_l s}.'mpathY with Sovietism. 1 Pllt:I'.S g('QIIE 'I".\'O vlc'ronn~s tile, lo~sers WIll .test lheir prowess llutr1ool's )"lr. Betton iu IllS rebuUal dwelt upon the ' hegmnmg the ulI{hlie of .\1urch. fact thal the U. S. coulcl not recognize Rus- 1,lffle 'l'errQrs I'rol'e. ,\l)lllly III t:lenn I --- ~~11~~~fnftaal: s~~:d~~~e(~I~~i~:le ~~ii~:iP~e:,llln Wel~~~;~::~~BA~r~\I~!~i'~!I:.~,jf'~ame,the 'l'EIIUOns I,o~m '1'0 POS1' TEA)I ~;~!~n:~nili:v/III~~~eU~~u~~.~~,~1~;~:~1~\i\s~;e~~ ·(.::~~:~~t;;eet~~~~~l~}~:~~l~~ne;rn~~~:r(~:~:~I~n:. ~;(\1I1'l'fl::(III~,:::t>~:L~II~\,:;~lrl~::li'ill::~))~~:lLd:!6·'!!1 stable in its form of government; that non- The game was inte.restlng, but the supel'ior-I Thursday enn~ng, at the l"ourth Regi- I'~c{ignltion Iveause of dl';<]PJ1rovalwith the I~Yor l.he Prep~ wa,~ m.arked, nod they IJlld ment Armory, Baltimore, the Western M(u'y- Soviet form of gov~rlln1l'nt is an unjusti- lIttle dlfficultv m hllngmg home the bacon·i1ami GI'een Tenor Five went down in 110n- fiab~e Inl~rferenee with 'Russla'~ inte\'ual Saturday, the P~ep S~hool cag~rs took !he 1 oruble defeat l)["fore the Muir Naval Post a affairs, .lhat the Soviet governl\~eot in it~ St. ,John!! Cluh wto eamp, a~a1O adlllinlst· lell[ling in[lepelldent teall! of Baltimore. Tin internatloual relations thus far WIth lwenty- erlng u .17-6 defea~. !.lnde!l1an and 01(1- game was hurd fought with the Issue in nine nations has violated nol one of the ~,eld It'Ll10 the dashmg attack of th~ Brutes. cloubt up to th(> caging of the final haskot. ~~~~gnn~~ji~~~lnl~t~)eanl~!a~~~~tOl~U~n\~~~~~~ ~,r\i.ln~. ~p of tlie :t. .JOhns gam\t. Johns ;~h: :t;.~;~~;;~o~:~n~:Cks,er~i~~~lell:~mc7~~~ ~~~~~yh:~Ci~~i~~~i!j~~~~~~n:~~dp~ti~~~y,presfnt~l~~~:;\l" r T~~~~t:~ ~~~:S~atju~~~l~O~;l~l~g~~~~~m~;~eo~l~~:~Post In iliA' E~t!lhl!~IHls Precedent. ~~~~=r~~rg Yi\l~:~~ The line up: . In lhus winning the 1924 de'bate, and Carnen!e!' G Walsh Westero Marylllnli ~lui\' Post Since Irving also won last year's debate, Substltutlons-Stallings and Olcifield fol' Weigle F .11iller thla society has estuhli'shed a reconl, by de- Custard and McRobie. Stem for Cootes. G, Williams F Dailey feating her opponents two yea!'s in succes- Sco!'ing-Field goals, .\1c'Rohle 2, I~intle- Stunley C S~ickm::lll sion, a feat never hefore acrOlllplisbed in man, OI(lfiel(l, Stallings, Yingling, ~~lanDlI'an (} Lipnich the history of the cnllp~p. Refcl'N"-Denllpl' I K Wil1lnlll~ (; I,el'lnll()n
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