Page 27 - BlackandWhite1924
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r Black and white. Western Maryland College, Westminster Md. Page :3. COl,U;(U; ~WILSON STUDIO 'Mr. J. H. K. Shannahan, CHAT'I'Eft I .F. & ,\I. iiWI-:I.;I'S )1A'1'~ --- '02, an official of I l,he Bethlehem St~el, uO;lIr~_any which. is 10- Senl"" :U·O YlrtOl'r uver western .Ual]·1;11111 ~t~l~:(la~\~~:t~/~a';;~:\~aJn~l~lol~~~~Lo:l~~al:~~I Grallillel·~. Willni~l~ Enory Unnt Uy THE MAN WHO TAKES. rcurui on the steel industr-y. '.\1)', Shannahan I IlI'CIS'IlII, ~:::;::::;::::;::::;::::;:~:::;::::;::::;::::;:; li\~r6eS!~~l ~~r:~'f~;~atR~~~a~~~je~ft~:ee~~~;~c~Rn~h~'l::~~~fI~~~~;~~ngpi~:~~~l~~ s~~~~:~~~ th,ose who know him and his assoctaucn of Western Mar~lan(\·s. mat team to the call- DR. E. H. GAR E Y :~:;illJt:~!~~~lp~~~Uf~\~·~h~~~d;;~~~~eta·~hi~.t~~:IZ~I;r~~ur~~J;s~~I:~ll ::;ar~~ethe \~~.:~n~;~~:e~ 56 W.D:1:~~tStreet I ~~~tu~'~a~\/~~!n~~i~~l;l~t~~rn~11~\I:slet~~~~~!i!"i~i~I~~:n~it~.aS'I!;~:nm~~~; Westminster, Phone 183, Md. open to the PUb_"'_.__ i :::~nCI~;,~t~\:est~~e~l~ea~co::tr:S s;~U~ni~utt!ls~ I Last Friday evening in uie Fourth Regi_1 1T was III these extra p.el·\ods that the J~. & ment Armory. Baltimore, the vn. St. \1ury's ~1. m.utme.n showed the~l: real alllIlt y .' 9.lIa.ll- Get Your I basketball team defeated Washington Col- mg _off the holds of thetr opponents and re- SATURDAY EVENING POST lege, 46-30. Yoyo Ruiz was the bl'ight star tatntng the advantage th~t they themselves of the game caging nine neut goals and two recetved. III every case .'~mning ~he tleelsion in the foul shots out of L1VOattempts, IO!"a perfect by lime. The SIX atldltlonal mmutes after TEA ROOM record. The defeat of the Plylng Pentagon' the. main ll~uts generanv nronuced the most From "JOE" WARFIELD ========~==~ ~'~Bo~reen~~\~t~int~e~.I:II:SedMarls~l.le:\~~I~y,~f~:~:1 ~~.j:~n~nN~~~~:~t:~~e ~:F1~li~ t;e;~~a~bl~i~~ ror their next til~ on n neutral tlool·.ln.lmnte nnd the \-Ifcstlmg In th!!! ravorne pertods. 't'ncre ain't no use tell:n' no body 'I"OUn(l!:\~: ;:~dul~~~t!i~el;;leU\I!~lt:l:e~;~~~nl;I;;~~,~ WHEN IN BALTIMORE t~i?in!,)l~~~}~ofurlh~·o;:~)~~:.a;ou~t l~I~Wn~r~o~~I . ..,' ' escape a!ld I said to him: "You come mighty:, JIAI1l1.A;\;J) ~OO'[IIALL I;\; 19:!4 ",.ar losmg a valuahle nl mhol' or this here tlSl)ort~ ill .lhll'yluud to he The lIe~1 In .ll!ddh' Worship at student body a lillIe while ago." Mluntk Stntes. 'My wOl"d."se7.·; he, "Who'!" Tile football schedUles of the colleges in ".\10," resj1on[ls r. the Slale of ?"larylanll apparently Ill/we "Shucks" Sf'Z he. 'for n moment you had xlarylan{\ at the heat! of all the :\1iddle At- BOUNDARY M. E. CHURCH me nnxious." --- lantic Slates ~how tllC :\laryland college sports. be in the major tellms Schedules to :'111".Donnhl S. Gate·s. Inotructol' of Busi- playlng twelve of the hest teams in th" ============ ~~::n~~~~in!S~':~~~n ~~ r~~.~~~~r~~1~~~~;0l;~~I~,\te~~~~ie~~ ~~~~I~le.iJi~yr~~~~;L~l~~~~~~~ THE COLLEGE TEA ROOM I ~U1·~~~I~~~r.s~~r;:;~':It~I\~PnO~~I.~~~t~~~~~~~I~}l~gl!~g~tl~~~i~n:t~\~~h represent the be~t " I Italy and Belgium will he visited. The tour in gridiron circi(ls. ar~ now. looking to Mary- SATURDAY SPECIAL ~~\.~~t~~:i~ttto d~~.~nrl 1'~I~'r en~il.:~~i~~lt ~!I :~~dt~~'; ~~~ye~:~ t1:~'rb~~~orthbeat~~es~·~ln~'i~'; If:'Ioli{ldteAtlantiC States. big gaille ihe CHICKEN AND WAFFLES $1.095. conctucting a the United States Naval Academy. Univer- of Mr. Gate!; is a'so personally coast-to-coast toul"ist Illll"ty in the U. S'I sity of Maryland and Western Maryland al'e SKILLKRAFTERS INC. visiting e\'ery noteworthy uOint of interest. as follows: Navy-:'Ilarquelte, Princeton, "HONOR QUALITY" This trip i$ designee] to la! the Freshmen Clas~, true to her J}romisc hoth U. of :'1. amI Western Maryland IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF antI her Class 't~am. entel"lalned them in These three Maryland schools hall un- Smith Hall. Wednesday afternoon. Place usually strong .F'r.eshman t~ams all of which cards in tile shape o! llasketballs tied with I won a big malo]"]ty':1T ~ames an(l the The Hat Shop ~~:~~ ~~~~1~~~II"I~~~~~i~y':~J~y~~p~I~~r:J~t!"et1f~;C~~SI~:t.t~l:fl:,I~l?rel~~~~;~tl~ena~a;~l~~~~ ===========~ :~rl:e~lxf:n~I~~e~rUl~II~~~;~Sc~~v~~l:P~~~~ill~~~ nsset to the 192_4 _"u_,,_,,_y _SqUadS. (~~~;~~:{!~~;:~!I~a~(:'~:~) ~~i~ini(~SLl~~~ln2~f~~t~~~I~~.~~a~~:sg:;~~~;Oe~(~!OI:~O~I~:~~t~~~'l;~ORb~~:~l:Ears~~~~~S~~?t~ day. -.-- ; tenant in the regular army is oftered every Black lind White, "la:PS I,OS.; '1'0 JUXIORS I male citizen in the United States \)etween the age or tWf'nty-one and thirty, J"lrovlded Western Maryland College, In the Junior-Prep hasketball game Ian he possesses the necessary educational Westminster, C\1d. :'.lomJaY,the Preps after a hard tl~ht again I qualitlcations and is of good Character and Enclosed find 90c for subscription to Black were defeated by a score of 24-8. The I physiftue. Thl$ announcement was made anti White for remainder of school year. :~~~~~~~!~~r~~~~ul;l~o~tet~~:~:~~~ g~~;l'e ~i~~: ~~l~~\~.~~~la~p~~ili~:rltyai~t:?ie(io\·t~a~n~~~n,o~~ Name , , Wills Tought hard for the Preps. 'rhe line Ul>: portunlty woullile extended. to anyone filing Juniors Preps application whether or not they were con- Street .. Allnutt R F. Bishol) necte~l with the College. '-\pplicants shoul~1 ,smith L. F. Engle communicate without delay with either Cap- { City .. ..... .State . Farlowe .J. C. Stevenson tain Monagon. Westf'rn )1nn'land College . S. C. 'l'hlrl1 Stone 'Maryland. or Adjntant, Westminster. Lohrfink Single copies 5 Cents, Beaver R. C. B..."arfl Corps Area, Standal'!! Oil flulldin!l;. Halti- "'i("Aipln!' 1.. ('. Will;: morf', :'I1nrrlnnd
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