Page 18 - BlackandWhite1924
P. 18
Page 2. Black and White, Western Maryland College, westminster Md. THE BLACK A~D WHITE he was the I~ero of the world's greatest wa,I··1college must permit of no detraction what He surred little sympathy. but rhru fill ]),s ever rrcm its right to enjoy its social rree- A ;:~~~~n n~;::l~~~r c~~~:::d a t~ig~:~in& ~~I~~~~~;.hel~~ai~::~~edD~~fl~,JSm'a~:~~lfi~~~l~I dom. I Better Institution. these immortal w~rds -t am ready.' wnue ]IOU~'J'S DEI<'EA'I' TI<~lmOIt .'IV.~ ~tire~~iPbOal~~db~~~I[he~ea!~lis~~re~ev~~!~;~~I,i Sc~:e a! 1'~;tr':~:~I~\'~~r~"er~t~~~~til~~d'J'~lS:::I~ The B~~~~h::d W~~~,;yCLUB. ~1~p~~~W~~~t!~leo~:.ll~O~:l~.~~el"~~~~l~~~31~~~t~~~~d:nlL~I~'f~!t.2~~it:;%,:: ~1~e~7:~i~S~ --- 'gQ_neWest; and we fanc.y that lust beyond 'I burg Thursday night. Both teams had rel Appl!cation made at Post omce at West- tile pale. of ~eath, mynads 0[ comrad,:s pea ted opportunities to sink short shot~, minster, ac., as second-class mail mutter. g~!~~·.ed G_ot~:I~ve~~;lol:~~.ol~!~e~he~~ Wl~!~:.~~~~ lt~~r~\~~XIL~I~~~:lngtl~!leel~~~~:t. O[wet~~t. --- dl?lmed nts strong eyes With tears ; a Chlef- gruelling contest with Blue Ridge the night For remainln~I~:~~;~~I:":a~~lt.e:q.: ,$ .nu: ta~~W\~II~I~\I:-nI~;~:.~~~r\~;I~~indse~~~~Seddown I ~~rotl~e~.:~r~n~:o c~~~~ellG~a~l~t~~~i(~il~~~p~1 Single coptes . . .115 ~:rl~lve~'~i~. ~~:~t~le((~vl:~ser~:~~r~;tf:a~~; I i~~!!:at711:g~~~e ~~a~~~~~n,t:~r~er:~lnafjioC~7~, He hnd raised aloft the onl.y hOI?e of urn- attesting to the fierceness of the pia}'. Subscription, payable In ~!l;.~:~ P~~~~~:~;;:s:ha~tl~~~)~f~ilttl1~~~l!!~S ~I~~ ~1~a~~ge~.~ro~~~np:-~~~ct:n:ou:~~r f~~et~ou':: world to strtke 111mdown wilh cruel 11'01lis. tamoera at home later in me season. --- Ail, how differently they received lhosel1'he line up BLACK and WHITE STAFF mor tal bones, tears streannng down uietr Western Md '\1l St Marys faces stlffled sobs tense devotIOn and lev Wilhams G F RUIl. ~~e:ll:~: ;" H~~;alds Assoc ~3:~~~~~~:~te~~aYo~~se:O~at}l~at\~:l~~enc~~~;s ~~~ ite111e ~ 'ghllsou ~~~~:r~ ~a~~~: Jr ~::~~ ~~:~~~ ;~u~USacf~l:tml\\~~~~II~l~)(:n'~m;ll;~at~~nSab~~~~~ ~A~/i~n E g J'I Il~r~1 j~~I~V~ ~a;~:~~on A~:~Cs~3~~~~saVlOUI I Su~~,"' ~, C G \Yllballls ror" ~uonS(:' y G Hall Duncau SllOrtlOg & Alt Editor BLACK \NH UlIl'rt: NEWSl'\I'.U Byham (or F~;..WlIllams Kmse • for Flallll- ~::~;I~ ~t"~~~~ ~~::~:=:~~~=~;~tlNANCUI sucms:s ga~efe~:e~~1cb~';;~, Abby for 1"lsIosk} ;f,s~II~~ '~~~~ler Co_:~s~nee:~e:.!~~aal1~~1 stJ~~rnUt'Ilt~dey~:~~~ coiy~.~~~rt~lt~o~np~~rtII~~i J.lON 'I'HUHS' AnT 1·,HOG!tA,.U , , ~:[:n ESt!!rfield g~~:3~:~~:::~~:~:~:~~~lSJlr:I~~t~s~~~u~~I~n;~II.'t\~~e1'~~l:ln'~:~k~~IClmllill W. nay'A ~~~~!~(J!~:~~II~I~I~e~t~~ Leona Baer Co-ed Representative the c?!lege yea!, 1'.0 lh03e, who have ilef'u [ Slereollt.iclIll 1·ldure~. Ellna Mae Powell Co-ed Representative sce]ltu::al .of tile ~u.ljlOse or the paller, a?ti On 'l'hur~day at 7:30 P. :'.'1. in Smith Hall Anne R. .\1arkel" Co-ed Representatil'e II~ve~~:~~~~~Ci~~~I~~t~~~'er~~~n~~~ei;I:~l~i~IC~~~haerr;:~n I;'a~:;:;d';;;~~b I?:es:~~~:; ~'8 "':I;.~t there is one word yet to 'be said. 'lhe world illustrated lecture of the year. "p' HOI,P M.E.1rOBI,\I, st:nvrCF. o,r bush~ess has cO,r:-'El,:okn?lv .tha.t "lo}very ;\'11'. Garrett. in fln. O~ening a(ldre!l~, a A. t~."elison I)ellfl'rs t:lllogy 011 Woudrow ~~~c~o ISbe ;~~~:~t~nd I~li~C~a~:~~\~:r.r~~~~ I~~~~h!'~\1~~o~le:il~~(II~~gl~a~i~~SI~~{II:~~~~~! Wednesday nigh:.V~II~:\. ?1. ,C, A held a ;I;l'~~e~)~!~;n~gt~mt~li:h~I~~al~ee:~SP~'~v:~~u~~~iI ~~cttl;~~~~t~~!. l)l~~r~~~ I~~~~Saw!~o~~li~~:'~ct Woodrow WIlson I solemn, memor;al service in memnry o.f the, financial success. . . lily the main lecture of the evening. givea Nation s depar.ed leader, The Blnck aud W.hlte -:Vlshes to thank nil I hy Chap:n W. Day. 1'lr. Day's lecturll was Th.e ellXIU.en' .eUI.ogy or Ar.hur E.. Bells.on. t.hose who have aSSisted In placing this first I accompanied by pictul'es of the work .Of the a man well quallfied to deliver thlll fittmg: Western Maryland newspal}er on such II gTeateSL American artislS. Tile lheme trtbute to :\1r. Wlison Ilecause of his keen sound flllnncial basiS. lhruout stressed the faet that American Ar't appreciation of the lire and ac!hievemen!.s --- is now coming into Its own nmong the An 01"the ex~PI'esldenl, occupied the majo!" Im!'t t'nt:F.()OJi or the worl,]. PrOf. S. A. Schofield. lent his of the c"remony. The eulogy follows: In nny community the greatest or fretl- \'nluahle assistance, anll helpell make the . "In [l narrow crypt in Bethlehem Chlll}el dom prevails; freedom of thought. There Is I free(lolll evening a decided success. lies the mortal remains o[ the War's great- of expression, freedom of action. 1'hos~ among .tile audience who were 1,,1\'- est hero. There reposes the tragic remains no group in a COmtH~nity appointer! to re- er~ of !rile art received real ins'piration anrI which scarce fOUl"days ago was the dwell- primanll 01' 'pnni!;lh Its citizens for !'very the few who lV!lre not went away reaolving ing place of the wOI'ld's most magnificent petty 01' trivial offense. Likewise tlle citizens, 1.0 cultiv~lte n de<'per appreciation of the ~:~~;~'ar~~l;esflf~r:heofna~~~d~~~v 8~~;~~~~n~~ ~;a:ce~Ol~·;:~t~~:I".a~~OylV'in~!~~i~(Ua~OOl~i~~~~:ll~I nl"~~~~c'ISpel'hallS the first time that a dull ~~~tt~~~e6dl:li1~!laltrlllr~~~ln~~re hi~an IiVr~;I: ~~tl~~I~t~~~.~~lftl;~(~~~g:rt~~~~:~~~sr~nW~~l:l"~I~~I~:s h~~~~~~~·~~~h~ec:;:~~in\~t~.~~i~~U(il~~t~ll~~~'~ years, a private citizen for nearly three privacy or the llOme, its occupants 01' their I sored such programs. It cannot but be p'srs. the silent force of his extraordinary private property. Swift and severe punish- llppal"f>nt that II new individualism is pe:'- personality lived on undiminillhed. There menL is tneted out to those who infringe meatlng tile life or Ihe college. The Lion ~~Ultdhebeu~~ag::~~r: ~!~~~e ~~i~)I~e~t::n~~~ UP~~eth~o:(::~O~I! O! O~i:~:'~ture ~omillunlty, I ~':;e~~d~~~~k:~gtol~:~iCilon~,~wu~~I~et~~e~nt\!~ spirit. The great Jigllt ot the IIge lias gone Inll one on a higher intellectual, mnral anll hroadl>ning of the college life upon the hill. out, fI!ckering as it did for many (lays. nolY social plane. Therefore the ,trIvial inci-I ---.-.-~ ~1:V~~:ng~~~ke~:e(~!~:;:~~~t~~~I~I:~.~U~dt.~l~:~' ~!~~~~~flet~~c~~rl~f~n~~yIIn~~Il~g~e!:~li~q~I~~~d'th~~l~!ta~)~~~ril:~11~:~~~~\~e w;~r~~rriC(l to Free(iom in ,n college I the soft breezes frnm Heaven's gate softly he lltterly ignored. She-OIl. George! W~re we happy? hit'\\' the tiny flome rrom mOl'tnl eye8. Bu~ then. is of the utmost iml)OrUince. anI! any --- the halo. the mall;nificent halO, still ~tirs the uSU1'jling, in the ~lightest degl·ee. or thi~ 'I'lle "1I11~"lind fhe "Are" mind or man. The holl.v. lholl~lI cased in freedom. on the part or the student Ilody nr I'd ralh!lr be a "Coul(l Be" marhle. still ra(liates its lines of force, of the administrators, is a ,Jetriment to Ihe If I cOlli(1not he all "Are." more powerful ami mOTe glorious than ever socinl welfare of the student body. College Jo~ora "Could Be" Is a ":\1ay Be." hefore. Death was hut the physicnl pnd of is defined, in the mlnda of Lhe nanow few, With n chance of touching 1)::\1'. the tragic sacrifice he paid. He died tolas II preparation for life, hut in the minds of I'd rather he n "Has Been" save mankind from the doom of d.evasting the broadest, it means life itseir. Rdur.a-I'rhan a ":\Iight Have Been." by far. wi,l.r"'eH~o~/:~l ~~:t d~a~~r~~ ~i~~~nliTl~'('a1JSe~\~1nra~~er~oc~nhler:~~~~nl~I~'R~:I~!~nllll~~~tv~r~!~~~~::~~gs~,t:1~qV~n~,:e~~1,1,~Sre~,:verheen,
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