Page 19 - BlackandWhite1924
P. 19
I J maCk. and White, Western Maryland College, Westminster Md. Page 3. ~h, Boy! YO~ shoUl~ see the selec- Monday1~~r~~~llg~~~~~:~~~~'~E~~.Ward de.i FOR EATS tii;)ll of. Greetmg Cards Bonsack has livered a short eulogy on Woodrow wuson. just received. Birthday, Easter, After t.lIiS the student body SLO?t1 in rev- erent Silence for a few moments In memol'\'1 Wedding anniversary, Sympathy. of the passing of the ex-Preatdent. . Congratulations, Party announce- Bef~re a highl,Y app:eci~,tive ~udience Fri- STOP AT ment, Mother's Day, etc. music gave a recit~l or vo~al music, pianoI ~~iden~f~lto~\I;~3~e~~r!el~tsS~~L~p~~~' ~;:~ Don't forget mother on her bir-th- 'M1SS wanu sang day. numbers, and readings. and Mr. Richmond's I POp Shipley's numbers, two pleasing reading was very touching. ·:I"lr. Newnan' Bonsack's Drug Store ~~~\~::!\~c~r~~Sit;he:lr~~fl~?O! ~1~~·t~ii:I~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~;".",~~~ showed marked Slljlerio!"lt.y over the laat -= Free! Free! Free. ' one, but there is still room for improvement. Quality Shoe Repairing Shop. Clull, of which Bronco The Haah-stingera' Trader is Grand Potemute, will do the 96 West Main street .A Pair of50. cent Rubber Heels ~~)i~I~'iean~i~~~tD:~,~:I~~u:r:IlI~~~h~~:q~I~~'I Special Attention to College Work WIth every pall' of Half Soles at College Tea Room. --, Kroop Bros., 25 East Main street, wenu-aun: Prof. (10 you use a fed or II All Work Guaranteed Westminster, Md., every Thursday, ~~~~o~e~~~e:s~en you are ccrrecnng examt- J D KATZ beginning February 14th, ending Prof. Woodhead: I use black; its eaddee.] I· • • . April 3rd, 1924. Rice home again. Eighteen girl!:! campuaed. Shoe Shining Stand, 5c per shine C. KROOP, Prop. ~I~l~es~~~:et:~~te~ti~a;~e messhall. ============ Link gets "'A" in Engftsh. Par-lor J. Thomas Anders e W hier & Klog Iutentgeuce fourth stand too moo" test proves o utsanpears ivlonagons Wall! guzzles oysters Shannahan volunteers to dtrect catta SHOES, HATS, MEN'S Will Continue Exa~hsen~~~r SIX mea leave school FURNISHINGS 21st Birthday Sale I I n'"'. ALL~' 22 W. Main St,.et. Club gave I Monday evening the DAM to two of it~1 Please! . dellghtf'u l birthday d party U nti I S atur ay a ~~I::':~eel~a~lll~anMIS~~eo~:~~~~~I~l!~~~e:t~~1 No! organized among the freshman girls. and I Oh, please! toe 16 h f F b ruary ~:::g~II;~~e\~a~I'I\~s~!epbr~~~~tt~~r!~C~\B~~~ ~~ I won't! .Tones, Hughlett, iFerguson, 'Spedden. Brown. Please! W.::"It this year will begin Intercollegiate I No! No! :::~:~t~~~'h~~~~nrhefrn~el~~~~~lte\~ttl~~~li:t;.~: Oh, Harry, why didn't ~~~~~e~htttl~iSl~~;[:;~el"~~~~~~!tO?lR:il~:ee~i you shave? namart alternate .n' ",,'"''' ""nog .. I Everhart's Barber Shop Allangements have been made to me~t. ~;tul~)~\~t~~;edc:l~~g~hatll~a:;~I?~a~~t~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ and Washlllgton College Will be HChedUle!l1 l,efOie the en(] of I.he year
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