Page 17 - BlackandWhite1924
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BLACK AND WHITE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER WITH A PURPOSE Vol. 1, No.4 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Feb. 12 '24 I Tri·State Conference Meets H. O. 1. C. Honors Wilson Terrors Down st. Johns ~r.o Sllillellts Irum (:()lIp!l'e~ In jlnrylnud, tOI'll~ is Pnmded ill .lIelll1lry of Ex-Prestdem ,Iollllir)( ),'m'~('d ~e VilliIII Ailpl' .ur-!n\\urt', Hlul VJrg'luhl Glltlier at 110(1(1 A ver-y filling lrilJut.e was paid to the '!'hl'lIIlng Gam!'. ucneee. ~l.Ot~l~ireOsrte;:~o~\~~~;la~J~sognb~ll~l~f~~r~~J;lSaturday, Fell. 9.-K~n Shr-oyar'a re- The 'Tr-t-Stnte Conference, held at Hood or his funeral. Fcbruas-y 6, the Battalion vampe? Green ~I!rror lotve, came into tt a College, Februar~ 8th, sin, ami 10th,. for the was paruueu In front of Baker Chapel. The own Satur-day night and defeated uie ex- puruose or sturlymg the I'.aried rctauous and College was closed at 3:00 P. M. and the cutlets, 27 to 26. The score tells the tale. ulJtl!lation~ at e.uueur life, opened fo'rhlay parade was termed at 3:10. 1'he spectacle The conl~st. was .n nip and tuck affair rrcm eveurug with a UEt-Acquainted Supper at was marked by all the rlignhy which tho start to finish, With first one side and then the "Y" Hut. The sessio~ follo:ved occasion demanded. and the Corps was the other leading. ,!,he deciding ,goal of In the College Chapel, at whlC.h lime Kirby drawn up in line facing the chapel. After the game was made In the la~t, mtuute 0: Page, teeoer of the Fellowship ~f aecon- the band had played the National Anthe:n. so of play. Stanley m.arle the tutttal mark- ~illatlOI.1 uud student Of. inte rnntlonnl and Captain 'Mcuagcn read the following gen- era of the game, dona·tlll.g.1WOfouls. ami one muusu+at proutems. dellvererl one of the end enter to the Battalion from the g rd field gual uerore the VISItors realized that most torcetul an.r enltghtening uduressea of Corps Area Headquarters: the whistle lla:l blown However, J. Mal- the conference on the subject o[ world "The funeral of Woodrow Wilson will be tlle:v s , of the Orange and Black, started his jll'oblems. Among the speakers at the mOl'll- honored on Wednesday, On that day the I regime ':If [al1cy shot~ and soon tied the Illg, afternoon allil e~elling seB8ion~. O.n national flag will he displayed at half starr; score With ~ few pO.nts 0)' so to spare, Satul'd:l}' wet'e Dr. Snlllh ot. Howard Un 1- and tadcts will ae paraded anll this From this tllne on to tIle final minute of versity, and Dr, Chau, of Cluna. Satul'llay read to lhem. play, _the game hun.g in the bal~uce, fute ev(:nlllg the studelll~ were e~tertained at a lIawn or the day or the funeral, thir- ~holVlllg ~ittle fav()ntlsm. F'o\~!' tlllle!! dlll'- lHln.qUet h~ld in .the .)llagnlfic~nl college teen guns will lJe Hred and afterwards a lIlg the. fla~a~ tIw ~ounl was ued b.ut ne,":cr (i!nlllg hall, !It which lime. Pr.esHient Apple single gun will he fired .at intervals of thirty I COUld,elthH Side gal,n m.ore than a five pOint Of Hood deHI' the welconllng address: minuteS betlveen the rising and selting '1f margin., 'The ShOOtlDg or Stanley. asslst;;!l 1t1 ('e~~I~~~/Ys:[\'~ce~. b~~,an:'t 10~0~0I~~~~.10~I ~1;ef~~\~'_::~~ta~!~~~i~~\~[ fitl~~~da~I~C~~~u~~~~C~~\~I~~~~U~tl~~rtl~;h:~1:17e.'l'.e,~~I~~r~0;':sfl'~~I~ students' hour was held, followed ~t l1:UU the army Ivill weat' lhe usnal badge of I AnnapoliS ~h~\Ved lots of gl'lt and fighl. and a A. :'11. by 'LI.leaddresM!I of Rev. Whlt.e, :'IiI'S, military mourning on the left arm. anll I much credn IS dlle them for the e,xr.elleut PaUl Harrison, miss,io~a)'y W Arabls, and 3ahel' for a jlt'riod of thirty days, The na- exhibillon whiCh ll,le y gave., Then Iloor E, T. Thompson, \lllSSlonary to Japan on tional anrl !'!lgimental COIOf!!or standards work was of the h,ghest call~re and kent the subjecl, "Whnl IS Goil's Plan." 'Westel'll or the 1':l1'ious organizations of the army 'yestern Maryland boy~ on their toes at all ':\lal'ylilncl had one of the largest delegu.- will 'be draped in mourning (0)' lile same limes. "I1,ltthews as-am proved himself a lions at tlte con;'ention: being representee! length of time," I tower. of strength on the offence, while the bY. the :'I1i~~esWanl, FlllkbIne, BloomqUist, It will be noted that the sainte of thir- gual'dmg of Stecker anti Erberts was o~IY Remmuth, and :'.1essrs, Ward, 8nton, Han'is, teen guns, emblematic of the thirteen excelled by the work of our f~st traveling ~~~\~l,II:I~rft~L~(~.~jJ)~en,Bennett, Stone, New- ~il~.~~n:~n~~l~~~;~~m~~rc~~et1~:I~t~te~fn~~tt~ I ~~~ws~r~i~~,,,~~~etvoe\v~;~~r;lh~'1:;7i~~sd~~l~)~; _ ~~ll;jC~lni~,~~~~;~a~~;ea~~~l:fes:e~I~~lr\tac~Lz~~n~~~~~enkn~;~le~~~~H~:.~'1lorono~ee~~a~nurwf~ifll~~i~'; "RII[TES" !UI,\~lI WAY 1'0 \'((''fOII\' the nallon, eneIllles. JJei('nt ClercI' We;;' Agb"l'I'g"nHllu, -~-- - The I:ne-ujl: Saturday J'eb 9-111e W :\1 C Pleps' CO H)~ UA1\1': E'n'unLt. R~:co[m W.. \1. C. St. .Johns In a [,1st l)f~limlnal~ to the V,lrslly game lll~e Rut One O,lllle III UH1icull SC,hOU, Cuneo F :\"Iathews l)llt the K, O. on their unfortunate viclims The girls hnsketbull team doset! a highly Weigle I~ .Jarvis from SI. ,Johns of Westminster, The game sll(;cessful season several weeks ago. NIIl~ Stanley C RallP wn~ a roughly contested one, bot11 Sl(l~s gaines wcre jllsyed. and only one was lost. Flanagan G Steckel' Beemingly forgetting that they were play~ Lutherville manuge(] to eke Ollt a 16-14 win E. Williams G grberls jllg hask~t hall um\ not fooLiJal1. Althoug'h o;'er the girls, but in the return gamc, Sub,-W. ':vI. C.. Bvham [or Cuneo, SL. lhere were (lulte a rew attempts at scoring We\ltern. )tiarylan(I's co-ed.s proved their 'Johns, Webb fa]' Stecker, ,Borger for Rapp. the efforts were in lhe, main ruti1~, the flm!! 8uperiol'1ty by a 25-1u mal'gm, Nolre Dame, I F'leld goals-W, ",'1. C., CUlleo 1, Weigle 2, ~~:~,t ~~~~~g~I:O ~~~n~~:':~1:'It~i~~~~~tyasg~~~~~tel~of~i~: (~::t~~ll nl~l~-;:I:~~~:\~~~;e~~~; ~t:~~:~s3, t~~~~f;l w~~~;n1:' S~~~kJeorhni: ~: lllshed the ball frol11all corners o[ the floo,' 13-13 tie. These were the only set-.baC,{S Webb 2. ~~ouls-W, ),1. C., Cuneo 1, Weigle hut f:.iled to score when in po~llion. How- the girls received. snti they are n~g:lgable 1, Stanley 9, Byhum I. 8t. .Jolins, ;\I!lthew~ CI'er, our "L:Ule Cl'eell Terrors." seem to in view of the soun(! (lefeats 3, Rapp 2, Bargl'r 3. Tilll~r-',\1e1Till. Re- improve wilh every game, Tile play of ~ho to these teams at othel' t1n~es. The glr1~ fCl'ec-Rohl·beugh. St, ,Johns tCllm was cl'edltahll', tllel'e bemg mN every promillent leam In the district. no outslnncllng slars. and defpllLed them all. The~' are reul charn- Line-up: picl1l!l, Their rfcord: '('t:IlIHiIlS '1'['11" IU('K IJI.llE RIOOt: \\l. :'II. C, SL. ,Johns 25 Lntherville lG :'if'1\' Wrnd~ur ~Jill'~ Full ill Excitillg (~l1me ('ustard F Yingling 23 Notre Dame 11 ,\1 Wc~tmlnder. OIdflel(1 F Coates 14 Luthpf\'Ule 16 Last Wednesday evening tile Creen 1'efl'ur :'-lacRoiJ!e C Tubman lG Penn Ilnll 1:~ Five took tile mea~ure of the crack Blue Por.ts G Stem I~ ;.
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