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Page 4. Black and White, Western Maryland College, Westminster 1\1d. New Star Theatre Program I 'CI"~:::~:;"'~:';~~":::::'''S I Westminster TUESDAY February 5. 7:00 Black ;:~~'(~~~~~;;'tt~~~~n~~'el)ts,140 Ward: "COLUMBUS" Hall. WEDNESDAY February 6. 3:,00 ~:~:~. s~~~~~~!J:;ll-i:~~~:st:~(!.Ham[lSlea.ll Opera Dorothy Phillips in Wedncs!llIY,I<.'clmmry6. Elinor Glynn's story 6:30 P. M.,~: ~'. ~'.~. n:ee:~~. "THE WORLD'S A STAGE" ~:~~~.~~i.~~~;:~;~(~~~ta~o~:~~~~~~ Blue House Comedy Serial 7:15 -!~~~~~~'Student Government. THURSDA Y February 7. 3:00 P., ';0,1. vereny Baaketbnll team vs. Blue High Class "CHILDREN OF THE DUST" Ridge T~,~,II~:51~~"_"'eIJruHry 7. 7:30 Illustrated Art lecture, auspices of with Lion Tamers Club, Smith Hall. Vaudeville Sonny Walker, Pauline Saron and )<'l'l!i'ily,"'Chl'UUI'J·S. Lloyd Hughes. 3:45 g'acutty ,~1'eeting. And ,1:00 Philo Society FRIDAY & SATURDAY, Feb. 8·9, Bl'OW~~~'~l~I~~,et~ehrUI1rY !I. "YOU CAN'T GET AWAY WITH 11'" 2:00 Rifle team vs. Staunton Milit.arYI Movie Shows Sunshine Comedy ~o.xNews 7:00 ~~~t.e~~~p.eusketuau Team vs. Prank- MONDAY February 11. s.oe ~~-~;.ar~~~!\t:c~~~I~~iHill team vs. sr Mon., Tues., Wed., Feb. 4-. 5, & H. ''THE MERRY GO ROUND" John's, at Annapolis I TUESDAY February 12. 8:4'5 A, !\'1, ~~~~I!~':~~~~inryto. "THE UIRTH OF A NATION" "WHERE THE NORTH BEGINS" 3:00 P, :11.Black and .White Staff meets, 3:45 e. .:vI . .tornt meeting or Y. W. C. A. an(ll Matinee Every Day at 2 :ao Mat. Tues. 4 p. m. Thurs. 4 p. m. 7:15 ~: '~~'.CtiJv-;ningChapel. Saturday 1 :30 p.m. 7:00 r-, IYI.~t:I~~~I~;:~~~f~'tl~'.'r11. Thurs., Fri., Sat., Feb. 7, 8, & 9. Irving Society. BON SACK'S STORE !,IOX 'ItA.....1EnS· CI,UUeo r-nesex'r ,\B'L' "WA Y ])OWN EAST" Toilet Requisites For ],EC'fU]tF. Well Known Stock Company EVERY STU])ENT St~;~:J)~~~:~1l'l~:II~~~I:~~,cil:l~I!~;le~~l'{h~e::~:,I:~:============ GIVE US A CALL lion of their esteemed Potentate, :I'Iiss Eader. SKILLKRAFTERS INC. will Iur-nf ah an eutertaining ami instrucuve "HONOR QUALITY" program on Thursday, F'e'bruary 7th, fit 7:30 p. , Smith Hall. T~e l~rogram will ~on- Manufacturing Jewelers & Stationers ~~~ ~~c~~~~~~);:~~n t~~oi:~~~r:~of Amertcnu Philadelp~ia, Pa. Charles Kroop vision of Miss Pearl A. garter and It nus E. Warfield Sterling=-W. M, C. The Club was organi7.erl under lhe super- Agent ~~~~m\~11~S~I~~~~erh~~io~:Oi~1~C!h\I~:,lb~~,e r~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~ FINE SHOE REPAIRING its own uuu the College's material benefit, SUBSCRIPTIONS ~~~st~(l{~~~\~\a~~~~~c~ai~o~lCr~ll~v~lt~p:J~~~~r~~ Taken for all Work done while you wait. social life umong the students on the Hill MAGAZINES th~l~~lf~:~)t~ks~~n;ere;ftl;I~~:~JI'~h~n ;l~:;~n~ at Lowest Prices Special Prices for College Work. for the evening. b~lieving the audience will G. E. RICHTER. Jr., W. M. C. ~l~'"i~~~!~'~~in~l~~ntleaSC(\'by the beauty oe ============ WILSON STUDIO SAM COHEN COLLEGE PHOTOGRAPHERS Tailor The "Pressingest" Man In Town. SI)ecial Prices. Special Prices To College Students The Hat Shop STONESIFER'S Drop in EVERYTHING NEW In young ladies' on your way Wearing Apparel down town. Popular Prices.
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