Page 15 - BlackandWhite1924
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Black and white, western Maryland College, Westminster Md. Page 3, I T.he ~'liS8e~.Rice and ?liBS Pll~lin.e Prier. FOR ('OI.I.t:Qt: ('11'\'1111'.1\11, EATS -rne Black ant.1wuue expresses the whole enlel'la:fol ed ~l a most e~JOY(tble.(!In,ller party I iI'~lleg('j'S regret for I-Inl1 Duncan's Ieuvtng. ~~a~i'oCl;\.~~S~~;e~ll~,gn:r~~n:X;'~leS~mi :~elf:~l~: iru,ncan has served his college on the a,lh-I Iul repast or lrled chicken, \lttrylaull his- l l~'\L~'lr~t~'G~I:~kl~3 t~Vh~~J\t,?I'':v~lndtlleag~~~ ontts, plcktos, rruu salad, cake I'~~~ ~:II~;:~ nIH] other with ~'illl,' ay 1C ft'/tl,1he desclrv(sl~~ ;~~~inl!III\~g:s\;~j~y!,~\,;e~pe~~hfn STOP AT ct thildhood pranks ami adventures. 'I'he Al supper F't'iday. lProf. wcormeau ehaaetl guests were: 1Ilis8e8 Came's, Can away, uoy- II i'r!'silmen with rllrt.y races rrom the er and Bowers r. esa hall. He even llragger! one unfortunate oung man from under a taute. Some nee- The sigh of relief heaved Oll College Ilill I Ie say the sophomores were to blame. Ft-iday at 3:45 P. :VI., broke three wiudow- Pop Shipley's panes in the 2Qtllslol')' of the (;>\~ nn.l A charming sururtse ]larty was given by IoJlectriC hullutng in Batumcre. Exams WCl'C erha ,Bartonl in honor of Adele Owings' lover! li Irthday on Friday evening. Dancing was --. -.- ~)~ed:~i~i~~ll~n~~~~~Sl~~e\~\~.~~'~~~~'n:O~I:~:~: iei~h:e~~~sS~~s~: ~L~l~II~~ol~t~r~~~;~li~~~eti~~~~ J. D. KATZ a'n enjoyable hour. which have passed from onr. !llllist. have caused more worry auu strain than II IH fair and proper to tmpoee upon college A rising young minister of the sophomore students. The annoyanCe or jlreparing foJ' College Shoe Shop was. noticed PUl'lIdiug..the Al.e~. Salul'- an exam for every l)erio(1 in the weeki morn mg. Rumor has It thal hiS room crealell a con(lition of WO\'l'y,ani) an atmo- Quality and Quantity cold. '1'0 remedy thiS conrlitlOn, he sphere of undue anxiely and a nerl'OUS len- a fire in the corridor. sion Whj.c11is riell'imcntnl to pro])!'r slully. ------ ------ Ladies Gents >;\'\1'. Richal'll Gall riel Stone spent la~l 1'he Y. J. C, ,club met Saturday night. 1 \"Nlk-en(l in Oxrord, on the I~astern Shore. After the meeting a Valentine Bodal wall '============ ~.~I~~l~e~~~:,~~(~h~i~~ine~I~:ll~r:~~~~ji::;~i!~olS~ 5c Shoe Shining 5c REXALL ;;)i\~n~;t"l:nlyl·~l~~~e~i~\:~I~·:~r~~:, ~~~--~~-~~~~~ REMEMBRANCES 01' honor. UEEFUL Felt and Leather 21st. BIRTHDAY SALE Banners, Pennants, Pillow Covel'S, Table Runner.:>, Photo Books in Feb. 1st to 16th. WOOdTOW Wilson, one or the lruly Your College Colors. great, one of the lruly famous men in .. IT lithO history of the world, is dead. r.l,', SHANNAHAN W. M. C. TRICE Dunng thIS sale we 0 er unusua Wilson is l)(lI'ticularly close to the cul- lege worlll because he servell il as a bargains on many high quality, ab- ~r~~~~ltloncIT~i~er~i~~. a~hi:r!~lr:~~~O~~ JOHN says: ~er~~~:' js~~n:dl~~e ~~ni~l~s~raS~I~~g:~e~ea:l~;\ If you want to see the parade solutely guaranteed products. Lincoln as meo who have rcachell sulJ- Come to John's fh'st and get a Pom- ade. lime Wehler and King, Druggists _things heights and aecomplishe(] gl'<.'at go~oeuigf~j;~~~sd ~~dag~~e~sKr:~~~~~ in the ~ervlce or their fellow-men --_._._-- If you step out with wine so true, The Tea Room AnE ,\'r'iIl.E'rES SUPt;HTOIt Come to John's first and get a Sham- DorC1l8, ll.~'Zra~~~:\~~~~~:~l};~~Havfo;~ur cut in the style of hair Roy :II. jl!!j',(:hology at Hopkins,. revealed In recenL the day, THE COLLEGE'S CONVENIENT ;~~t~ra!;a~n(fl~::~~ne~!S~:I~.{'n ~n::~tJ;:~~~~:And step into John'::;; he does it th:tt PLACE TO EAT FurthEr 'tests of lhose same athletes late:' I way. in the year, after .they halt worked hanl ~_~~~~~~~~_~ Keep YOlll' "Pressing" Engagements :~l~~Oe~g~i~~len:~~~~:;~te~~at~I~~'tl~!Os~el~~ri~~i~~ sunscnll"L'IO~ HI.'\~K Work called fol' and delivered. IJa~e~~I~~:~1S~I~\Smay help to prove to uu- ~,~:.~I.__~:I.l e.:.~~.ponanll n~~il) BURKrNS & HUDGINS thorilies in ·variOus colleges lhat Ol!lletic~ Agents for ::~'~v~e~~II~~~,lta~~~t~!~I~e~:at'\,~ve~~(> a~o\~ I ~~;~::l':n~{~~;l\~~'(\ College, U. W. MrLLER, living in the PR8SEN'I' and that lhe sturl,ent ,Vestmlnsler, 1!\'1(1. Cleaner & Presser IHe Dr thin}' yenl's ago, llevohl of athletiCS, I ' Wnclosed find '100 . [0' suhscription to Blnck will not me~t I~RElSF.oN'1' neells. . I . h' ~ rsmlt s nOIlA 'I'JUNKS ____ RUCK AXn WIll1'E amI White for remainder of school year. Coppe In a letter to lhe Black anrl White Stnff, I N,m, . "OR ASsrSTANCE. STAFF the editor of the Aloha expreSSIlS hiS sin- Street.. , , cere thanks for its valuable ussl~tance to TAXr SERVICE the efforts of his Staff. The Blaclt and White Clly .... . ..... State . is soliclly \lehind any llnrlerlaking which iSI (or the ullvoncemC'nt !lnll uplifting of Ihp Single copies !i cenls. At All Hours college,
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