Page 77 - YB1965
P. 77
WILLIAM DAWSON COWDEN ECONOMICS j.v. Basketball Team 1,2; Intramural Sports 2,3,4; Alpha Gamma Tau. "Bill" ... Girl in Hagerstown: weekly trip ... Prejudice Loves parties ... "Have to study" ... Thrifty Scotch- . Quiet guy.. Learned much from lW.B. and E.G.D .... Let's discuss religion ... Ping pong ... Will follow example of Stan after graduation ... '58 Chevy . 199 Pennsylvania Avenue '61·'62 ... "Anyone need help in Econ?" ... One of Baile's beys and occupant of the hot corner in the spring ... Cowbell. JOANNE LYNNE CRAWFORD MUSiC-EDUCATION Delta Omicron 2,3,4 (Warden 2, Secretary-Treasurer 3, Treasurer 4); SNEA 3,4; Women's Glee Club 1,2,3,4 (Pres- ident 3,4); Choir 1,2,3,4 (President 4); Little Symphony 2; French Club 1; Octet 2,3,4 (Director 3,4); MSM 1; Junior Follies; ALOHA; Delta Sigma Kappa. Member of the 135·527251 Club ... "My name is NOT Caroler!" "Oh, I'm having a contact attact!" ... "But Prof-" "Line up" ... Should have roomed in Levine ... Partial to Gamma Beta Chi "Help, I can't see!" .. Extra meat goes to the Dean Soprano and/or alto? . "Didn't know I was so talented, did ya?" The Stomper . Cool Dool. WALTER CALVIN CROUSE CHEMISTRY.MATHEMATICS Young Democrats 1,2,3,4 (President 4); Argonauts 3,4; College Band 1,2,3,4; Intramural Sports 2,3,4; IRC 4; Pi Alpha Alpha. "Walt" Study 24 hours a day ... Home is third floor Lewis "Townie" ... Black and White all the way ... Drives a Ford ... Always rounding up the flock for Sunday School . . . Leader of the WMC Democrats . . . Collects scalps ... Gives free haircuts ... Designed the new band uniform .. Year 'round student. . "Sleep? What is sleep?" ... "Sam's paying the bill" ... Going on strike for a 50-hour day. "Well, Dupont, what is your offer?" 73
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