Page 79 - YB1965
P. 79
MARA ELIZABETH DILSON ART-EDUCATION ALOHA (Assistant photography editor 4); Trumpeter; SGA 1,2,4; Dorm President 4; Cheerleaders 1,2,3,4 (Captain 4); Sigma Sigma Tau 2,3,4; Artists Anonymous 1,2,3 (Presi- dent 3); FAC; Junior Follies; May Court 1; Women's Coun- cill,2,4; Class Officer (SGA representative 1,2). "Dilman" _ Diz . Hi! ... Candy major ... He's won- derful! __ . Food? Don't mind if I do! .. _ LaVeta lover ... Swinging Wing Win-non, Western Maryland. . Hey, I have a joke Sunporch 1,2,3,4 .. _ "Let's see" . Phantom five _ .. McDaniel's Great Leader. ROBERT JACOB DINGER PHYSrcs.l'v1ATHEMATICS Pi Alpha Alpha (Social chairman 3, Vice-president 4); In- tramural Sports 2,3,4; GOLD BUG 1,3,4; FAC; College Band 1,2,3,4; CONTRAST 2; Junior FolJies; Young Demo- crats 4_ "Ding" ... Avid jazz fan ... Detests rock 'n' roll ... Had five roommates in 4 years, from short, tubby Greek to 6' 6" giant ... Roomed with ugly man .. Diopolated by physics into an ismotized lubricity ... Spent most of senior year in physics lab and Blanche Ward . . . Biggest mistake was taking qual. CAROLYN ELEANOR DOWELL ENCUSH-SOCIOLOGY Delta Sigma Kappa (Treasurer 3,4); GOLD BUG (Co-copy editor 2,3,4); ALOHA (Copy editor); Girls' Intramurals 1,2; UCCF 1; Junior Follies; French Club 1; Girls' Rifle Club 4. "Carolyn" ... "It's pronounced Cawlvert County, and it is r:gt::m~~:~e~ ·a~::~"s~l.e~Sne\~:::s~~~:;~I .: ,,;;:p:~s:; going to teach" ... Secretary to the secretary of the Presi- dent ... Roomed with a skunk for' two years ... 9 o'clock is exercise time. "Who is the real boss around here?" 75
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