Page 82 - YB1965
P. 82
GEORGE RICHARD FEARY ECONOMICS IFe 3 (Vice-president )3; Delta Pi Alpha. "Dick" .. Loves marriage, wife, baby, and- .. Vetville Valley promoter of "extra-curricular" activities ... Never drinks ... Economics is a "dry" science? ... Lost Dean in New York City "Who said, 'Sociology is the enemy of intelligence?'" One time Prof ... Transfer from Nor- wich University. CAROLE WINKLER FEY MUSIC-EDUCATION Delta Omicron 2,3,4 (Vice-president 3, President 4); Choir 2,3,4; Women's Glee Club 1,2,3,4 (Vice-president 3,4); Oc- tet 3,4; Junior Follies; UCCF 1,2,3,4 (President 3,4); Re- ligious Life Council 3; SeA 2,3; French Club 1; SNEA 3,4; Delta Sigma Kappa. "Fee". "My name is not Joanne!" "Now when is my next rehearsal?" ... Fuse-blower "Need an accompan- ist?" ... New interest in Drexel-and not my brother either! ... "Vh, oh, contact attack coming_ on!" Off to WMC's con- I servatory. . John-my professional page-turner ... Prac- "All right, which one of you put coat han- tical joker. gers in this piano?" SHARON ANN FISCHER MATHEMATICs-EDUCATION Argonauts; Class Officer (Treasurer 1,2); Girls' Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Hockey Team 2,3,4; Junior Follies; LSA 1,2,3 (President 3,4); SCRC 1,2 (President 2); Terror 2; SNEA 1,4; GOLD BVG 1; Religious Life Council 2,3; Phi Alpha Mu (Treasurer 3,4). "Sherry" Charlie .. , Doesn't dance too much ... "Huh?" "No, I am not majoring in physical education" ... "Hey, Ands ... " , .. No, we are not geUing married in June. . Roomed with two Smiths , .. Gamma Beta Chi "But, Charlie, what's the matter with the 1,2,3,4 ... Once in the library after hours ... Superim- way I walk?" posed Dr. Spicer's curves to hers. 78
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