Page 76 - YB1965
P. 76
"Home Sweet Home." GARY ALLEN COLANGELO BIOLOGY Gamma Beta Chi; College Choir 3,4; Men's Glee Club 3,4; SNEA 4; Beta Beta Beta 3,4 (Vice-president 4); Junior FoI· lies. Transfer from the University of Maryland ... Thought WMC was a quiet sort of school ... Claims his address is Lewis Hall ... Has a dislike for education courses ... Thinks he can sing ... "Is everything squared away?" MARY ELLEN COLEMAN MATHEMATICS·EDUCATiON Sigma Sigma Tau (Secretary 4); SCA 1,2,3,4; SOS 2,3,4; Project Puerto Rico; FAC; WAA 2,3,4 (Secretary 4); French Club 1,2; SNEA 1,3,4 (Secretary 4); Women's Glee Club 2; MSM 1; ALOHA (Assistant layout editor); Junior Follies; Pep Club 3; Girls' Intramural! 1,2,3,4; Hockey Team 1,2,3,4; Beta Beta Beta 2,3,4. "Mary Ellen" ... The OTHER "M.E." ... "Pass the SALT, please". . DUKE ... Denny. "Yes, It's for my scrap book" ... Has sister-sister ... A truck driver In 6 weeks?? ... Ensenada, P.R .... "Wake me in 5 minutes" ... "Me? Miss a meal??" LINDA MARIE CORROUM HISTORy.EDUCATION Delta Sigma Kappa; Glee Club 1; SNEA 4; IRC 4; ISC 3; Hockey Team 3. "Linda" ... Native of Finksburg ... "My horse is a [uve- nile delinquent!" ... I'll always be Miss Cor- ROOM to Dr. Whitfield ... Minor expert of the Battle of Gettysburg . So long "Matilda"-you were a trusty vehicle ... My dogs are friendly types-large friendly types) ... Snow-time is fun-time for dayhops on the Hill "I just have to learn to ski" . Almost a French major Visual aids file is my Waterloo ... Fell into the "hands of the Law" one snowy "Trials and tribulations of a dayhop!" day outside the A&P. 72
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