Page 74 - YB1965
P. 74
DONALD HARRY BUHRMAN BtoLOGy-EOUCATION Gamma Beta Chi; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4; ALOHA. "Don" ... Don and Iahn make two Tennis with Ron and Shawn ... Just loves those bio labs Enjoys locking he and wifey out of housey ... Hours spent preparing to study ... "Is that right" ... Has a need for a status symbol -scenic Vetville ... "Well, how about that" . _ . Likes real folk music-Could it be hillbilly? . _ Compulsive car washer ... Are you serious?" JAHN CLAIRE WALTER BUHRMAN MATHEMATICs·EDUCATION Sigma Sigma Tau; SNEA 4; Junior Follies; ALOHA. "[ahn" ... Transfer from Hood .. Could be found clean- ill~ house seven days a week ... Summer blonde . "That's true, too" ... Christmas shopping in July ... "Not fifteen pair of socks!". . Painted the shower Chinese red ... Known for making a different dessert for every meal Always talks with her hands. "Honey. see what T want lor graduation! !" KATHERINE URSULA BURKHARD CHEMISTRY Delta Sigma Kappa (Co-social chairman 3); Argonauts; Junior Follies. "Kacy" ... Math major turned chem major. . "What! No lab today!" ... The Delt's Mrs. Santa Claus ... Togas wholesale. . Grace personified? ... "Do you see a pink "Bennye, please pass the methylethyIiso· Pontiac out there?" ... Puppets on a Christmas door. propylbutyradehyde." "Dick's coming tonight!" ... Three minus one in a triple. 70
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