Page 72 - YB1965
P. 72
"I thought I'd try butterscotch on it this time." VIVIAN ELLSWORTH BITTNER ENCLISH-EDUCATION GOLD BUG 1,2 (Typing editor 2); Artists Anonymous 1,2; SOS 2,3,4; SNEA 3,4; Dorm Council 3,4 (Treasurer 4); FAC; Junior Follies; Delta Sigma Kappa (President 4). "Viv" ... Oblivion ... "'Even so,' returned the stranger, nothing daunted by this cold reception (sic)" ... The breadtray bruises .. "Circus? What circus?" ... Four-year roommate plan ... The Rites .. Fuzzy blue robe .. "If there's anything we need, it's another set of Hardy Boys!" ... The night (kite) flights. Donut pusher ... "Veepair." THOMAS RICHARD BLOOM .. for one brief shining mcmant." CHEMISTRY Gamma Beta Chi; College Band 1,2; Choir 2,3,4; College Players 2,3,4; Junior Follies; FAC (Co-Chairman); Intra- mural Sports 1,2,3,4. "Tom" ... 'Round midnight often in Alumni Hall ... The Mouse that snored-thru Chemistry ... Peaches and coffee at three A.M .... "Let's hit those last few 'Bars' again, Jeff" . A true-purple brother of Gamma Beta Chi . . . Your room tonight, Carol.. Trenton? .. Terrorable Terror. Creditable composer ... Apply quantum theory to the 12 tone scale, and man, you're miles ahead. I.1~1..t.....i,ยท.'.~.,."...','.~' ~. - I, \~ -~, " PAMELA BOBBETT ") PSYCHOLOGY Dorm Council 4 (Fire Warden 4); GOLD BUG I; CON- I 1; 50S Junior 1; WAA 2,3,4; Bas- TRAST Team 1,2,3,4; Kappa Intramurals Follies; FAC; Hockey 1 Girls' 1,2,3,4; kethall (Jc --J dent 4). he it from me" ... Scama's gang Four year senior. let it (SGA representative 3, Presi- Team 1; Delta Sigma "Pam" . Hell on green wheels. ... "Far "Never ... be said" ... "Prevert" "Oh, what let ... 2 from RW. Blanche ... mountains!" Banned Homesteader Ward's D.P .... answer The old silver gob- A ... to Freud "!f you dO,?'tquit this drinking at cigarette, a jug of wine and my trusty guitar ... "Son of a night ... gun" ... "Yeah Boss!" 68
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