Page 80 - YB1965
P. 80
DEB BRA CAROL DUDLEY BIOLOCY Phi Alpha Mu (Social chairman 2, SGA Representative 3); Argonauts; Beta Beta Beta 1,2,3,4; GOLD BUG 1,2; FAC; Student Life Council (Secretary 3,4); Cheerleading 1,2,3,4; Junior Follies. "Debbie" Dudley Doo-right ... Red and blue make purple Wink much? .. I'm never late-just tardy! ... Ten years of cheering and one pair of saddle shoes. Grades aren't everything-Tom is ... McDaniel House crew ... Pinned and pinned and pinned. . Marty lasted two years ... Dubby. EDWIN LEE EARP "But Dr. Summers, it just keeps ringing!" SOCIOLOGY Gamma Beta Chi; Junior Follies; Intramural Sports 2,3,4; Choir 1,2,3,4; College Band 1,2; Little Symphony 1,2. ~~~:~d'wit~:K:i~h~.~r.ilb::;,nH~n!~~~u~~r;ear'H'ad to take off fraternity jacket before entering class ... Philo. sophical aviator and tractor driver ... Had keys to every- thing but knowledge ... Journeyed home before snow storms ... Last of the concerned. JOHN KENNY ELSEROAD, JR. FRENCH-EDUCATION Delta Pi Alpha; Orchestra 1,2; Intramural Sports 2,3. "John" ... Happily married ... Has good-looking wife ... Speaks French ... Accomplished saxophonist and clarinetist ... Works night club and dance gigs ... U.S. Army Vet. Going to graduate school ... Sports enthusiast ... Lives in "the Village" ... Toured Europe with Army Dance Band "1 wonder if Getz speaks French." ... Completed college studies in 3 years. 76
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