Page 73 - YB1965
P. 73
"Now David, where can I fit you into my schedule?" CAROL DIANNE BRIGGS ECONOMICS.MATHEMATICs-EDUCATlON SGA 3,4 (Secretary 3, Vice-president 4); Honor Court 2,3,4; Student Life Council 3,4; SeRe 1,2; COLD BUG 1,2,3,4 (Co-news editor 2, Feature editor 3); ALOHA 3,4 (Literary editor 4); Junior Follies; College Players 3,4; Argonauts; Pi Cammi Mu 4; Trumpeter; Women's Council 3,4; Phi Alpha Mu. "Dianne" ... One of the Phantom Five. _ . Smile if you think you're Cool .. But basketball really is my favorite sport .. Freshman p-h-i-n-q-u-e of green sneaker fame. Take it to the Ouija Board .. _ I happen to like the SCA. JAMES MAURICE BROWNING POLITICAL SCIENCE IRe 3,4; Young Democrats 3,4; Pi Alpha Alpha (Sergeant- at-arms 2); ALOHA (Photographer 4); GOLD BUG (Pho- tographer 4) ; Wesleyans 2,3,4. "Maurice" ... Father of Browning's Folly ... Known as Five String Frat Brother ... Often seen using his famous quick draw on a Nikon .. One of Hurt's Boys. SAY NOW!! ... Anything you say, Dr. Whitfield My good. ness, my favorite stock just dropped 20 points I don't care what you say, Dr. Michal, I still like gold He turned "Well Earl, what do you think of this?" those D - N note cards back again! JUDITH ANN BUCKLEY ENGLISH Classics Club 1; Girls' Riffe Team 3,4 (Captain 3,4); Re- ligious Life Council 4; French Club 1,2; Newman Club 1,2,3,4 (Secretary 3, Yice-president 4); Delta Sigma Kappa. ~;:d~':n·u~~s::~~y.b~,r;o~~td ::~~~?'~:.:,,~~,o~~h~~g~,o~e. ~ Very disorganized-in an organized way ... "Can I bor- row ... ?" ... Laughed at freshman Bie-then almost flunked it sophomore year ... "Well actually I really have nothing against the Language Department" ... A major in English is marvelous as long as you don't wait until your junior year to take it on. "Trump!" 69
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