Page 78 - YB1965
P. 78
"See, Mr. Jones, it does bend!" EDWARD GEORGE DANIELS PSYCHOLOGY Football Team 1,2; Wrestling Team 1; Track Team 1,2,3,4; Intramural Sports 3,4; MSM 1,2,3,4; SCA 1,2,3,4; Wes. leyans 1,2,3,4; Alpha Gamma Tau (Chaplain 3). "Ed" Why worry! .. Humbility ... From Methodist preacher to J udeo-Christian Psychologist . . . "Why pole vault? Well, I've got to get to Heaven somehow!. . Love Freshmen and one Sophomore Dr. Miller's organizer ... Custodian, idiot, not janitor! Fiberglass Daniels? ... Freud, Adler, Frankel, and Daniels ... Majoring in Cus- todial Engineering. MARTHA ANN TAYLOR DAY ENGLISH·EoUCATION College Players 3,4; MSM 1,3,4; SCA 1,3,4; SNEA 4; FAC; IRC 1; Argonauts; Junior Foilies ; French Club 1; Women's Glee Club 1; Delta Sigma Kappa (Chaplain 4). "Marty" .. Two roommates in senior year ... Dean's daughter . . . Engaged to a Black and White, married a preacher ... Honeymoon cottage ... "Hey, Riggin!" ... Five year college plan ... "Talk? jI,'Ie?" ... Daydreams in Progress ... What happened to the Preacher statue? . "Are you kidding me? ... "Grum, grum" ... "Study? What's that?". "Never could write properly!" LAWRENCE MONETTE DENTON POLITICAL SCIENCE IFC 3,4 (Treasurer 4); SGA; Intramural Sports 2,3,4; Alpha Gamma Tau. "Larry" ... Weekend Warrior ... "Crisco" . All Florida '63 at Dentona Beach! ... "Crash" ... Dietary Control Ex- pert ... Ye Old Arthouse-Censored! ... Fraternity Con. vention with Dean in New York City? . "Tiger in my "Yes, 'web,' it's called Lacrosse-just room, but he only purrs." ... Triple Moon ... Ruler of the dreaming!" Champs! 74
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