Page 81 - YB1965
P. 81
"Hid-Excuse me, I can't drink _. MARGORIE LOUISE ENGEL SOCIOLOGy-ENGLISH-EDUCATION Canterbury 1,2,3,4; GOLD BUG 1; WAA 1; Girls' Intra- murals 1; CONTRAST 1,2; Phi Alpha Mu (Chaplain 4); SeA 1,2,3,4; Religious Life Council 3,4; Junior Follies; SNEA 1,4; 50S 4; ALOHA (Layout editor 4), "Marge" . _ Sociology major, English, Education and Grille minors .. _ "Sure, 111 help" ... I live in Ocean City. Dr. Engel sophomore year ... "Rainbow is NOT the same as Job's Daughters ... Lives in Guest room at McDaniel House ... Miscoordination ... ENGAGED in Naval strategy. Where there's a Will there's a way ... Four year Phi Alph with a Sigma car ... "It's a long story, but, three years ago Kitten. HERMAN JOHN ESSER SOCIOLOGY Pi Gamma Mu 4; Argonauts. John ... "Everybody else is doing it ... so what?" Enjoyed rolling little green rocks with Genie ... Slept and studied on swingshift in the cage ... I'm so happy. "Hasso Mota oh! Who bus!" ... The flying Dutchman. Painted and managed a local art gallery ... "'What? Me study?" ... Did not care to be in the mainstream ... En- joyed the true ethnic environment of the Homestead. "Buddha never had it so good." BRUCE CLARK FAULKNER SOCIOLOGY Pi Gamma Mu 3,4; Intramural Sports 2,3; Gamma Beta Chi (Vice-president 4). Bruce Avant Garde III FAC (Friday Afternoon Club) F.O.T:T .... Joiner "The Chin" . "That reminds me of when I was in Germany" School spirit "Look Girl .. " ... Power behind the throne "The gOY' emment MUST· support disabled veterans!" Art House graduate ... "What do you mean, too old to be in college?" ... Mopman. "Organized procras!illation!" 77
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