Page 106 - YB1953
P. 106
Sealed: R. Cllhlllnoit!l", A. Collins. N. Hughes. E. Parson, ill. illullsQIl. SlImrli"K: K. Nflwa~k. .I. Pyrll(', Dr. Craj". H. Lealhcr. E. Zips. B. Wurnel·. NOI picillred: C. Wuruer. THE STUDENT CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION The Student Christian Association strives for with the annual sunset vesper service ou the a unified religious program. Every member "Hill" for the freshmen. They continued through- accepts as his 011'11 purpose the need to grow in out the year with weekly worship services. the experience and knowledge of the Christian Programs dealing with practical and philo- faith by developing more mature and enriching sophical religious problems, originated under the personal relationships and by seeking 10 interpret direction of the Personal and Campus Affairs and to apply the principles of Christianity to his Conunission. These included several speakers own campus life. In fulfillment of this purpose and the sponsoring of n vocational clinic. 111 the the program, planned and executed by the field of social activity, the commission started the students with the help of their advisor, Dr. Crain, year with fun and fellowship by sponsoring a and the S.C.A. cabinet under the leadership of variety of Sunday night Firesides and the annual Nell Hughes, its president, is designed to give Ship Wreck Dance. students the opportunity to worship, study, and The World Student Service Fund Cumpaig-n work together. combined service with recreation in the Fucuhy The association is the coordinator of all vs. Student basketball game and the \V.S.S.F. religious groups on campus. These groups con bazaar. tribute to the various weekly programs by intro- Service found expression through the Commis- ducing speakers, showing religious films, and siou on Social Responsibility. Many persons conducting panel discussions. devoted time to the Westminster Negro Nurser), Other services were rendered by the couunis- School. The S.C.A. bulletin board provided news sions under the direction of the chairman. The of current happenings. The highlight of the year Christian Heritage Commission opened the year was the Religious Emphasis Week. lOG
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