Page 109 - YB1953
P. 109
WESlEYANS The Weslcyaus arc all active group of college men who plan to enter the pastorate or those interested ill some field of lull.rime Protestant work. The membership of this group numbers approximately twenty-five. As has been the custom for the past year, the meetings have been ~:~::ill::'~[~Y other Friday Ht the Westminster The Wesleyalls have parficipnted ill activities with the Wes]eyanettes. This has added [0 the fun and fellowship of the group, especially at our Christmas party HI the home of theWelIi,'crs. The We~leynns also worked cooperatively with the Weeleyancues on the Homecoming- project Meetings were presided over by the President, H, John~()", H. L,'a!hpt'. I), Btlkorll. Harold Johnson; with Richard Brenneman, Vice- FirSI row' E. Schubert, C. \V\H'alt,~y, P. Posey. Tftird Second rOw: row; President; and Ellsworth Schaben, Secretary- K. Ruehl, H. Ernst. H. S!P,·i"Hln. B. Price. FOl(rlft row: Treasurer. F. Parkin, u Stunron. W. Hun·"y. 1'. Gulvin. WESLEYAN ETTES As an inter-denominational group of college discussions pertaining to Christianity in action. women interested in a life of Christian ~ervice, Nol only did the \Vesleyuneltes [oin with the the Weeleyanettes met for worship, service and \VcsJeyulIs for the annual Christmas party, but fellowship in the home of Mrs. Welliver. wife also to attend a nommuuion service at the Negro of the president. of the Westminster Theological Melhodist Church and to hear Hev. Hodgson. Seminary. This capable advisor and f'riend has Service projects included raising money for 11 worked closelv with the group and their orricers: student scholarship and aiding a school on the Karin Nowack, President; Rosalie nno, Vice- Willnebllgo lndinu Reservation in \Visconsin. Prcsident ; ?vlary Jane Munson, Secretary; and Begun with the traduiounl caudle-ligluiug Priscilla Ernst, Treasurer. service, the yenr closed with a banquet m1(1 the lluth Cahlander was responsible for thc installation of the officers who will lead thr worship services, while Mildred Echardt led in Wesieyanellcs in the coming year. planning the program of excellent speakers and
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