Page 110 - YB1953
P. 110
SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP The Sunday Fellowship meets ever}' Sunday morning in Baker Chapel and provides nn excel- lent opportunity [or students of 1l!1 denomina- tions La join in discussions concerning their faith and a variety of other subjects pertinent to Christian [ivinl{ ill college. The Sunday Fellowship is greatly indebted to its advisor, Dr. Crain; its president, Beuy Par- sons; and the fest of the Fellowship Cabinet for doing such a fine job of leading the students in Christian activity. Aillong other projects. a month was spent studying the Gospel according 10 St.Mark which proved very beneficial La all. For Homecoming, the group collaborated with the Wesloyuns and on II display which was admired by all. On the recreational side, they held ,I roller-sketiug party during; the winter. The Sunday Fellowship Choir under the direction of BeUy Parsons provided music [or the Sunday morning services on various occa- sions as well as presenting nu entire program [01 the S.C.A. THE CAMERA CLUB The Camcra Club is un organization II'hich aneed Iorpicu.rce. endeavors to stimulate a lively and worthwhile By means of illustrated slide lectures, demon- interest in the field of photography. This year. stratione, and tnlks, the Camera Cluh IHiS under the sponsorship of Lr. Col. Hobert S. studied the hasic principles of picture takinp;. Redfield and the leadership of Mrs. ].1. Essom. developing, and enlarging. Photographic facil· President; William Shoemaker, Vice-Prcsident ; ities were provided by the darkroom in the Lila Rollins, Secretary; and Berlin Springstead, basement of i\'lcKinstry Hall. Treasurer; the club marked lts fifteenth anni This spring, the club members, accompanied versar y. The various members worked for the by their CAmeras, took their annual field trip Gold Bug and the I\LOIIA, whenever there was through some picturesque part of Maryland. L~fl 10 right: ],1. 111"111(;),, W. Shoemaker, C \)"COUI·C)'. )\lr~. Eesom. L. Rollins, LI. Col. Ked· field.
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