Page 104 - YB1953
P. 104
HOME ECONOMICS ClUB The Home Economics Club is a social organ- lion was held in the Home Economics Lab with ization for those who major in the field of Horne Mr. Smouse from Dutterer's Florist Shop as til!' Economics. II attempts to further professional speaker. This proved to be a fascinating meetiua. attitudes, promote better public relations, and The December meeting consisted of an open stimulate interest in a vital, worthwhile and house in the lab, at which time simule and interesting field, inexpensive gifts IlHH]e by the girls were The meeting in the management house in displayed. October openedthe club's actil'ities for the year. The purpose for this year's activities was to At this lime a mixer was held for the freshmen promote interesting, educational and entertain- members of the depnrtmeut. ing programs for the Home Economics mujors In November a Hower-arrungement demonstrn and for all those interested in homernuking. 104.
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